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PUBLICATIONS of the Working Group (212 since 1989)

here we provide a list of publications contributed by members of the working group or with data, originally acquired by the working group. Please check also our list of master theses.

2024 (1)

Haberkern, Julia, Hanebuth T., Spiess V., Schwenk T.  (2024)  Increasing impact of North Atlantic Ocean circulation on sedimentary processes  along the passive Galicia Margin (NW Spain) over the past 40 million  yearsFrontiers in Earth Science

2023 (3)

Wilckens, Henriette, Schwenk T., Lüdmann T., Betzler C., Zhang W., Chen J., Hernández-Molina J., Lefebvre A., Cattaneo A., Spiess V., Kasten S., Miramontes E.  (2023)  Factors controlling the morphology and internal sediment architecture f moats and their associated drifts. Sedimentology

Warnke, F., Schwenk, T., Miramontes, E., Spiess, V., Wenau, S., Bozzano, G., Baqués, M., Kasten, S. (2023) Evolution of complex giant seafloor depressions at the northern Argentine continental margin (SW Atlantic Ocean) under the influence of a dynamic bottom current regime. Frontiers in Earth Science, 11.

Albarbary, Zeinab, Bassiouni, M.E.A.A, Boukhary, M., Spiess, V., El-Barkooky, A.N., Ewida, H.F, (2023) Integrating seismic attributes, post-stack seismic inversion, and static modeling for assessing the Pliocene-Pleistocene hydrocarbon potentialities, Offshore North Sinai Field, Egypt, Journal of African Earth Sciences, 206,

2022 (7)

Xing, Junhui, Spiess V. (2022) Late Miocene-Quaternary Sedimentary Environment Evolution of the Kerch Seep area, Black Sea. Marine Geology

Römer-Stange, NikolasWenau S., Bihler V., Keil H., Ramos C., Spiess V. (2022) Boulder Detection in the Shallow Sub-Seafloor by Diffraction Imaging with Beamforming on Ultra-High Resolution Seismic Data - A Feasibility Study. Earth and Space Science, .

Andresen, Katrine Juul, Hepp D.A., Keil H., Spiess V. (2022) Seismic morphologies of submerged late glacial to early Holocene landscapes at the eastern Dogger Bank, central North Sea Basin – implications for geo-archaeological potential. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 525.

Özmaral, Asli, Abegunrina A., Keil H., Hepp D.A., Schwenk T., Lantzsch H., Mörz T., Spiess V. (2022) The Elbe Palaeovalley: evolution from an ice-marginal valley to a sedimentary trap (SE North Sea) . Quaternary Science Reviews, 282.

Natale, Jacopo, Camanni, G., Ferranti, L., Isaia, R., Sacchi, M., Spiess, V., Steinmann, L., & Vitale, S. (2022). Fault systems in the offshore sector of the Campi Flegrei caldera (southern Italy): Implications for nested caldera structure, resurgent dome, and volcano-tectonic evolution. Journal of Structural Geology, 163, 104723.

Stange, Nikolas, Spiess, V. (2022) Requirements and Boundary Conditions for Near Surface Seismic Inversion. Conference: Second EAGE Conference on Seismic Inversion10.3997/2214-4609.202229012.

Stange, Nikolas, Oguro, A. W., Ramos, C., Spiess, V. (2022) Improving Subsurface Investigations with Acoustic Impedance Inversion: Concept and Example from the German North SeaConference: EAGE GET 202210.3997/2214-4609.202221057

2021 (5)

Natale, Jacopo, Ferranti L., Isaia, R., Marino, C.. Sacchi, M., Spiess, V., Steinmann, L., Vitale, S. (2021) Integrated on‐land‐offshore stratigraphy of the Campi Flegrei caldera: New insights into the volcano‐tectonic evolution in the last 15 kyr. Basin Research, 00, 1-28.

Wenau, Stefan, Spiess V., Zabel M. (2021) Giant Seafloor Depressions caused by Slope Failures and Bottom Currents on the Namibia Continental Margin. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, 22,

Wilckens, Henriette, Miramontes E., Schwenk T., Artana C., Zhang W., Piola A., Baques M., Provost C., Hernández-Molina J., Felgendreher M., Spiess V., Kasten S. (2021) The erosive power of the Malvinas Current: Influence of bottom currents on morpho-sedimentary features along the northern Argentine margin (SW Atlantic Ocean). Marine Geology, 439,

Schulze, Nora (2021) The Sedimentary and Tectonic Evolution of the Nam Co Basin, Tibetan Plateau, since the Middle Pleistocene – A Seismoacoustic Study on Lake Sediments. Dissertation, xx. pp..

Wenau, Stefan, Bihler, V., Preu, B., Stange, N., Keil, H., Spiess, V. (2021) Dedicated Diffraction Imaging for Sub-Seafloor Object Detection. Conference: 2nd Geoscience & Engineering in Energy Transition Conference10.3997/2214-4609.202121076.

2020 (9)

Oguro, Aisgo W., Keil H., Spiess V., Preu B., Herwig V., Wenau S. (2020) Interpolation of CPT Data Supported by 3D Seismic Data for Offshore Soil Characterization. NSG2020 4th Applied Shallow Marine Geophysics Conference 2020, 1-4, (PDF)

Wenau, Stefan, Keil H., Spiess V., Preu B. (2020) Sub-Seafloor Object Detection through Dedicated Diffraction Imaging. NSG2020 4th Applied Shallow Marine Geophysics Conference 2020, 1-4, (PDF)

Steinmann, Lena, Baques M., Wenau S., Schwenk T., Spiess V., Piola AR., Bozzano G., Violante R., Kasten S. (2020) Discovery of a giant cold-water coral mound province along the northern Argentine margin and its link to the regional Contourite Depositional System and oceanographic setting. Marine Geology, 427,

Wenau, Stefan, Preu, B., Spiess, V. (2020) Geological development of the Limpopo Shelf (southern Mozambique) during the last sealevel cycle. Geo-Mar Lett 40, 363–377,

Reilly Brendan T., Bergmann F., Weber ME., Stoner JS, Selkin P., Meynadier L., Schwenk T., Spiess V., France-Lanord C. (2020) Middle to late Pleistocene evolution of the Bengal Fan: Integrating core and seismic observations for chronostratigraphic modeling of the IODP Expedition 354 8 north transect. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 21,

Tóth, Zsuzsanna, McCarron S., Wheeler AJ., Wenau S., Davis S., Lim A., Spiess V. (2020) Geomorphological and seismostratigraphic evidence for multidirectional polyphase glaciation of the northern Celtic Sea. Journal of Quaternary Science 35, 465-478,

Sacchi, Marco, Marco, Passaro S., Molisso F., Matano F., Steinmann L., Spiess V., Pepe F., Corradino M., Caccavale M., Tamburrino S., Esposito G., Vallefuoco M., Ventura G. (2020) The holocene marine record of unrest, volcanism, and hydrothermal activity of Campi Flegrei and Somma–Vesuvius. Vesuvius, Campi Flegrei, and Campanian Volcanism, 435-469,

Bozzano, Graziella, Cerredo ME., Remesal M., Steinmann L., Hanebuth T., Schwenk T., Baqués M., Hebbeln D., Spoltore D., Silvestri O., Acevedo RD., Spiess V., Violante RA., Kasten S. (2020) Dropstones in the Mar del Plata Canyon Area (SW Atlantic): Evidence for Provenance, Transport, Distribution, and Oceanographic Implications. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 22,

Wenau, Stefan, Alves T. (2020) Salt-induced crestal faults control the formation of Quaternary tunnel valleys in the southern North Sea. Boreas.

