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in the MTU working group 2013 - 2019

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Principal Investigator DFG project STE 2633/1-2
Editor at the University of Bremen Science Blog


Research Interests

  • Submarine volcanism, volcanoclastic deposition, and volcano-tectonic processes
  • (Submerged) large collapse calderas
  • Seismic sequence and facies analysis to investigate paleo-environmental settings
  • Bottom-current influence on margin morphology and sedimentary deposition (Contourite Depositional Systems)
  • Cold-water coral mounds
  • Processing and interpretation of multichannel reflection seismics, sediment echosounder data, and multibeam echosounder data
  • IODP/ICDP site surveys

Awards and Grants

Acquisition of >260,000 EUR third-party funding


  • 24-months temporary position as principal investigator(STE 2633/1-2) within the DFG’s ICDP Priority Programme (152,540 EUR funds).
  • Award for Success, University of Bremen (UCRDF), 2018 (2,500 EUR)


  • 12-months temporary position as principal investigator(STE 2633/1-1) within the DFG’s ICDP Priority Programme (91.450 EUR funds).
  • ECORD MagellanPlus Workshop, 25 – 28 February 2017 held in Naples (IT) (co-proponent) (15,000 EUR funds).


  • 3-months additional funding, MARUM Incentive Fund

       2014 - 2015

  • Several GLOMAR travel and research stay grants(5,620 EUR)
  • Best PosterAward at IODP/ICDP colloquium, 17-19 March 2014,Nuremberg,Germany

Science Communication and Outreach

  • Editorial board member of the University of Bremen Science Blog (since Dec. 2018).
  • PhD work was featured on the German popular science webpage „“ (28. Jun. 2016).
  • Participation in a 2-day Communicate your Science course (02. - 03. Jun. 2015, Bremen and Hamburg).
  • Participation in panel discussion about deep-sea mining (18. Feb. 2014, Bremen).
  • University teaching of BSc and MSc courses/field exercises as well as thesis supervision since 2013.
  • Presentation of scientific work (poster or oral) at 10+ conferences/workshops in Germany, the US, the UK, New Zealand, Austria, and Italy.

Teaching (400+ hrs)

BSc Geowissenschaften, Universität Bremen

Since 2016              Supervision of Bachelor theses

Since 2014              Lecture / Exercise (3rd year): Seismische Exploration

2013, 2018, 2019  Field Exercise (2nd year): Seegeophysikalische Geländeübung

2015                        Project Exercise (2nd year): Projektübung Sedimentkern

2014                        Field Exercise (2nd year): Methods of Geophysical Exploration


MSc Marine Geosciences, Universität Bremen

Since 2016              Supervision of Master projects and theses

Since 2014              Lecture / Exercise (1st year): Advanced Methods in Marine Geophysical Exploration

2013, 2018, 2019  Field Exercise (1st year): Advanced Marine Geophysical Survey Project 



2019                                                                                      FS Alkor (AL525) Baltic Sea Supervision of practical student course (BSc) in marine geophysical methods. Multichannel seismic and multibeam data acquisition and handling.
                                                                                                   VWFS Atair (Atair274) North Sea Offshore wind farm pre-site survey (University Bremen/BSH collaboration). Multichannel and single-channel seismics with Sparker and GI gun as sources as well as INNOMAR data acquisition and handling.
2018                                                      FS Alkor (AL518) Baltic Sea Supervision of practical student course (MSc) in marine geophysical methods. Multichannel seismic and multibeam data acquisition and handling.

RV Sonne (SO260)                              Argentina, Uruguay Member of geophysics team. Multichannel seismics, PARASOUND, and EM122 data acquisition and handling.
2016                                                     RV Minerva Uno (CAFE_2015)                              Gulf of Naples (Italy) Member of geophysics team. Semi-3D multichannel seismic data acquisition and handling. Partly responsible for the cruise-track planning.
2013                                                      FS Alkor (AL426)                              Baltic Sea Supervision of practical student course (BSc/MSc) in marine geophysical methods. Multichannel seismic, side scan sonar, and multibeam data acquisition and handling.

LEV Taifun                              Baltic Sea Offshore wind farm pre-site survey (University Bremen/IWES Fraunhofer collaboration). Member of geophysics team. Multichannel seismics and sediment echosounder (SES2000) data acquisition and handling.

 2007                                                      FS Alkor (AL308)                             Baltic Sea                              Participation in practical student course (BSc) in marine geophysical methods. Multichannel seismic, side scan sonar, and multibeam data acquisition and handling.

Professional Experience

04/2017 onwards (PostDoc)
 Principal Investigator (DFG project), Faculty of Geosciences, Bremen University.
Project title:First low-frequency 3D seismic investigation of the deep magmatic-hydrothermal system and architecture of the Campi Flegrei caldera to complement an amphibian drilling effort (DECAF) [DFG project STE 2633/1-1+2; ICDP Priority Programme]
Tasks: Conducting research on the Campi Flegrei caldera, preparation of scientific drilling proposal (ICDP-IODP), teaching and student supervision, participation in research cruises, preparation of publications, attending conferences.

07/2016 – 10/2016
 Geophysical Researcher MARUM, Bremen, Germany

07/2013 – 06/2016 (PhD)
 Geophysical Researcher / Doctoral Candidate, Faculty of Geosciences, Bremen University

05/2010 – 07/2010
 Internship – Geophysical consulting, GeoPro, Hamburg, Germany

03/2010 – 04/2010
 Internship – Exploration geophysics, RWE Dea, Hamburg, Germany

12/2007 - 02/2010
 Student Research Assistant (Geophysics), University Bremen, Bremen, Germany

 Organisation team member of the IMOG (“International Meeting on Organic Geochemistry”) MARUM



11/2013 - 09/2016 
 Member of the GLOMAR Graduate School at MARUM, Bremen

07/2013 - 06/2016 (Doctoral candidate)
Faculty of Geosciences, University of Bremen, Bremen, Germany. Dissertation title: Reconstruction of volcano-tectonic processes in interplay with sedimentary deposition in the Gulf of Naples (Italy) using a seismoacoustic dataset. (defended 08/09/16; reviewers: Prof. Dr. V. Spiess, Prof. Dr. S. Krastel).

01/2011 - 12/2011 (MSc exchange year)
 Waikato University, Hamilton, New Zealand. Two semesters abroad within the framework of the Joint Master Degree.

10/2010 - 03/2013 (Joint MSc)
University of Bremen, Bremen, Germany and Waikato University, Hamilton, New Zealand. Joint Master of Science in Marine Geosciences (awarded with a Joint Degree).

10/2008 - 02/2009 (BSc semester abroad)
 National Oceanography Centre (NOC), University of Southampton, Southampton, United Kingdom. One semester abroad.

10/2006 - 10/2010 (BSc)
 University of Bremen, Bremen, Germany. Bachelor of Science in Geosciences (focus on geophysics and geochemistry).

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