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2007 07 - M/V Franklin Cruise BGR07 Leg 2 (FR07)

12.07.–27.08.2007 : Bremerhaven - Bremerhaven

Chief Scientist: Dr. Lutz Reinhardt (BGR)

Chief Seismic: Dr. Hanno Keil

MTU Participants: Schwenk, Palamenghi, Gehrmann

Groups involved

  • Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe, Hannover (BGR)
  • Working Group Marine Technology/Environmental Research, Department of Geoscience, Bremen University (GeoB AG Spiess (MTU))


  • Parasound
  • Multibeam

During Leg 2 of the cruise with R/V FRANKLIN a vibration corer (VKG-6), a multi corer (MUC), and the highest resolution multi-channel seismic system of the University of Bremen were deployed. The bathymetric measurements by R/V FRANKLIN’s shallow water swath bathymetry system were continued. Topics of the second leg were:

• Systematic sampling of pockmarks identified during leg 1.

• Systematic sampling along the western rim of the “Elbe-Urstromtal” for dateable peat (to be used as sea-level indicator)

• Additional profiles of planned windpark areas north of Borkum

• Recording of seismic profiles along transects of short cores (Streif et al., 1983), which does not exist.

Following these ideas the second leg was intended to densify the so far incomplete highresolution seismic grid of the German exclusive economic zone and identify additional peat occurrences. Seismic profiles along the borehole transects of Streif et al. (1983) allow for stratigraphic interpretation of the reflectors.

Mutichannel Seismic Lines across a Subglacial Tunnel Valley

Survey Tracks in possible wind farm areas

Multichannel Seismic Profile across the Elbe Paleo Valley with shallow gas

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