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East Africa: Mozambique, Tanzania, Madagascar

to come soon


Wenau, Stefan, Preu, B., Spiess, V. (2020) Geological development of the Limpopo Shelf (southern Mozambique) during the last sealevel cycle. Geo-Mar Lett 40, 363–377,

Preu, Benedict, Spiess V., Schwenk T., Schneider RR. (2011). Evidence for current-controlled sedimentation along the southern Mozambique continental margin since Early Miocene times. Geo-Marine Letters 31 (5-6), 427-435,

Master Theses

Brekeller, Alexander (2012) Seismo-akustische Analyse von strömungsgesteuerten Sedimentablagerungen am Kontinentalrand vor dem Sambesi

Schilling, Stephen (2012) Sedimentary structures of the northwestern Madagascar margin

Wenau, Stefan (2010) Submerged coastal dune ridges and their effect on Limpopo River sediment dispersal on the southern Mozambique shelf

Preu, Benedict (2008) Seismic interpretation of contourite drifts and their controlling dynamic processes in the transition from Mozambique Current to Agulhas Current in front of Limpopo River

Meyer, matthias (2008) Akustische Klassifizierung sedimentärer Strukturen am Kontinentalhang vor Süd-Tansania

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