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Lake Schwerin

21.03. - 23.03.2023 - Schwerin

Working Areas: Innsensee, Aussensee

Volkhard Spiess, Hanno Keil

Partner: Prof. Dr. Torsten Haberzettl, University of Greifswald

University of Greifwald is carrying out a project to investiage Lake Schwerin with repsect to sedimentation history, paleoclimate, glacial history and 

Commercial project, where IWES Geophysics served the Hungarian company Geomega providing the single hydrophone digital streamer in extremely shallow water (0-2 m water depth).

Cruise Facts

Duration: 21.03.23 - 23.03.23
Vessel: WaPo WS-61
Participants: Spiess, Keil, Merl, Unland
Funding: Univ. Greifswald, MTU
Data sets:

  • MCS, Hires digital 50 m 48ch, mini GI
  • Sidescan Sonar
  • Reson Multibeam 7125
  • Innomar SES standard (GW)
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