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Dr. Stefan WENAU - Teaching

I am in­vol­ved in teaching at the Fa­cul­ty of Geo­sci­en­ces in the BSc and MSc pro­grams. Ad­di­tio­nal­ly, I co-/​su­per­vi­se BSc and MSc the­ses that deal with seis­mic and/​or acoustic data. Nu­merous stu­dent pro­jects wi­t­hin the cur­ri­cu­lum are also car­ri­ed out in our working group dea­ling with seis­mic and acoustic data and va­rious re­se­arch to­pics (se­di­men­ta­ti­on, flu­id see­page, tec­to­nics, etc.).



Marine Geophysical Field Course on R/V Alkor

Teaching prac­tical cour­se (BSc/​MSc) in ma­ri­ne geo­phy­si­cal me­thods. Re­s­pon­si­ble for cam­pai­gn or­ga­niza­t­i­on, seis­mic data ac­qui­si­ti­on and re­port wri­ting su­per­vi­si­on.

since 2012

Advanced Methods in Marine Geophysical Exploration

1st year MSc: Prac­tical cour­se in 3D seis­mic in­ter­pre­ta­ti­on of aca­de­mic and in­dus­tri­al data sets using IHS Kingdom

since 2011

Seismic Exploration

3rd year BSc: Prac­tical cour­se in mul­tichan­nel seis­mic data pro­ces­sing using Schlum­ber­ger Vista

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