2019 (10)

Bergmann, Fenna, Schwenk T., Spiess V., France-Lanord C. (2019) Middle to late Pleistocene architecture and stratigraphy of the lower Bengal Fan — integrating multichannel seismic data and IODP Expedition 354 results. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 21,

Sacchi, Marco, De Natale G., Spiess V., Steinmann L., Acocella V., Corradino M., de Silva S., Fedele A., Geshi N., Kilburn C., Insinga D., Jurado MJ., Molisso F., Petrosino P., Passaro S., Pepe F., Porfido S., Scarpati C., Schmincke HU., Somma R., Sumita M., Tamburrino S., Troise C., Vallefuoco M., Ventura G. (2019) A roadmap for amphibious drilling at the Campi Flegrei caldera: Insights from a MagellanPlus workshop. Scientific Drilling 26, 29-46,

Ercilla, Gemma, Schwenk T., Bozzano G., Spiess  V., Violante R., Estrada F., Ianniccheri F., Spoltore D., Alonso B. (2019) Cenozoic sedimentary history of the northern Argentine continental slope, off Bahia Blanca, the location of the Ewing Terrace: Palaeogeodynamic and palaeoceanographic implications. Marine Geology 417,

Haberzettl, Torsten, Daut G., Schulze N., Spiess V., Wang J., Zhu L. and the 2018 Nam Co workshop party (2019) ICDP workshop on scientific drilling of Nam Co on the Tibetan Plateau: 1 million years of paleoenvironmental history, geomicrobiology, tectonics and paleomagnetism derived from sediments of a high altitude lake. Scientific Drilling 25, 63-70,

Pickering, Jennifer L., Diamond MS., Goodbred SL., Grall C., Martin JM, Palamenghi L., Paola C., Schwenk T., Sincavage RS., Spiess V. (2019) Impact of glacial-lake paleofloods on valley development since glacial termination II: A conundrum of hydrology and scale for the lowstand Brahmaputra-Jamuna paleovalley system. GSA Bulletin 131 (1-2), 58-70,, (PDF).

Urlaub, Morelia, Krastel, S., Schwenk, T. (2019) Submarine landslides in an upwelling system: Climatically controlled preconditioning of the cap blanc slide complex (offshore NW Africa), Geophysical Monograph Series, 246, 299-311,

Warratz, Grit, Schwenk, T., Voigt, I., Bozzano, G., Henrich, R., Violante, R., and Lantzsch, H. (2019) Interaction of a deep-sea current with a blind submarine canyon (Mar del Plata Canyon, Argentina): Marine Geology, 417, (PDF)

Petrovic, Alex, Lantzsch, H., Schwenk, T., Marquardt, J., Titschack, J., and Hanebuth, T. J. J. (2019) Post-LGM upward shift of the Mediterranean Outflow Water recorded in a contourite drift off NW Spain: Marine Geology, 407, 334-349, (PDF)

Krastel, Sebastian, Li, W., Urlaub, M., Georgiopoulou, A., Wynn, R. B., Schwenk, T., Stevenson, C., and Feldens, P. (2019) Mass wasting along the NW African continental margin: Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 477, 151-167,

Tamborrino, Leonardo , Wienberg, C., Titschack, J., Wintersteller, P., Mienis, F., Schröder-Ritzrau, A.,  Freiwald, A., Orejas, C., Dullo, W-C., Haberkern, J., Hebbeln, D. (2019) Mid-Holocene extinction of cold-water corals on the Namibian shelf steered by the Benguela oxygen minimum zone. Geology, 47, 1185–1188,

2018 (12+8)

Roesner, Alexander, Wiemer G., Kreiter S., Wenau S., Wu TW., Courboulex F., Spiess V., Kopf A. (2018) Impact of seismicity on Nice slope stability—Ligurian Basin, SE France: a geotechnical revisit. Landslides 16 (1), 23-35,

Wenau, Stefan, Spiess V., Keil H., Fei T. (2018) Localization and characterization of a gas bubble stream at a Congo deep water seep site using a 3D gridding approach on single-beam echosounder data. Marine and Petroleum Geology 97, 612-623, (PDF)

Grall, Celine, Steckler MS., Pickering JL., Goodbred S., Sincavage R., Paola C., Akhter SH., Spiess, V. (2018) A base-level stratigraphic approach to determining Holocene subsidence of the Ganges–Meghna–Brahmaputra Delta plain. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 499, 23-36,

Wenau, Stefan, Stange N., Keil H., Ramos C., Spiess V. (2018) A Seismic Beamforming Approach for the Detection Of Boulders in the Shallow Sub-Seafloor. 3rd Applied Shallow Marine Geophysics Conference 2018 (1), 1-5, (PDF)

Wenau, Stefan, Spiess V. (2018) Active Seafloor Seepage Along Hydraulic Fractures Connected to Lateral Stress From Salt-Related Rafting: Regab Pockmark, Congo Fan. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 123 (5), 3301-3319,

Dorschel, Boris, Jensen L., Arndt JE., Brummer GJ., De Haas H., Fielies A., Franke D., Jokat W., Krocker R., Kroon D., Pätzold J., Schneider RR., Spiess V., Stollhofen H., Uenzelmann-Neben G., Watkeys M., Wiles E. (2018) The Southwest Indian Ocean Bathymetric Compilation (swIOBC). Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 19 (3), 968-976,

Steinmann, Lena, Spiess V., Sacchi M. (2018) Post-collapse evolution of a coastal caldera system: Insights from a 3D multichannel seismic survey from the Campi Flegrei caldera (Italy). Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 349, 83-98, (PDF)

Portilho-Ramos, R. C., Cruz APS., Barbosa CF., Rathburn AE., Mulitza S., Venancio IM., Schwenk T., Ruhlemann C., Vidal L., Chiessi CM., Silveira CS. (2018) Methane release from the southern Brazilian margin during the last glacial: Scientific Reports, v. 8,

Urlaub Morelia, Geersen J., Krastel S., Schwenk T. (2018) Diatom ooze: Crucial for the generation of submarine mega-slides? Geology, 46, 4, 331-334, (PDF)

Leng, Wei, Dobeneck TV., Bergmann F., Just J., Mulitza S., Chiessi CM., St-Onge G., Piper DJW. (2018) Sedimentary and rock magnetic signatures and event scenarios of deglacial outburst floods from the Laurentian Channel Ice Stream. Quat. Sci. Rev., 186, 27-46. (PDF)

Bergmann, Fenna (2018) The Bengal Fan on different temporal and spatial scales. Integrating seismoacoustic and IODP Expedition 354 data to examine internal and external controls on depositional processes. Dissertation, xx. pp..

Kudrass, H.R., Machalett, B., Palamenghi, L., Meyer, I., Zhang, W. (2018) Sediment transport by tropical cyclones recorded in a submarine canyon off Bangladesh. Geo-Mar Lett, 38, 481–496.

