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South America Pacific: Chile, Pacific

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Hagen, Rick A., K. Gohl K., R. Gersonde R., G. Kuhn G., Völker D. and V.N. Kodagali VN. (1998) A Geophyiscal Survey of the De Gerlache Seamounts: Preliminary Results. Geo-Marine Letters, 18, 19-25.

Gersonde, Rainer, Kyte FT., Bleil U., Diekmann B., Flores JA., Gohl K., Grahl G., Hagen R., Kuhn G., Sierro FJ., Völker D., Abelmann A.,  Bostwick JA. (1997) Geological Record and Reconstruction of the Late Pliocene Impact of the Eltanin Asteroid in the Southern Ocean, Nature, 390, 357-363,

Master Theses

Steinmann, Lena (2013) Analysis and Interpretation of Contourite Drifts off the Coast of Chile

Meier, Florian (2002) Sedimentechographische Dokumentation des Eltanin Impakts in den Sedimenten des Bellinghausen Meeres (Südostpazifik)

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