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Overview of MTU Teaching

10We are contributing to almost 30 different lectures and courses in the Bachelor and Master Programs of the Department of Geosciences

Our focus is on seismoacoustic data acquisition, processing and interpretation and sedimentary processes from meter to margin scale.

Practical computer courses are given in seismic processing and interpretation and field acquisition as well as multibeam and side scan sonar processing.

The following list summarizes the status of teaching contributions by MTU for the upcoming winter term 2021/22. since we are in a transtion period to the new master and bachelor programs, the assignements will change with years. More details about each lecture with our contributions can be found under the different pages for bachelor and master programs (link).


B.Sc. Geowissenschaften

bis 2021/22

3Geophysikalische Exploration

dto Geländeübungen 
4Marine Geophysik


bis 2022/23

5Alkor Expedition (4 Tage)
280Schwenk, Spiess
5Seismische Exploration
2100Keil (LB), Fekete (LB)
6Seismisches Datenprozessing

B.Sc. Geowissenschaften (neu)

ab 2022/23

3Grundlagen der Angewandten Geophysik3350Schwenk
3Geophysikalische Geländeübung31100Schwenk
4Marine Geophysics6475Schwenk

ab 2023/24

5Material properties and Downhole Measurements22100Spiess
5Structural Imaging43100Keil (LB), Fekete (LB), Schwenk, Spiess

B.Sc. Marine Geosciences (new)

3Fundamentals of Applied Geophysics3350Schwenk
3Field Exercise31100Schwenk
3Multidiciplinary Sediment Core Project66?Schwenk

5Alkor Cruise (2 x 4 Tage)6580Schwenk, Spiess et al.

M.Sc. Applied Geosciences

1Applied Geophysics: Methods6433Schwenk, Spiess
2Applied Geophysics: Projects6450Schwenk, Spiess et al.
1Renewable Energy: Basics5430Spiess, Keil (LB)
1Renewable Energy: Seminar10,550Spiess, Keil (LB)
2Soil Investigations for Windfarms4333Spiess, Keil (LB)
2Projects on Offshore Windfarms2140Spiess, Keil (LB)
3Research Seminar15420Spiess
3Geoscientific Master Project1545diverse

M.Sc. Marine Geosciences

1Sedimentary Structures Passive Margins2,51,740Schwenk
1Seismic and Acoustic Imaging 10,6100Schwenk
1Geophysical Survey Strategies and Planning32100Spiess, Keil (LB)
2Sedimentary Structures Active Margins6450Spiess
2Geophysics of Plates, Mantle and Margins6450Spiess
2Gas Hydrates4220Spiess
3Research Seminar15420Spiess
3Geoscientific Master Project1545diverse

M.Sc. Digital Competences

2Seismic Processing32100Keil (LB), Fekete (LB)
2Seismic Interpretation32100Römer-Stange (LB)
2Sidescan / Multibeam? (currently not)320Schwenk et al.

3Alkor Cruise6680Schwenk, Spiess

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