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Lake Ohrid, Mazedonia

Sebastian krastel, Tilmann Schwenk

Lake Ohrid is located in southeastern Europe at the border between Mazedonia and Albania with 360 km2 surface area and a maximum depth of 286 m. It. became a target for drilling because of its large number of endemic species and the high biodiversity. Also, the lake may have been isolated over several million years and could have accumulated a long Neogene sedimentary archive.

Two cruises had been carried out in 2007 and 2008 to acquire site survey data for potential ICDP drilling (SCOPSCO - Scientific Collabo-ration On Past Speciation Conditions in Ohrid). 

Further research had been carried out at CAU Kiel by Sebastian Krastel.

Cruise Facts

Duration: 22.09.07 - 25.09.07
Vessel:  --
Participants: Krastel
Funding: DFG
Data sets:

  • MCS, Teledyne 100 m 16ch, mini GI Gun

Cruise Facts

Duration: 04.06.08 - 12.06.08
Vessel:  --
Participants: Krastel
Funding: DFG
Data sets:

  • MCS, Hires 50 m 48ch, mini GI Gun


Project Web Pages: Sebastian Krastel, Kiel University

ICDP  Drilling Campaign Lake Ohrid


Lindhorst, Katja, Krastel, S., Reicherter, K., Stipp, M., Wagner, B., Schwenk, T. (2015) Sedimentary and tectonic evolution of Lake Ohrid (Macedonia/Albania): Basin Research, 27 (1), 84-101,

Lindhorst, Katja, Gruen M., Krastel S., Schwenk T. (2012) Hydroacoustic Analysis of Mass Wasting Deposits in Lake Ohrid (FYR Macedonia/Albania). Submarine Mass Movements and Their Consequences, 31, 245-+,

Lindhorst, K., Vogel, H., Krastel, S., Wagner, B., Hilgers, A., Zander, A., Schwenk, T., Wessels, M., Daut, G. (2010) Stratigraphic analysis of Lake Level Fluctuations in Lake Ohrid: An integration of high resolution hydro-acoustic data and sediment cores. Biogeosciences, 7, 3531–3548,

Reicherter, K., Hoffmann, N., Lindhorst, K., Krastel, S., Fernández-Steeger, T., Active basins and neotectonics: the Lake Ohrid (FYROM, Albania). Z. dt. Ges. Geowiss., 162: 217–234,

Bachelor Thesis

Kühl, Bastian (2008) Sedimentationsgeschichte des Ohrid-See abgeleitet aus hochauflösenden seismischen Daten. B.Sc. Thesis, Fachbereich Geowissenschaften, Universität Bremen.



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