Office: | GEO building, room 4540 |
Phone: | +49 421 218 - 65380 |
E-mail: | opeyemi1@uni-bremen.de |
Other webpage(s): | Opeyemi's FB05 web page |

PhD Project
Quantification of geotechnical properties from geologic reconstruction of depositional history and subsoil lithology –
A knowledge-based interpretation and statistical modeling approach for wind farms in North and Baltic Seas
This PhD work is part of the SynCore project funded by the Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy (Germany). SynCore has an overarching objective of reducing the cost of offshore windfarm construction in the North and Baltic Seas by generating synthetic Cone Penetrometer Test (CPT) profiles from seismic inversion attributes. The consortium of the parent SynCore project consists of the University of Bremen, Fraunhofer IWES, Fraunhofer ITWM, Geotechnik und Dynamik Consult GmbH,
and Innogy SE.
Within the context of offshore windfarm construction, high-resolution seismic reflection and geotechnical data acquired in two study areas in the North Sea and Arkona Basin (southern Baltic Sea) would be integrated to study near-surface intervals in this PhD project. The specific objectives are to:
(1) reveal detailed subsoil structures, framework conditions, geological processes, and typical lithologic properties associated with buried depositional systems in the study areas;
(2) generate comprehensive 3D subsoil models with geological properties and uncertainties; and
(3) establish geological boundary conditions for seismic inversion.
Time-depth functions would be used for stratigraphic correlation of nearby CPT profiles to processed seismic data. Detailed characterisation of the seismic data coupled with documented geological processes would ensure a reliable interpretation of sediment facies, depositional history and geological structures in the study areas. Typical lithologic values published for interpreted facies in the study area would be used to assign expected values of sediment petrophysical properties to each geological unit, and these would serve as boundary conditions for seismic inversion. Statistical modelling of subsoil units in the study areas would be achieved through holistic integration of all geological and geophysical data including the seismic inversion products and sediment physics trends. Subsoil modelling would be performed with a software package that would be developed by a project partner, Fraunhofer ITWM. In the resultant subsoil models, lithologic properties would be associated with each geological unit, and their levels of uncertainties would be specified.
Thesis Committee
Prof. Dr. Volkhard Spiess | University of Bremen |
Dr. Hanno Keil | University of Bremen |
Dr. Karsten Obst | Landesamt für Umwelt, Naturschutz und Geologie, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern |
Dr. Stefan Wenau | Fraunhofer Institute for Wind Energy Systems (IWES), Bremen/Bremerhaven |