Wind Farms
In the last two decades. areas have been designated in the German EEZ, which were potentially suitable for the installation of wind farms. Wind farms include a large number of wind turbines plus foundations as well as a power station, which then connects with a high performace power cable to land.
Responsibilities for the planning are assigned to the state geological surveys (Niedersachen, Schleswig-Holstein, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern) within the national waters (<12 nautical miles from shore) and to the BSH (Bundesanstalt für Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie) for the exclusive economic zone (EEZ) in North Sea and Baltic Sea.
Details about planning can be found at BSH here.
Since the installation of wind renewable energy is planned to significantly increase in coming year, survey activity has also increased, currently bidded out by BSH and won for the last 3 campaigns by Fraunhofer IWES. Those data, which are collected and processing within less than 1 year, are then used for energy producers to bid for the installation and power production. This has to happen within a few years time frame to ensure rapid growth of renewable energy production.