in the MTU working group 2013 - 2019
now at:
Principal Investigator DFG project STE 2633/1-2
Editor at the University of Bremen Science Blog
Research Interests
- Submarine volcanism, volcanoclastic deposition, and volcano-tectonic processes
- (Submerged) large collapse calderas
- Seismic sequence and facies analysis to investigate paleo-environmental settings
- Bottom-current influence on margin morphology and sedimentary deposition (Contourite Depositional Systems)
- Cold-water coral mounds
- Processing and interpretation of multichannel reflection seismics, sediment echosounder data, and multibeam echosounder data
- IODP/ICDP site surveys
Awards and Grants
Acquisition of >260,000 EUR third-party funding
- 24-months temporary position as principal investigator(STE 2633/1-2) within the DFG’s ICDP Priority Programme (152,540 EUR funds).
- Award for Success, University of Bremen (UCRDF), 2018 (2,500 EUR)
- 12-months temporary position as principal investigator(STE 2633/1-1) within the DFG’s ICDP Priority Programme (91.450 EUR funds).
- ECORD MagellanPlus Workshop, 25 – 28 February 2017 held in Naples (IT) (co-proponent) (15,000 EUR funds).
- 3-months additional funding, MARUM Incentive Fund
2014 - 2015
- Several GLOMAR travel and research stay grants(5,620 EUR)
- Best PosterAward at IODP/ICDP colloquium, 17-19 March 2014,Nuremberg,Germany
Science Communication and Outreach
- Editorial board member of the University of Bremen Science Blog (since Dec. 2018).
- Publication of popular science article (title: Der große Bruder des Vesuvs - Ein schlafender Riese?) for the Science Blog of the University of Bremen (22. Aug. 2018).
- Publication of cruise blog article (title: Past climate change revealed by geophysics) during the RV SONNE SO260 expedition in Jan./Feb. 2018. (German version of the article also features on the popular science webpage bunteerde)
- PhD work was featured on the German popular science webpage „planeterde.de“ (28. Jun. 2016).
- Participation in a 2-day Communicate your Science course (02. - 03. Jun. 2015, Bremen and Hamburg).
- Participation in panel discussion about deep-sea mining (18. Feb. 2014, Bremen).
- University teaching of BSc and MSc courses/field exercises as well as thesis supervision since 2013.
- Presentation of scientific work (poster or oral) at 10+ conferences/workshops in Germany, the US, the UK, New Zealand, Austria, and Italy.
Teaching (400+ hrs)
BSc Geowissenschaften, Universität Bremen
Since 2016 Supervision of Bachelor theses
Since 2014 Lecture / Exercise (3rd year): Seismische Exploration
2013, 2018, 2019 Field Exercise (2nd year): Seegeophysikalische Geländeübung
2015 Project Exercise (2nd year): Projektübung Sedimentkern
2014 Field Exercise (2nd year): Methods of Geophysical Exploration
MSc Marine Geosciences, Universität Bremen
Since 2016 Supervision of Master projects and theses
Since 2014 Lecture / Exercise (1st year): Advanced Methods in Marine Geophysical Exploration
2013, 2018, 2019 Field Exercise (1st year): Advanced Marine Geophysical Survey Project
2019 | FS Alkor (AL525) | Baltic Sea | Supervision of practical student course (BSc) in marine geophysical methods. Multichannel seismic and multibeam data acquisition and handling. |
VWFS Atair (Atair274) | North Sea | Offshore wind farm pre-site survey (University Bremen/BSH collaboration). Multichannel and single-channel seismics with Sparker and GI gun as sources as well as INNOMAR data acquisition and handling. | |
2018 | FS Alkor (AL518) | Baltic Sea | Supervision of practical student course (MSc) in marine geophysical methods. Multichannel seismic and multibeam data acquisition and handling. |
RV Sonne (SO260) | Argentina, Uruguay | Member of geophysics team. Multichannel seismics, PARASOUND, and EM122 data acquisition and handling. | |
2016 | RV Minerva Uno (CAFE_2015) | Gulf of Naples (Italy) | Member of geophysics team. Semi-3D multichannel seismic data acquisition and handling. Partly responsible for the cruise-track planning. |
2013 | FS Alkor (AL426) | Baltic Sea | Supervision of practical student course (BSc/MSc) in marine geophysical methods. Multichannel seismic, side scan sonar, and multibeam data acquisition and handling. |
LEV Taifun | Baltic Sea | Offshore wind farm pre-site survey (University Bremen/IWES Fraunhofer collaboration). Member of geophysics team. Multichannel seismics and sediment echosounder (SES2000) data acquisition and handling. | |
2007 | FS Alkor (AL308) | Baltic Sea | Participation in practical student course (BSc) in marine geophysical methods. Multichannel seismic, side scan sonar, and multibeam data acquisition and handling. |
Professional Experience
04/2017 onwards (PostDoc)
Principal Investigator (DFG project), Faculty of Geosciences, Bremen University.
Project title:First low-frequency 3D seismic investigation of the deep magmatic-hydrothermal system and architecture of the Campi Flegrei caldera to complement an amphibian drilling effort (DECAF) [DFG project STE 2633/1-1+2; ICDP Priority Programme]
Tasks: Conducting research on the Campi Flegrei caldera, preparation of scientific drilling proposal (ICDP-IODP), teaching and student supervision, participation in research cruises, preparation of publications, attending conferences.
07/2016 – 10/2016
Geophysical Researcher MARUM, Bremen, Germany
07/2013 – 06/2016 (PhD)
Geophysical Researcher / Doctoral Candidate, Faculty of Geosciences, Bremen University
05/2010 – 07/2010
Internship – Geophysical consulting, GeoPro, Hamburg, Germany
03/2010 – 04/2010
Internship – Exploration geophysics, RWE Dea, Hamburg, Germany
12/2007 - 02/2010
Student Research Assistant (Geophysics), University Bremen, Bremen, Germany
Organisation team member of the IMOG (“International Meeting on Organic Geochemistry”) MARUM
11/2013 - 09/2016
Member of the GLOMAR Graduate School at MARUM, Bremen
07/2013 - 06/2016 (Doctoral candidate)
Faculty of Geosciences, University of Bremen, Bremen, Germany. Dissertation title: Reconstruction of volcano-tectonic processes in interplay with sedimentary deposition in the Gulf of Naples (Italy) using a seismoacoustic dataset. (defended 08/09/16; reviewers: Prof. Dr. V. Spiess, Prof. Dr. S. Krastel).
01/2011 - 12/2011 (MSc exchange year)
Waikato University, Hamilton, New Zealand. Two semesters abroad within the framework of the Joint Master Degree.
10/2010 - 03/2013 (Joint MSc)
University of Bremen, Bremen, Germany and Waikato University, Hamilton, New Zealand. Joint Master of Science in Marine Geosciences (awarded with a Joint Degree).
10/2008 - 02/2009 (BSc semester abroad)
National Oceanography Centre (NOC), University of Southampton, Southampton, United Kingdom. One semester abroad.
10/2006 - 10/2010 (BSc)
University of Bremen, Bremen, Germany. Bachelor of Science in Geosciences (focus on geophysics and geochemistry).