France-Lanord, Christian, Spiess V., Klaus A., Schwenk T., and the Expedition 354 Scientists (2016) Expedition 354 Summary. Proceedings of the International Ocean Discovery Program Volume 354,

France-Lanord, Christian, Spiess V., Klaus A., Schwenk T., and the Expedition 354 Scientists (2016) Site 1449. Proceedings of the International Ocean Discovery Program Volume 354, 

France-Lanord, Christian, Spiess V., Klaus A., Schwenk T., and the Expedition 354 Scientists (2016) Site 1450. Proceedings of the International Ocean Discovery Program Volume 354, 

France-Lanord, Christian, Spiess V., Klaus A., Schwenk T., and the Expedition 354 Scientists (2016) Site 1451. Proceedings of the International Ocean Discovery Program Volume 354, 

France-Lanord, Christian, Spiess V., Klaus A., Schwenk T., and the Expedition 354 Scientists (2016) Site 1452. Proceedings of the International Ocean Discovery Program Volume 354, 

France-Lanord, Christian, Spiess V., Klaus A., Schwenk T., and the Expedition 354 Scientists (2016) Site 1453. Proceedings of the International Ocean Discovery Program Volume 354, 

France-Lanord, Christian, Spiess V., Klaus A., Schwenk T., and the Expedition 354 Scientists (2016) Site 1454. Proceedings of the International Ocean Discovery Program Volume 354, 

France-Lanord, Christian, Spiess V., Klaus A., Schwenk T., and the Expedition 354 Scientists (2016) Site 1455. Proceedings of the International Ocean Discovery Program Volume 354,

2017 (8)

Oguro, Aisgo W.O., V Spiess V. (2017) Quantitative Interpretation of Shallow Sediments through Seismic Elastic Inversion. 23rd European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics 2017, 1-5, (PDF)

Wenau, Stefan, Spiess V., Pape T., Fekete N. (2017) Controlling mechanisms of giant deep water pockmarks in the Lower Congo Basin. Marine and Petroleum Geology 83, 140-157,

Hein, Chris J., Galy V., Galy A., France-Lanord C., Kudrass H., Schwenk T. (2017) Post-glacial climate forcing of surface processes in the Ganges-Brahmaputra river basin and implications for carbon sequestration. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 478, 89-101,

Lantzsch, Hendrik, Hanebuth, TJJ., Horry J., Grave M., Rebesco M., Schwenk T. (2017) Deglacial to Holocene history of ice-sheet retreat and bottom current strength on the western Barents Sea shelf. Quaternary Science Reviews, 173, 40-57,

Mulitza, Stefan, Chiessi, CM., Schefuss E., Lippold J., Wichmann D., Antz B., Mackensen A., Paul A., Prange M., Rehfeld K., Werner M., Bickert T., Frank N., Kuhnert H., Lynch-Stieglitz J., Portilho-Ramos, RC., Sawakuchi, AO., Schulz M., Schwenk T., Tiedemann R., Vahlenkamp M., Zhang, YC. (2017) Synchronous and proportional deglacial changes in Atlantic meridional overturning and northeast Brazilian precipitation. Paleoceanography, 32 (6) 622-633,

Violante, Crescenzo, Sacchi, M.  Spiess, V.  Steinmann, L. (2017) Seafloor Response to Large Volcanic Activity and Geohazard Implications in Naples Bay, Southern Italy. Offshore Site Investigation Geotechnics 8th International Conference Proceeding, 11, 265-275,

Özmaral, Asli (2017) Climatically controlled sedimentary processes on continental shelves. Dissertation, xx. pp..

Haberkern, Julia (2017) Contouritic depositional systems influenced by complex seafloor topography. Late Cenozoic seismoacoustic reconstructions from the Galicia and Angola Continental Margins. Dissertation, xx. pp..

2016 (5)

Steinmann, Lena, Spiess V., Sacchi M. (2016) The Campi Flegrei caldera (Italy): formation and evolution in interplay with sea-level variations since the Campanian Ignimbrite eruption at 39 ka. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 327, 361-374,

Gehrmann, Romina A.S., Schwalenberg K., Riedel M., Spence GD., Spiess V., Dosso SE. (2016)  Bayesian inversion of marine controlled source electromagnetic data offshore Vancouver Island, Canada. Geophysical Journal International. 204, 21-38,

Flury, Sabine, Roy H., Dale AW., Fossing H., Toth Z., Spiess V., Jensen J.B., Jörgensen B.B (2016)  Controls on subsurface methane fluxes and shallow gas formation in Baltic Sea sediment (Aarhus Bay, Denmark). Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 188, 297-309,

Hernandez-Molina, Javier., Wahlin A., Bruno M., Ercilla G., Llave E., Serra N., Roson G., Puig P., Rebesco M., Van Rooij D., Roque D., Gonzalez-Pola C., Sanchez F., Gomez M., Preu B., Schwenk T., Hanebuth, TJJ., Leal RFS., Garcia-Lafuente J., Brackenridge RE., Juan C., Stow DA.., Sanchez-Gonzalez, JM. (2016) Oceanographic processes and morphosedimentary products along the Iberian margins: A new multidisciplinary approach. Marine Geology, 378, 127-156,

Rebesco, Michele, Özmaral A., Urgeles R., Accettella D., Lucchi RG., Rüther D., Winsborrow M., Llopart J., Caburlotto A., Lantzsch H., Hanebuth TJJ (2016) Evolution of a high-latitude sediment drift inside a glacially-carved trough based on high-resolution seismic stratigraphy (Kveithola, NW Barents Sea). Quaternary Science Reviews, 147, 178-193,

Steinmann, Lena (2016) Reconstruction of volcano-tectonic processes in interplay with sedimentary deposition in the Gulf of Naples (Italy) using a seismoacoustic dataset. Dissertation, xx. pp..

2015 (13)

Toth, Zsuzsanna, Spiess V., Keil H. (2015) Frequency dependence in seismoacoustic imaging of shallow free gas due to gas bubble resonance. Journal of Geophysical Research B: Solid Earth. 120(12), 8056-8072,

Wenau Stefan, Spiess V., Pape T., Fekete N. (2015) Cold seeps at the salt front in the Lower Congo Basin I: Current methane accumulation and active seepage. Marine and Petroleum Geology. 67, 894-908,

Visnovitz Feri, Horvath F., Fekete N., Spiess V. (2015) Strike-slip tectonics in the Pannonian basin based on seismic surveys at Lake Balaton. International Journal of Earth Sciences. 104(8), 2273-2285,

Visnovitz, Feri, Bodnar T., Tóth Z., Spiess V., Kudo I., Timar G., Horvath F. (2015) Seismic expressions of shallow gas in the lacustrine deposits of Lake Balaton, Hungary. Near Surface Geophysics 13 (5), 433-447,

Wenau Stefan, Spiess V., Pape T., Fekete N. (2015) Cold seeps at the salt front in the Lower Congo Basin II: The impact of spatial and temporal evolution of salt-tectonics on hydrocarbon seepage. Marine and Petroleum Geology. 67, 880-893,

Xing Junhui, Spiess V. (2015) Shallow gas transport and reservoirs in the vicinity of deeply rooted mud volcanoes in the central Black Sea. Marine Geology. 369, 67-78,

France-Lanord C., Spiess V., Schwenk T., Klaus A., Adhikari RR., Adhikari SK., Bahk JJ., Baxter AT., Cruz JW., Das SK., Dekens P., Duleba W., Fox LR., Galy A., Galy V., Ge J., Gleason JD., Gyawali BR., Huyghe P., Jia G., Lantzsch H., Manoj MC., Martin YM., Meynadier L., Najman YMR., Nakajima A., Ponton C., Reilly BT., Rogers KG., Savian JF., Selkin PA., Weber ME., Williams T., Yoshida K. (2015) Neogene and late Paleogene record of Himalayan orogeny and climate: A transect across the Middle Bengal Fan. Integrated Ocean Drilling Program: Preliminary Reports. (354), 1-46. (PDF)

