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1988 02 - R/V  Meteor Cruise M6-6

18.02.-23.03.1988 - Libreville (Gabon) - Las Palmas (Spain)

Working Area: South and Equatorial Atlantic

Chief Scientist: Dr. Gerold Wefer

Chief Hydroacoustic: Dr. Volkhard Spiess

Cruise Report:  PDF in ELib

Groups in­vol­ved

  • Working Group Marine Geophysics, Department of Geoscience, Bremen University (GeoB, AG Bleil)
  • ...


  • Multibeam System Hydrosweep DS 15.5 kHz - Atlas Elektronik
  • Parasound Sediment Echosounder 4 kHz - Atlas Elektronik (analog paper recording)
  • Sediment Physics

Data Sets

  • Analog Sediment Echosounder Paper Records
  • Multibeam Bathymetry
  • Sediment Physics

Since the foundation of the Department of Geosciences (FB5) at the University of Bremen in 1986, R/V Meteor Cruise M6/6 was the first joint expedition to carry out geologic and geophysical research, namely in the South Atlantic, Ocean, a later Bremen Focus Research Area. Besides the paper recording of the Parsound sediment echosounder data, physical properties measurements were carried out onboard on many of the recovered sediment cores.

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