2008 - FK Senckenberg Cruise SK08
30.06.–05.07.2008 : Bremerhaven - Bremerhaven
Chief Scientist: Dr. Tobias Mörz
Chief Seismic: Dr. Schwenk
MTU Participants: Szocko, Fürle
Groups involved
- Working Group Marine Ingenieurgeologie, MARUM Center for marine environmental sciences, Bremen University (GeoB AG Mörz)
- Working Group Marine Technology/Environmental Research, Department of Geoscience, Bremen University (GeoB AG Spiess (MTU))
- Arstech single hydrophone streamer (48 channels, 50 m)
- micro GI Gun
This cruise is part of the MARUM subproject D4, studying soil properties in the North Sea through getoechnical and seismic investigations. During the cruise, several windfarm areas have been investigated thus provding a detailed image of the subsurface geology.
The cruise work was also sponsored by industry.
Windfarm ares: Alpha Ventus, Delta, ENOVA, Godewind, ...