Rekant, Pavel, Bauch HA., Schwenk T., Portnov A., Gusev E., Spiess V. (2015) Evolution of subsea permafrost landscapes in Arctic Siberia since the Late Pleistocene: a synoptic insight from acoustic data of the Laptev Sea. arktos 1 (1), 1-15,

Palamenghi, Luisa, Keil H., Spiess V. (2015) Sequence stratigraphic framework of a mixed turbidite-contourite depositional system along the NW slope of the South China Sea. Geo-Marine Letters 35 (1), 69-75,
Gehrmann, Romina, Dettmer J., Schwalenberg K.,  Engels M., Dosso SE., Özmaral, A. (2015) Trans‐dimensional Bayesian inversion of controlled‐source electromagnetic data in the German North Sea. Geophysical Prospecting, 63, 1314 - 1333,
Hanebuth, Till J. J., Zhang, W., Hofmann, A. L., Lowemark, L. A., Schwenk, T. (2015) Oceanic density fronts steering bottom-current induced sedimentation deduced from a 50 ka contourite-drift record and numerical modeling (off NW Spain). Quaternary Science Reviews, 112, 207-225,

Lindhorst, Katja, Krastel, S., Reicherter, K., Stipp, M., Wagner, B., Schwenk, T. (2015) Sedimentary and tectonic evolution of Lake Ohrid (Macedonia/Albania): Basin Research, 27 (1), 84-101,

Ehrhardt, Axel, Hübscher C., (2015), The Northern Red Sea in transition from rifting to drifting – lessons learned from ocean deeps; in: The Red Sea: the formation, morphology, oceanography and environment of a young ocean basin; Editor: Najeeb Rasul and Ian C.F. Stewart, Springer Earth System Sciences, 99-121. DOI 10.1007/978-3-662-45201-1_5

2014 (7)

Toth Zsuzsanna, Spiess V., Mogollon JM., Jensen JB. (2014) Estimating the free gas content in Baltic Sea sediments using compressional wave velocity from marine seismic data. Journal of Geophysical Research B: Solid Earth. 119(12), 8577-8593,

Toth Zsuzsanna, Spiess V., Jensen JB. (2014) Seismo-acoustic signatures of shallow free gas in the Bornholm Basin, Baltic Sea. Continental Shelf Research. 88, 228-239,

Smith Gemma L., McNeill LC., Henstock TJ., Arraiz D., Spiess V. (2014) Fluid generation and distribution in the highest sediment input accretionary margin, the Makran. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 403, 131-143,

Krastel, Sebastian, Lehr J., Winkelmann D., Schwenk T., Preu B., Strasser M., Wynn, RB., Georgiopoulou A., Hanebuth, TJJ. (2014) Mass Wasting Along Atlantic Continental Margins: A Comparison Between NW-Africa and the de la Plata River Region (Northern Argentina and Uruguay). Submarine Mass Movements and Their Consequences: 6th International Symposium, 37, 459-469,

Oberle, Franz K., Hanebuth TJJ., Baasch B., Schwenk T. (2014) Volumetric budget calculation of sediment and carbon storage and export for a late Holocene mid-shelf mudbelt system (NW Iberia). Continental Shelf Research, 76, 12-24,

Lantzsch, Hendrik, Hanebuth TJJ., Chiessi CM., Schwenk T., Violante RA. (2014) The high-supply, current-dominated continental margin of southeastern South America during the late Quaternary. Quaternary Research, 81, 2, 339-354,

Cukur, Deniz, Krastel S., Schmincke HU., Sumita M., Tomonaga, Y., Cagatay MN. (2014) Water level changes in Lake Van, Turkey, during the past ca. 600 ka: climatic, volcanic and tectonic controls. J Paleolimnol., 52, 201–214,

2013 (10)

Fischer, David, Mogollon JM., Strasser M., Pape T., Bohrmann G., Fekete N., Spiess V., Kasten S. (2013) Subduction zone earthquake as potential trigger of submarine hydrocarbon seepage. Nature Geoscience; 6, 647–651,

Schneider von Deimling, Jens, Weinrebe W., Toth Z., Fossing H., Endler HR., Rehder G., Spiess V. (2013) A low frequency multibeam assessment: Spatial mapping of shallow gas by enhanced penetration and angular response anomaly. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 44, 217–222,

Preu, Benedict, Hernandez-Molina FJ., Violante R., Piola AR. Paterlini CM., Schwenk T., Vogt I., Krastel S., Spiess V. (2013) Morphosedimentary and hydrographic features of the northern Argentine margin: The interplay between erosive, depositional and gravitational processes and its conceptual implications. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 75, 157–174,

Balázs A., Visnovitz F., Spiess V., Fekete N., Tóth Z., Hámori Z., Kudó I., Horvath F. (2013) Új szeizmikus mérések a Balatonon: beszámoló a 2011–2012. évi szelvényezésekr? Magyar Geofizika 54 (2), 67-76. (PDF)

lzow Wanda, Rehder G., Schneider v. Deimling J., Seifert T., Toth Zs. (2013) One year of continuous measurements constraining methane emissions from the Baltic Sea to the atmosphere using a ship of opportunity. Biogeosciences, 10, 81-99.

Voigt, Ines, Henrich R., Preu B., Piola AR., Hanebuth TJJ., Schwenk T., Chiessi, CM. (2013) A submarine canyon as a climate archive - Interaction of the Antarctic Intermediate Water with the Mar del Plata Canyon (Southwest Atlantic). Marine Geology, v. 341, p. 46-57,

Wenau, Stefan (2013) Seismic and acoustic imaging of fluid seepage structures in different sedimentological and tectonic settings in the Lower Congo Basin. Dissertation, xx. pp..

Toth, Zuszsanna (2013) Seismo-acoustic investigations of shallow free gas in the sediments of the Baltic Sea. Dissertation, xx. pp..

Xing, Junhui (2013) Seismoacoustic study of the shallow gas transport and reservoirs in the vicinity of seabed fluid seepage of the Black Sea. Dissertation xx. pp..

Cukur, Deniz, Krastel S., Demirel-Schlüter, F., Demirbag E., Imren, C., Niessen, F., Mustafa Toker M., PaleoVan-Working Group (2013) Sedimentary evolution of Lake Van (Eastern Turkey) reconstructed from high-resolution seismic investigations. Int J Earth Sci (Geol Rundsch), 102, 571–585,

2012 (12)

Preu, Benedict, Schwenk T., Hernandez-Molina FJ., Violante R., Paterlini M., Krastel S., Tomasini J. Spiess V. (2012) Sedimentary growth pattern on the northern Argentine slope: the impact of North Atlantic Deep Water on southern hemishpere slope architecture. Marine Geology, 329–331, 113–125,

Römer, Miriam, Sahling H., Pape T., Bohrmann G., Spiess V. (2012) Quantification of gas bubble emissions from submarine hydrocarbon seeps at the Makran continental margin (offshore Pakistan). Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 117, 1-19,

Kasten, Sabine, Nöthen K., Hensen C., Spiess V., Blumenberg M., Schneider RR. (2012) Gas hydrate decomposition recorded by authigenic barite at pockmark sites of the northern Congo Fan. Geo-Marine Letters 32 (5-6), 515-524,

