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Teaching by MTU

​​​​The working group MTU is contributing to almost 30 different lectures and courses in the Bachelor and Master Programs of the Department of Geosciences

Our focus is on seismoacoustic data acquisition, processing and interpretation and sedimentary processes from meter to margin scale.

Practical computer courses are given in seismic processing and interpretation and field acquisition as well as multibeam and side scan sonar processing.

The following summarizes the status of teaching contributions by MTU for the upcoming winter term 2021/22. since we are in a transtion period to the new master and bachelor programs, the assignements will change with years.



Master Theses

A major contribution to eduction are theses and projects, which we had supervised with a focus on seismoacoustics. See our list of thesis topics (85 since 1993).

Links to Bremen


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Study Profiles with Seismoacoustic Expertise

Various M.Sc. modules are availabe for those of you who have a particular interest in geophysics. Possible professional profiles might be

Applied Geophysics

If you are interested in a job with a more applied focus, you may combine
'Renewable Energy',
'Applied Geophysics'
and e.g.
'Engineering Geology', 'Geohazards'
but also with 'Glaciology'.

Digital Seismic Courses are highly recommended.

Earth's Resources

If you are more oriented towards resources of the Earth, we suggest modules such as
'Sedimentary Structures',
'Marine Technologies'
and e.g.
'Marine Sedimentology' or 'Marine Resources'.


If climate is your focus,
'Glaciology' may be combined with
'Climate Modeling',

'Geohazards' and
digital modeling courses.


The full view on the earth will be taken by chosing
'Geophysics of Plate Mantle and Margins' with 
'Sedimentary Structures' 
'Applied Geophysics'


Teaching Info related to MTU

Overview of MTU Teaching

List of all courses, lecturers and our percentage of teaching time

Studying Geophysics in Bremen

Complete overview, in which courses you can find geophysics content and geophyscists teaching

Terrestrial Equipment

We are using equipment for field work in exercises and projects on land geophysics. Have a look at MTU and other geophysics hardware

Marine Equipment

Bremen has a strong focus in marine research, and we therefore offer a marine expedition on a research vessel, where lot's of different instruments are run to teach their operation and illustrate data acquisition, processing and interpretation

Bachelor Courses

We are currently in transition from the old to a new BSc system, with a different curriculum and english lectures from early on.

New BSc courses in english language are starting in 2021 and gradually implemented, while the old BSc will run out in 2024.

Teaching Info related to MTU

Master of Applied Geosciences

A transition from an German MSc Geowissenschaften to a mixed language MSc Applied Geosciences also introduces new research fields, such as 'Renewable Energy' and 'Geohazards'.

Master of Marine Geosciences

This successful master program is moderately modified, but continues the Bremen legacy

MSc Digital Competences

The new structure clusters digital courses into a separate module which allows to choose them together or instead of field and lab practice. We intend to strenghten the digital course curriculum in both BSc and MSc programs

Ship's Cruises for Students

Each year, FB5 is offering participation for students on a research cruise to the Baltic Sea, led by MTU members,  to get first hand expericene in geophysical data acquisition. Have a look at a recent cruise logbook to learnn more.

former MSc Students and Theses

for those being or becoming interested in our working group, have a look at the diversity of topic we can offer for master theses, but certainly on a smaller scale also for BSc theses or geoscientific master projects.

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