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2002 09 - R/V Heincke Cruise He175

He175 - 01.-06.09.2002 - Baltic Sea: Warnemünde - Stralsund - Warnemünde 

Working Area: Mecklenburg Bay, Arkona Basin

This cruise was part of the course 'Seegeophysikalisches Praktikum' of the Department of Gesciences, Bremen University

Students: 7


  • Boomer Nautik UWAK 04 + Ministreamer (Uni Kiel)
  • Watergun 0.16 L (Sodera)
  • GI Gun 2 x 0.4 L (Generator-Injector; Sodera)
  • Compressors (IOW, 2 x 320 L/min)
  • Teledyne Streamer 100 m 16 channels (6.25 m groups)
  • Bison Spectra Recording System
  • Analog Paper Recorder
  • Proton-Precession-Magnetometer 300 m (Uni Kiel)
  • Heat Flow probe


Spiess, Krastel

Gröger, Hitschel, Höpker, Kessal, Meyer, Nehmiz, Seifert

Seismic Example Profile across gas patches in the Arkona Basin with different seismic sources: Boomer (left); GI Gun (right) 

Vertical profiles at various heat flow stations

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