Pierre, Catherine, Blanc-Valleron MM., Demange J., Boudouma O., Foucher JP., Pape T., Himmler T., Fekete N., Spiess V. (2012) Authigenic carbonates from active methane seeps offshore southwest Africa. Geo-Marine Letters 32 (5-6), 501-513,

Henkel, Susann, Schwenk T., Hanebuth TJJ., Strasser M., Riedinger N., Formolo M., Tomasini J., Krastel S., Kasten S. (2012) Pore Water Geochemistry as a Tool for Identifying and Dating Recent Mass-Transport Deposits: Submarine Mass Movements and Their Consequences, v. 31, p. 87-+,

Krastel, Sebastian, Wynn, RB., Georgiopoulou A., Geersen J., Henrich R., Meyer M., Schwenk T. (2012) Large-Scale Mass Wasting on the Northwest African Continental Margin: Some General Implications for Mass Wasting on Passive Continental Margins. Submarine Mass Movements and Their Consequences, 31, 189-199,

Lindhorst, Katja, Gruen M., Krastel S., Schwenk T. (2012) Hydroacoustic Analysis of Mass Wasting Deposits in Lake Ohrid (FYR Macedonia/Albania). Submarine Mass Movements and Their Consequences, 31, 245-+,

Meyer, Matthias, Geersen J., Krastel S., Schwenk T., Winkelmann D. (2012) Dakar Slide Offshore Senegal, NW-Africa: Interaction of Stacked Giant Mass Wasting Events and Canyon Evolution. Submarine Mass Movements and Their Consequences, 31, 177-+,

Hepp, Daniel A.,  Hebbeln D., Kreiter S., Keil H., Bathmann C., Ehlers J., Mörz T. (2012) An east–west-trending Quaternary tunnel valley in the south-eastern North Sea and its seismic–sedimentological interpretation. J. Quaternary Science, 27, 844-853,

Preu, Benedict (2012) High-resolution seismo-acoustic studies of alongslope and downslope sediment transport processes shaping depositional patterns at continental margins. Dissertation, xx pp..

Palamenghi, Luisa (2012) Tectonic and sea level control on the transport and depositional processes in a siliciclastic sedimentary basin. Insights from the Ganges-Brahmaputra Delta, Bengal Basin, Bangladesh. Dissertation, xx pp..

Brüning, Markus (2012) Acoustic and Visual Imaging of Active Seafloor Seepage in Various Deep-Sea Enviuronments. Dissertation xx pp..

2011 (5)

Palamenghi, Luisa, Schwenk T., Spiess V.,  Kudrass HR. (2011) Seismostratigraphic Analysis with Centennial to Decadal Time Resolution of the Sediment Sink in the Ganges-Brahmaputra Subaqueous Delta,. Continental Shelf Research, 712-730,

Preu, Benedict, Spiess V., Schwenk T., Schneider RR. (2011). Evidence for current-controlled sedimentation along the southern Mozambique continental margin since Early Miocene times. Geo-Marine Letters 31 (5-6), 427-435,

Henkel, Susann, Strasser M., Schwenk T., Hanebuth TJJ., Husener J., Arnold GL., Winkelmann D., Formolo M., Tomasini J., Krastel S., Kasten S. (2011) An interdisciplinary investigation of a recent submarine mass transport deposit at the continental margin off Uruguay. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, 12, 1-19,

Krastel, Sebastian, Wefer G., Hanebuth,TJJ., Antobreh, AA., Freudenthal T., Preu B., Schwenk T., Strasser M., Violante R., Winkelmann D., and Party, M. S. S. (2011) Sediment dynamics and geohazards off Uruguay and the de la Plata River region (northern Argentina and Uruguay). Geo-Marine Letters, 31, 4, 271-283,

Reicherter, K., Hoffmann, N., Lindhorst, K., Krastel, S., Fernández-Steeger, T., Active basins and neotectonics: the Lake Ohrid (FYROM, Albania). Z. dt. Ges. Geowiss., 162: 217–234,

2010 (14)

Lindhorst, K., Vogel, H., Krastel, S., Wagner, B., Hilgers, A., Zander, A., Schwenk, T., Wessels, M., Daut, G. (2010) Stratigraphic analysis of Lake Level Fluctuations in Lake Ohrid: An integration of high resolution hydro-acoustic data and sediment cores. Biogeosciences, 7, 3531–3548,

Georgiopoulou, A., Masson D., Wynn RB., Krastel S. (2010) The Sahara Slide: Initiation and processes from headwall to deposit of a giant submarine slide. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 11, 1-22,

Ding, Feng, Spiess V., MacDonald IR., Brüning M., Fekete N., Bohrmann G. (2010) Shallow Sediment Deformation Styles in North-Western Campeche Knolls, Gulf of Mexico, and their Controls on the Occurrence of Hydrocarbon Seepage. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 27, 959-972,

Ding, Feng, Spiess V., Fekete N., Murton B., Brüning M., Bohrmann G. (2010) Interaction between Accretionary Thrust Faulting and Slope Sedimentation at the Frontal Makran Accretionary Prism, their Resultant Shallow Sediment Structures and Some Implications for Hydrocarbon Fluid Seepage. Journal of Geophysical Research, 115, B08106,

Förster Annika, Spiess V., Kopf A., Dennilou, B. (2010) Mass Wasting Dynamics at the Deeper Slope of the Ligurian Margin (Southern France). in: Submarine Mass Movements and Their Consequences  Book Series: Advances in Natural and Technological Hazards Research, 28, 67-77,

Henrich, Rüdiger, Hanebuth, TTJ., Cherubini Y., Krastel S., Pierau R., Zühlsdorff C. (2010) Climate induced turbidity current activity in NW-African canyon systems. In: Mosher, D.C., Shipp, R.C. Moscardelli, L., Chaytor, J., Baxter, C. Lee, H., Urgeles, R. (eds) Submarine mass movements and their consequences. Symposium. Advances in Natural and technological Hazards Research, Vol 28, Springer, 447-459,

Förster, Annika., Ellis R., Henrich R., Krastel S., Kopf A. (2010) Geotechnical characterization and strain analyses of sediment in the Mauritania Slide Complex, NW-Africa. Marine and Petroleum Geology,, 27, 1175-1189,

Strozyk Frank, Strasser M., Krastel S., Meyer,M., Huhn K. (2010) Reconstruction of retreating mass wasting from progressive slope steepening of the northeastern Cretan margin, eastern Mediterranean. Marine Geology. 271, 44-54,

Pierau R., Hanebuth TJJ., Krastel S., Henrich R. (2010) Late Quaternary climatic events and sea level changes recorded by turbidite activity, Dakar Canyon, NW Africa. Quaternary Research, 73, 385-392,
Tóth, Zsuzsanna, Tóth T., Szafián P., Horváth A., Hámori Z., Dombrádi E., Fekete N., Spiess V.Horváth  F. (2010) Szeizmikus kutatások a Balatonon Földtani Közlöny 140 (4), 355-366, (PDF).

Bada G., Szafián P., Vincze O., Tóth T., Fodor L., Spiess V., Horváth F. (2010) Neotektonikai viszonyok a Balaton keleti medencéjében és tágabb környezetében nagyfelbontású szeizmikus mérések alapján. Földtani Közlöny 140 (4), 367-390, (PDF).

