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OGURO, Aisgo


Room:GEO buil­ding, room 4530
Pho­ne:+49 421 218-65376
Other web­page(s):Aisgo's institute webpage

ongoing PhD pro­ject:


Quan­ti­fi­ca­ti­on of se­di­ment pro­per­ties using in­ver­ted 2d- mul­tichan­nel seis­moa­coustic data sets in shal­low wa­ter

The un­der­stan­ding of the sea floor and the shal­low se­di­ments be­ne­ath are very im­portant in or­der to avo­id na­tu­ral di­sas­ters ge­ne­ra­ted by ge­o­ha­zards. Some re­gi­ons are more sen­si­ti­ve than others due to geo­lo­gi­cal fea­tures such as: shal­low gas ac­cu­mu­la­ti­ons, near sur­face faults or man-made ob­jects (pipe­lines). So, to iden­ti­fy such fea­tures or zo­nes which can re­pre­sent a po­ten­ti­al risk for hu­man ac­tivi­ties or en­gi­nee­ring con­struc­tion are fun­da­men­tal in or­der to prevent risks.

My PhD pro­ject has as pri­ma­ry fo­cus to quan­ti­fy se­di­ments and/​or rock pro­per­ties of shal­low se­di­ments eit­her in shal­low or de­eper wa­ter co­lumn.
Usual­ly the con­ven­tio­nal ap­proach that has been done is the qua­li­ta­ti­ve in­ter­pre­ta­ti­on of seis­mic sec­tions which ba­si­cal­ly me­ans the iden­ti­fi­ca­ti­on of seis­mic stra­ti­gra­phic fea­tures. Be­si­des that I in­tend to use dif­fe­rent me­tho­do­lo­gies like am­pli­tu­de vs off­set (AVO), acoustic/​elas­tic in­ver­si­on and full wa­ve­form in­ver­si­on (FWI) that will re­sult in the quan­ti­ta­ti­ve in­ter­pre­ta­ti­on.

In this case quan­ti­ta­ti­ve in­ter­pre­ta­ti­on me­ans to ob­tain a nu­me­ri­cal in­ter­pre­ta­ti­on of iden­ti­fied seis­mic stra­ti­gra­phic fea­tures through the com­bi­na­ti­on of phy­si­cal pa­ra­me­ters like: com­pres­sio­nal ve­lo­ci­ty, she­ar ve­lo­ci­ty, den­si­ty, com­pres­sio­nal and she­ar im­pe­dance, pois­son ra­tio and others.

To achie­ve such ob­jec­tives I in­tend to use mul­tichan­nel seis­mic data (MCS) to­ge­ther with a ‘’well plan­ne­d’’ amount of ground truth data (bo­re­ho­les, co­res, CPTs). In spa­ti­al­ly he­te­ro­ge­neous are­as, whe­re a lar­ge num­ber of ground truth are re­qui­red, di­rect sam­pling can quick­ly be­co­me time con­su­ming and ex­pen­si­ve. This is com­poun­ded by un­sol­ved is­su­es re­gar­ding the pre­ser­va­ti­on of cer­tain key soil pro­per­ties (e.g., po­ro­si­ty) du­ring sam­pling.

So, the seis­mic data will pro­vi­de me the spa­ti­al re­so­lu­ti­on ne­cessa­ry to co­ver huge are­as whi­le the ground truth data will be used eit­her as ca­li­bra­ti­on points for the quan­ti­fi­ca­ti­on or as ‘blind tes­t’ to va­li­da­te the pro­cess.                                                                                                            


The­sis com­mit­tee:

Prof. Dr. Volk­hard SpießUni­ver­si­ty of Bre­men
Dr. Han­no KeilUni­ver­si­ty of Bre­men
Prof. Dr. To­bi­as MörzUni­ver­si­ty of Bre­men
Prof. Dr. Dirk Ga­je­w­skiUni­ve­ris­ty of Ham­burg
Dr. Lars Zu­ehls­dorffNor­sar, Lil­le­strøm, Nor­way

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