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North Sea & Irish Sea Cruises

Research Cruises with MTU participation to the North Sea have started in 2004, when we could run our first test of a new single hydrophone streamer, which was optimized for shallow marine multichannel seismic acquisition. Since then, we cooperated with BGR in the GPDN project, carried out research in the framwork of the RCOM and MARUM excellence clusters, contibuted to commercial surveys of windfarms and strongly cooperated recently with BSH to ensure smooth development of furtue windfarm areas within the German EEZ.

Recently, we also carried out research related to our applied research projects, funded by the Ministry of Economics (BMWi), namely the projects Seismik NordOst, Boulder Detection, SynCore and Cable Detection.

Research Cruises

  • 2004 - Aur04 - Aurelia - (BGR) - 31.05.-19.ß6.2004
  • 2005 - He242 - Heincke (BGR) - 18.10.-30.10. / 01.11.-14.11.2005
  • 2005 - SK05 - FK Senckenberg - (BGR) - 18.10.-26.10.2005
  • 2007 - FR07 - Franklin - (BGR) - 12.07.–27.08.2007 
  • 2008 - SK08 - FK Senckenberg - 30.06.-05.07.2008 
  • 2009 - SC09 - MS Schall - 06.08.–20.08.2009 
  • 2011 - CE11 - Celtic Explorer - (BGR) - 25.05.–14.06.2011 
  • 2013 - He405 - Heincke - 27.06.-13.07.2013
  • 2014 - SC14 - OWP Skua (IWES, GeoE)
  • 2016 - He463 - Heincke - 11.05-27.05.2016
  • 2016 - AT241 - Atair (BSH) - 
  • 2017 - AT251 - Atair (BSH) - 
  • 2018 - WG173 - Wega (BSH) - 24.07.-02.08.2018
  • 2019 - He525 - Heincke - 05.03-08.03.2019
  • 2019 - AT274 - Atair - (BSH) - 19.02.–28.02.2019 
  • 2021 - He569 - Heincke - 04.02-26.02.2021
  • 2021 - AT009 - Atair(IV) - 12.10.-21.10.2021 
  • 2022 - ATxxx - Atair(IV) - xx.xx. - xx.xx.2022


  • 2018/2019 - LTxx - Lev Taifun - OWP Kaskasi (IWES. RWE)

Irish Sea

  • 2017 - CV17013 - Celtic Voyager
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