Violante, Roberto A., Paterlini CM., Costa IP., Hernández-Molina FJ., Segovia LM, Cavallotto JL., Marcolini S., Bozzano G., Laprida C., Garcia Chapori N., Bickert T., Spiess V. (2010) Sismoestratigrafia y evolución geomorfológica del talud continental adyacente al litoral del este bonaerense, Argentina. Latin American journal of sedimentology and basin analysis 17 (1), 33-62,

Nizou, J., Hanebuth, TJJ., Heslop D., Schwenk T., Palamenghi L., Stuut JB., Henrich R. (2010) The Senegal River mud belt: A high-resolution archive of paleoclimatic change and coastal evolution. Marine Geology, 278, 1-4, 150-164,

Brüning Markus, Sahling H., MacDonald IR., Ding F., Bohrmann, G. (2010) Origin, distribution, and alteration of asphalts at Chapopote Knoll, Southern Gulf of Mexico. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 27, 1093–1106,

2009 (5)

Schwenk, Tilmann, Spiess V. (2009) Architecture and Stratigraphy of the Bengal Fan as Response to Tectonic and Climate Revealed From High-Resolution Seismic Data, SEPM Special Publication, 92, External Controls on Deep-Water Depositional Systems, 107-131, (PDF).

Lantzsch, Hendrik, Hanebuth, TJ.., Bender V., Krastel S. (2009) Sedimentary architecture of a low-accumulation shelf since the Late Pleistocene (NW Iberia). Marine Geology, 259, 47-58,

Litt, Thomas., Krastel S., Sturm M., Kipfer R., Örcen S., Heumann G., Franz SO., Ülgen UB., Niessen F. (2009), ‘PALEOVAN,’ International Continental Scientific Drilling Program (ICDP): Site survey results and perspectives, Quat. Sci. Rev., 28(15-16), 1555–1567,

Strozyk, Frank, Huhn K., Strasser M., Krastel S., Kock I., Kopf A. (2009) New evidence for mass wasting at the NE Cretan slope: a multi-stage slide complex from the eastern Mediterranean. Marine Geology, 263, 97-107,

Ding, Feng (2009) Near-surface Sediment Structures at Cold Seeps and their Physical Control on Seepage: A Geophysical and Geological Study in the Southern Gulf of Mexico and at the frontal Makran Accretionary Prism/Pakistan. Dissertation,  xx pp..

2008 (5)

Ding, Feng, Spiess V., Brüning M. , Fekete N., Keil H., Bohrmann G. (2008) A conceptual model for hydrocarbon accumulation and seepage processes around Chapopote asphalt site, southern Gulf of Mexico: From high resolution seismic point of view, J. Geophys. Res., 113, B08404,

Wagner-Friedrichs, Michelle, Krastel S., Spiess V., Ivanov M., Bohrmann G., Meisner L. (2008) Threedimensional seismic investigations of the Sevastopol mud volcano in correlation to gas/fluid migration pathways and gas hydrate occurrences in the Sorokin Trough (Black Sea). Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 9, Q05012, .

Sahling, Heiko, Bohrmann G., Spiess V., Bialas J., Breitzke M., Ivanov M., Kasten S., Krastel S.,  Schneider RR. (2008) Pockmarks in the Northern Congo Fan area, SW Africa: Complex seafloor features shaped by fluid flow. Marine Geology, 249, 206-225,

Henrich, Rüdiger, Hanebuth TTJ., Krastel S., Neubert N., Wynn R. (2008) Architecture and sediment dynamics of the Mauritania Slide Complex. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 25, 17-33,

Bartels, Thomas (2008) Imaging of Cenozoic climatic events and bottom water activities at the northeastern flank of Walvis Ridge: A correlation of seismic data with borehole data measurements. Dissertation, 133 pp..

2007 (6)

Bartels, Thomas, Krastel S., Spiess V. (2007) Correlation of high-resolution seismic data with ODP Leg 208 borehole measurements. In Kroon, D., Zachos, J.C., and Richter, C. (Eds.), Proc. ODP, Sci. Results, 208: College Station, TX (Ocean Drilling Program), 1–27, doi:10.2973/,

Antobreh, Andrew A., Krastel S. (2007) Mauritania Slide Complex: Morphology, seismic characterisation and processes of formation. International Journal of Earth Sciences. 96, 451-472,

Georgiopoulou, A., Krastel S., Masson DG., Wynn RB. (2007) Repeated instability of the NW African Margin related to buried landslide scarps. In Lykousis, V., Sakellariou, D., Locat, J. (eds) Submarine mass movements and their consequences. Advances in Natural and Technological Hazards Research, Springer, 29-36,

Kopf, Achim, Stegmann S., Krastel S., Förster A., Strasser M., Irving M. (2007) Marine deepwater free fall CPT measurements for landslide characterisation off Crete, Greece (Eastern Mediterranean Sea). Part 2: Initial data from the western Cretan Sea. In Lykousis, V., Sakellariou, D., Locat, J. (eds) Submarine mass movements and their consequences. Advances in Natural and Technological Hazards Research, Springer, 199-208,

Litt, Thomas, Krastel S., Örçen S., Karabiyikoglu, M. (2007) Lake Van Drilling Project: A Long Continental Record in Eastern Turkey. Scientific Drilling, 4, 40-41,

Wagner-Friedrichs, Michelle (2007) Seafloor seepage in the Black Sea: Mud volcanoes, seeps and diapiric structures imaged by acoustic methods. Dissertation, 154 pp..

2006 (6)

Zühlsdorff, Lars, Spiess V. (2006), Sedimentation patterns, folding, and fluid upflow above a buried basement ridge: Results from 2-D and 3-D seismic surveys at the eastern Juan de Fuca Ridge flank, J. Geophys. Res., 111, B08103,

Hutnak, Michael, Fisher AT., Zühlsdorff L., Spiess V., Stauffer PH., Gable CW. (2006), Hydrothermal recharge and discharge guided by basement outcrops on 0.7–3.6 Ma seafloor east of the Juan de Fuca Ridge: Observations and numerical models, Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 7, Q07O02,

Krastel, Sebastian, Wynn RB., Hanebuth TJJ., Henrich R., Holz C., Meggers H., Kuhlmann H., Georgiopoulou A., Schulz HD. (2006) Mapping of seabed morphology and shallow sediment structure of the Mauritania continental margin, Northwest Africa: Some implications for geohazard potential. Norwegian Journal of Geology, 86, 163-176, (PDF). 

Antobreh, Andrew A., Krastel S. (2006) Morphology, seismic characteristics and development of Cap Timiris Canyon, offshore Mauritania: a newly discovered canyon preserved off a major arid climatic region. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 23, 37-59,

Breitzke, Monika (2006) Geophysical Properties in Marine Sediments (2nd edition). In: Schulz H.D., Zabel M. (eds) Marine Geochemistry. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 27-71,

Fekete, Noemi (2006) Dewatering through mud mounds on the continental fore-arc of Costa Rica(PhD/Doktorarbeit), Christian-Albrechts-Universität, Kiel, Germany, 171 pp.

2005 (9)

Zühlsdorff, Lars, Hutnak M., Fisher AT., Spiess V., Davis EE., Nedimovic M., Carbotte S., Villinger H., Becker K. (2005) Site surveys prior to IODP Expedition 301: ImageFlux (SO 149) and RetroFlux (TN116) expeditions and earlier studies. IODP Leg 301 Initial Reports., https://doi:10.2204/iodp.proc.301.102.2005.

