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Dr. Noémi FEKETE - Curriculum Vitae



PhD in Geo­phys­ics (Dewa­ter­ing Through Mud Mounds on the Con­tin­en­tal Fore-arc of Costa Rica)


M.Sc. in Geo­phys­ics (Young Tec­ton­ics of the Várpa­lota Basin: In­vest­ig­a­tions Based on Land and Off-shore Seis­mics)
 Dip­loma in Trans­lat­ing (Eng­lish, spe­cial­ized in Earth Sci­en­ces)


Cer­ti­fic­ate of Gen­eral Edu­ca­tion



2003 - 2005

PhD stud­ies, Chris­tian Al­brecht Uni­versity

Kiel, Ger­many

1995 - 2000

stud­ies in Geo­phys­ics, Eötvös Loránd Uni­versity

Bud­apest, Hun­gary

1990 - 1995

Eng­lish-Hun­garian Dual Lan­guage School

Balaton­almádi, Hun­gary




2018 - 

SEBAMO-I – Entwicklung eines seismischen Baugrundmodells der deutschen Nordsee im Bereich ausgewiesener Windparkareale auf Basis der Bremer hochauflösenden mehrkanalseismischen Daten (BSH-NordseeBaugrund), R&D Cooperation Project with BSH

Bre­men, Ger­many

2006 - 2017 

MARUM - DFG Re­search Cen­ter and Cluster of Ex­cel­lence "The Ocean in the Earth Sys­tem" (was: Re­search Cen­ter Ocean Mar­gins) / Uni­versity of Bre­men

Bre­men, Ger­many

2002 - 2005

SFB 574, Christian-Albrecht Uni­versity / IFM-GEO­MAR

Kiel, Ger­many

2000 - 2002

Geo­mega Ltd.

Bud­apest, Hun­gary


Further Experience

Teaching in English and German (cartography, seismic processing, seismic interpretation), co-supervision of various projects, BSc and MSc theses, organization & carrying out of a training cruise for PhD students

Organisation of the IODP preproposal workshop Walvis Ridge and co-organisation of the Young Scientists’ Conference 

Voluntary interpretation works for Planet Press (EGU: scientific news articles for children)

Status group representative in Marum and FB5 faculty council



  • American Geophysical Union (AGU) since 2003
  • Deutsche Geophysikalische Gesellschaft (DGG) since 2006
  • European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers (EAGE) since 2006
  • European Geosciences Union (EGU) since 2009
  • Magyar Geofizikusok Egyesülete (MGE) since 1999
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