Hübscher, Christian, Spiess V. (2005) Forced regression system tracts on the Bengal Shelf. Mar. Geol., 219, 207-218,

Schwenk, Tilmann, Spiess V., Breitzke M., Hübscher C. (2005) The architecture and evolution of the Middle Bengal Fan in vicinity of the active channel-levee system imaged by high-resolution seismic data, Marine and Petroleum Geology, 22, 637-656,

Ehrhardt Axel, Hübscher C., Gajewski D. (2005) Conrad Deep, Northern Red Sea: Development of an early stage ocean deep within the axial depression. Tectonophysics, 411, 19-40,

Ehrhardt Axel, Hübscher C., Ben-Avraham Z., Gajewski D. (2005) Seismic study of pull-apart-induced sedimentation and deformation in the Northern Gulf of Aqaba (Elat) Tectonophysics, 396, 59-79,

Moerz, Tobias, Fekete N., Kopf A., Brueckmann W., Kreiter S., Huehnerbach V., Masson D., Hepp DA., Schmidt M., Kutterolf S., Sahling H., Abegg F., Spiess V., Suess E., Ranero CR. (2005) Styles and productivity of mud diapirism along the Middle American margin - Part II: Mound Culebra and Mounds 11 and 12. Mud volcanoes, geodynamics and seismicity, NATO Science Series IV Earth and Environmental Sciences, 51,  49-76,

Underwood, M., Hoke KD, Fisher AT, Giambalvo EG, Davis EE, Zühlsdorff L. (2005) Provenance, stratigraphic architecture, and hydrogeologic effects of turbidites in northwestern Cascadia Basin, Pacific Ocean. J. Sediment. Res., 75(1), 149–164, (PDF)

Zühlsdorff, Lars, Spiess V. (2005) Three-dimensional seismic and acoustic imaging of gas migration and gas hydrate accumulation beneath pockmarks in hemipelagic sediments off Congo, South-West AfricaIn: Proceedings of the fifth international conference on gas hydrates (ICGH 5), Norway, 10 pages. (PDF)

Antobreh, Andrew (2005) Channelised and open-slope processes of mass sediment transport - their morphological and seismic characterisation from selected Atlantic high productivity regions. Dissertation, 130 pp..

2004 (6)

Zühlsdorff Lars, Spiess V. (2004) Three-dimensional seismic characterization of a venting sites reveals compelling indications of natural hydraulic fracturing, Geology, 32: 101-104,

Grevemeyer, Ingo, Kopf A., Fekete N., Kaul N., Villinger H., Heesemann M., Wallmann K., Spiess V., Gennerich HH., Müller M., Weinrebe W. (2004) Fluid flow through active mud Dome Mound Culebra offshore Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica: evidence from heat flow surveying. Marine Geology, 207, 145-157,

Krastel, Sebastian, Hanebuth TJJ., Wynn RB., Antobreh AA., Henrich R., Holz C., Kölling M., Schulz,HD., Wien K. (2004) Cap Timiris Canyon: A newly discovered channel-system off Mauritania. EOS Transactions, 45/42, p. 417, 423,

Spinelli Glenn A., Zühlsdorff L., Fisher AT., Wheat CG., Mottl M., Spiess V., Giambalvo ER. (2004) Hydrothermal seepage patterns above a buried basement ridge, eastern flank of the Juan de Fuca Ridge. Journal of Geophysical Research-Part B-Solid Earth 109, 1-19,

Schwenk, Tilmann (2004) The Bengal fan: architecture, morphology and depositional processes at different scales revealed from high-resolution seismic and hydroacoustic data. Dissertation, 139 pp...

Ehrhardt, Axel (2004) Seismic and Hydroacoustic Studies of Surficial Sediment Tectonics along the Northern Red Sea Rift and the Dead Sea Transform Fault. Dissertation Univ. Hamburg, 133 pp..

2003 (8)

Bohrmann, Gerhard, Ivanov M., Foucher JP., Spiess V., Bialas J., Greinert J., Weinrebe W., Abegg F., Aloisi G., Artemov Y., Blinova V., Brosler A., Drews M., Heidersdorf F., Klaucke I., Krastel S., Leder T., Polikarpov I.,

Saburova M., Seifert R., Volkonskaja A., Zillmer M. (2003) Mud volcanoes and gas hydrates in the Black Sea – new data from Dvurechenskii and Odessa mud volcanoes. Geo Mar. Lett., 23, 239-249,

Fisher, Andrew T., Davis EE., Hutnak M., Spiess V., Zühlsdorff L., Cherkaoui A., Christiansen L., Edwards K., MacDonald R., Villinger H., Mottl MJ., Wheat CG., Becker K. (2003) Hydrothermal recharge and discharge across 50 km guided by seamounts on a young ridge flank, Nature, 421, 618-621,

Krastel, Sebastian, Spiess V., Ivanov M., Weinrebe W., Bohrmann G., Shashkin P., Heidersdorf F. (2003) Acoustic images of mud volcanoes in the Sorokin Trough, Black Sea. Geo Mar. Lett., 23, 230-238,

Kottke, Bernd, Schwenk T., Breitzke M., Wiedicke M., Kudrass HR., Spiess V. (2003) Acoustic Facies and Depositional Processes in the Upper Submarine Canyon Swatch of No Ground (Bay of Bengal). Deep-Sea Research II, 50, 979-1001,

Schwenk, Tilmann, Spiess V., Hübscher C., Breitzke M. (2003) Frequent channel avulsions within the active channel-levee system at the middle Bengal Fan – an exeptional channel-levee development derived from Parasound and Hydrosweep data, Deep Sea Research II, 50, 1023-1045,

Hensen, Christian, Zabel M., Pfeifer K., Schwenk T., Kasten S., Riedinger N., Schulz HD., Boettius A. (2003) Control of sulfate pore-water profiles by sedimentary events and the significance of anaerobic oxidation of methane for the burial of sulfur in marine sediments: Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta, 67 (14) 2631-2647,

Michels Klaus H., Suckow A., Breitzke M., Kudrass HR., Kottke B. (2003) Sediment transport in the shelf canyon ‘‘Swatch of No Ground’’ (Bay of Bengal), Deep-Sea Research II 50 (2003) 1003–1022,

Salem, Mohamed (2003) Geophysical investigations of submarine prolongations of alluvial fans on the western side of the Gulf of Aqaba-Red Sea. Fachbereich Geowissenschaften, Berichte, 221, 100 pp..

2002 (4)

von Lom-Keil, Hanno, Spiess V., Hopfauf V. (2002) Fine-grained sediment waves on the western flank of the Zapiola Drift, Argentine Basin: evidence for variations in Late Quarternary bottom flow activity, Marine Geology, 192, 239-258,

Hübscher, Christian, Figueredo AG., Kruse L., Spiess V. (2002) High-resolution analysis of the deposition pattern on the Amazon sub-aquatic delta and outer continental shelf . Mar. Geophys. Res., 23, 209-222,

Mollenhauer, Gesine, Schneider RR., Müller, PJ., Spiess V., Wefer G. (2002) Glacial/interglacial variablity in the Benguela upwelling system: Spatial distribution and budgets of organic carbon accumulation. Global Geochem. Cycles, 16, 1134,

Gutowski, Martin, Breitzke M., Spiess V. (2002) Fast static correction methods for high-frequency multichannel marine seismic reflection data: A high-resolution seismic study of channel-levee systems on the Bengal Fan. Mar. Geophys. Res., 23, 57.75,

2001 (4)

Wiedicke, Michael, Neben S., Spiess V. (2001) Mud volcanoes at the front of the Makran accretionary complex, Pakistan, Marine Geology, 172, 57-73,

Hopfauf, Vladimier, Spiess V. (2001) A three-dimensional theory for the development and migration of deep sea sedimentary waves, Deep Sea Research Part I : Oceanographic Research, 48, 2497-2519,

Zühlsdorff, Lars, Spiess V. (2001) Modeling seismic reflection patterns from Ocean Drilling Program Leg 168 core density logs: Insight into lateral variations in physical properties and sediment input at the eastern flank of the Juan de Fuca Ridge. J. Geophys. Res., 106, 16119-16133,

von Lom-Keil, Hanno (2001) Sedimentary waves on the Namibian continental margin and in the Argentine Basin - Bottom flow reconstructions based on high resolution echosounder data. Fachbereich Geowissenschaften, Berichte, 181, 126 pp..

2000 (3)

Zühlsdorff, Lars, Spiess V., Hübscher C., Villinger H., Rosenberger A. (2000) Implications for focused fluid transport at the northern Cascadia accretionary prism from a correlation between BSR occurrence and near-sea-floor reflectivity anomalies imaged in a multi-frequency seismic data set, Int. J. Earth Sci., 88, 655-667,

Breitzke, Monika (2000) Acoustic and elastic characterization of marine sediments by analysis, modeling, and inversion of ultrasonic P wave transmission seismograms. JGR, 105, 21411-21430,

Breitzke, Monika, Bleil U. (2000) Geophysical Properties in Marine Sediments. In: Schulz H.D., Zabel M. (eds) Marine Geochemistry. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.

1999 (4)

Zühlsdorff, Lars, Spiess V., Hübscher C., Breitzke M. (1999) Seismic reflectivity anomalies in sediments at the eastern flank of the Juan de Fuca Ridge - evidence for fluid migration. J. Geophys. Res., 104, 15351-15364,

Lange Carina B., Berger WH., Lin HL., G. Wefer G., Adams D., Anderson L., Andreasem D., Bruechert V., Cambray H., Christensen B., Frost G., Giraudeaou J., Gorgas T., Hermelin O., Jansen F., Laser B., Maslin MA., Meyers P., Motoyama I., Murray R., Perez ME., Pufahl P., Richter C., Spiess V., Vidal L., Wigley R., Yamazaki T. (1999): The early Matuyama diatom maximum of SW Africa, Benguela current system ODP Leg 175. Marine Geology 161(2-4): 93-113,

Wiedicke Michael, Kudrass HR., Hübscher C. (2005) Oolitic beach barriers of the last Glacial sea-level lowstand at the outer Bengal shelf. MARINE GEOLOGY, 157, 7-18,

Zühlsdorff, Lars (1999) High Resolution Multi-Frequency Seismic Surveys at the Eastern Juan de Fuca Ridge Flank and the Cascadia Margin - Evidence for Thermally and Tectonically Driven Fluid Upflow in Marine Sediments. Fachbereich Geowissenschaften, Berichte, 147, 118 S.

1998 (5)

Hübscher, Christian, Breitzke M., Michels K., Kudrass HR., Spiess V., Wiedicke M. (1998) Late Quaternary seismic stratigraphy of the eastern Bengal Shelf. Mar. Geophys. Res., 20, 57-81,

Gersonde, Rainer, Spiess V., Flores JA., Hagen RA., Kuhn G. (1998) The sediments of Gunnerus Ridge and Kainan Maru Seamount (Indian sector of Southern Ocean). Deep Sea Res., 45, 1515-1540,

Michels Klaus H, Kudrass HR., Hübscher C., Suckow A., Wiedicke M. (1998) The submarine delta of the Ganges-Brahmaputra: cyclone-dominated sedimentation patterns. Marine Geology, 149, 133-154,

Völker, David (1998), Untersuchungen an strömungsbeeinflußten Sedimentationsmustern im Südozean - Interpretation sedimentechographischer Daten und numerische Modellierung. Dissertation vorgelegt am FB Geowissenschaften, Univ. Bremen, 153 S.

Hagen, Rick A., K. Gohl K., R. Gersonde R., G. Kuhn G., Völker D. and V.N. Kodagali VN. (1998) A Geophyiscal Survey of the De Gerlache Seamounts: Preliminary Results. Geo-Marine Letters, 18, 19-25.

1997 (5)

Hübscher, Christian, Spiess V., Breitzke M., Weber ME. (1997) The youngest channel-levee system of the Bengal Fan: results from digital sediment echosounder data. Mar. Geol., 141, 121-145,

Uenzelmann-Neben, Gabriele, Spiess V., Bleil U. (1997) A seismic reconnaissance survey of the northern Congo Fan. Marine Geology, 140, 283-306,

Hübscher, Christian, Spiess V. (1997) An integrated marine seismic approach for time efficient high-resolution surveys. Proceedings of Offshore Technology Conference, 1, 387-391,

Weber Michael E, Wiedicke MH., Kudrass HR., Hübscher C., Erlenkeuser H. (1997) Active growth of the Bengal Fan during sea-level rise and highstand. Geology, 25, 315-318,<0315:AGOTBF>2.3.CO;2.

Gersonde, Rainer, Kyte FT., Bleil U., Diekmann B., Flores JA., Gohl K., Grahl G., Hagen R., Kuhn G., Sierro FJ., Völker D., Abelmann A.,  Bostwick JA. (1997) Geological Record and Reconstruction of the Late Pliocene Impact of the Eltanin Asteroid in the Southern Ocean, Nature, 390, 357-363,

1996 (1)

.Breitzke, Monika, Grobe H., Kuhn G., Müller P.  (1996) Full waveform ultrasonic transmission seismograms: A fast new method for the determination of physical and sedimentological parameters of marine sediment cores. JGR, 101, 22123-221,

1994 (1)

Hempel Peter, Spiess V., Schreiber R. (1994) Expulsion of Shallow Gas in the Skagerrak – Evidence from Subbottom Profiling, Seismic, Hydroacoustical and Geochemical Data. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science, 38, 583-601,

1993 (2)

Breitzke M, Spiess V. (1993) An Automated Full-Waveform Logging System for High-Resolution P-Wave Profiles in Marine Sediments. Mar. Geophys. Res., 15, 297-321,

Spiess V. (1993) Digitale Sedimentechographie-Neue Wege zu einer hochauflösenden Akustostratigraphie. Berichte, Fachbereich Geowissenschaften, Universität Bremen, 19,

1992 (1)

Bohrmann, Gerhard, Spiess V., Hinze H., Kuhn G. (1992) Reflector Pc A prominent Feature in the Maud Rise Sediment Sequence (Eastern Weddell Sea) – Occurrence, Regional Distribution and Implications to Silica diagenesis. Marine Geology, 106, 69-87,

1991 (2)

Rostek, Frauke, Spiess V., Bleil U. (1991) Parasound Echosounding – Comparison of Analog and digital Echosounder Records and Physical Properties of Sediments from the Equatorial South Atlantic. Marine Geology, 99, 1-18,

Rostek, Frauke (1991) Physikalische Strukturen von Tiefseesedimenten des Südatlantiks und ihre Erfassung in Echolotregistrierungen, Berichte, Fachbereich Geowissenschaften, Universität Bremen, 13, 209 S. (Dissertation),

1990 (5)

Grobe, Hannes, Fütterer DK., Spiess V. (1990) Oligocene to Quaternary sedimentation processes on the Antarctic continental margin, ODP Leg 113, Site 693. In Barker, P.F., Kennett, J.P., et al., Proc. ODP, Sci. Results, 113: College Station, TX (Ocean Drilling Program), 121–131, (PDF).

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