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Sequence Stratigraphy, Shelves and Deltas

Bengal Shelf

Amazon Shelf

Galicia Shelf

Argentine Shelf

North Sea

Andresen, Katrine Juul, Hepp D.A., Keil H., Spiess V. (2022) Seismic morphologies of submerged late glacial to early Holocene landscapes at the eastern Dogger Bank, central North Sea Basin – implications for geo-archaeological potential. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 525.

Özmaral, Asli, Abegunrina A., Keil H., Hepp D.A., Schwenk T., Lantzsch H., Mörz T., Spiess V. (2022) The Elbe Palaeovalley: evolution from an ice-marginal valley to a sedimentary trap (SE North Sea) . Quaternary Science Reviews, 282.

Natale, Jacopo, Camanni, G., Ferranti, L., Isaia, R., Sacchi, M., Spiess, V., Steinmann, L., & Vitale, S. (2022). Fault  systems in the offshore sector of the Campi Flegrei caldera (southern  Italy): Implications for nested caldera structure, resurgent dome, and  volcano-tectonic evolution. Journal of Structural Geology, 163, 104723.

Natale, Jacopo, Ferranti L., Isaia, R., Marino, C.. Sacchi, M., Spiess, V., Steinmann, L., Vitale, S. (2021) Integrated on‐land‐offshore stratigraphy of the Campi Flegrei caldera: New insights into the volcano‐tectonic evolution in the last 15 kyr. Basin Research, 00, 1-28.

Wenau, Stefan, Preu, B., Spiess, V. (2020) Geological development of the Limpopo Shelf (southern Mozambique) during the last sealevel cycle. Geo-Mar Lett 40, 363–377,

Tóth, Zsuzsanna, McCarron S., Wheeler AJ., Wenau S., Davis S., Lim A., Spiess V. (2020) Geomorphological and seismostratigraphic evidence for multidirectional polyphase glaciation of the northern Celtic Sea. Journal of Quaternary Science 35, 465-478,

Pickering, Jennifer L., Diamond MS., Goodbred SL., Grall C., Martin JM, Palamenghi L., Paola C., Schwenk T., Sincavage RS., Spiess V. (2019) Impact of glacial-lake paleofloods on valley development since glacial termination II: A conundrum of hydrology and scale for the lowstand Brahmaputra-Jamuna paleovalley system. GSA Bulletin 131 (1-2), 58-70,, (PDF).

Grall, Celine, Steckler MS., Pickering JL., Goodbred S., Sincavage R., Paola C., Akhter SH., Spiess, V. (2018) A base-level stratigraphic approach to determining Holocene subsidence of the Ganges–Meghna–Brahmaputra Delta plain. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 499, 23-36,

Steinmann, Lena, Spiess V., Sacchi M. (2018) Post-collapse evolution of a coastal caldera system: Insights from a 3D multichannel seismic survey from the Campi Flegrei caldera (Italy). Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 349, 83-98, (PDF)

Hein, Chris J., Galy V., Galy A., France-Lanord C., Kudrass H.,  Schwenk T. (2017) Post-glacial climate forcing of surface processes in the Ganges-Brahmaputra river basin and implications for carbon sequestration. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 478, 89-101,

Lantzsch, Hendrik, Hanebuth, TJJ., Horry J., Grave M., Rebesco M., Schwenk T. (2017) Deglacial to Holocene history of ice-sheet retreat and bottom current strength on the western Barents Sea shelf. Quaternary Science Reviews, 173, 40-57,

Violante, Crescenzo, Sacchi, M.  Spiess, V.  Steinmann, L. (2017) Seafloor Response to Large Volcanic Activity and Geohazard Implications in Naples Bay, Southern Italy. Offshore Site Investigation Geotechnics 8th International Conference Proceeding, 11, 265-275,

Özmaral, Asli (2017) Climatically controlled sedimentary processes on continental shelves. Dissertation, xx. pp..

Steinmann, Lena, Spiess V., Sacchi M. (2016) The Campi Flegrei caldera (Italy): formation and evolution in interplay with sea-level variations since the Campanian Ignimbrite eruption at 39 ka. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 327, 361-374,

Rebesco, Michele, Özmaral A., Urgeles R., Accettella D., Lucchi RG., Rüther D., Winsborrow M., Llopart J., Caburlotto A., Lantzsch H., Hanebuth TJJ (2016) Evolution of a high-latitude sediment drift inside a glacially-carved trough based on high-resolution seismic stratigraphy (Kveithola, NW Barents Sea). Quaternary Science Reviews, 147, 178-193,

Steinmann, Lena (2016) Reconstruction of volcano-tectonic processes in interplay with sedimentary deposition in the Gulf of Naples (Italy) using a seismoacoustic dataset. Dissertation, xx. pp..

Rekant, Pavel, Bauch HA., Schwenk T., Portnov A., Gusev E., Spiess V. (2015) Evolution of subsea permafrost landscapes in Arctic Siberia since the Late Pleistocene: a synoptic insight from acoustic data of the Laptev Sea. arktos 1 (1), 1-15,

Palamenghi, Luisa, Keil H., Spiess V. (2015) Sequence stratigraphic framework of a mixed turbidite-contourite depositional system along the NW slope of the South China Sea. Geo-Marine Letters 35 (1), 69-75,

Hanebuth, Till J. J., Zhang, W., Hofmann, A. L., Lowemark, L. A., Schwenk, T. (2015) Oceanic density fronts steering bottom-current induced sedimentation deduced from a 50 ka contourite-drift record and numerical modeling (off NW Spain). Quaternary Science Reviews, 112, 207-225,

Oberle, Franz K., Hanebuth TJJ., Baasch B., Schwenk T. (2014) Volumetric budget calculation of sediment and carbon storage and export for a late Holocene mid-shelf mudbelt system (NW Iberia). Continental Shelf Research, 76, 12-24,

Lantzsch, Hendrik, Hanebuth TJJ., Chiessi CM., Schwenk T., Violante RA. (2014) The high-supply, current-dominated continental margin of southeastern South America during the late Quaternary. Quaternary Research, 81, 2, 339-354,

Voigt, Ines, Henrich R., Preu B., Piola AR., Hanebuth TJJ., Schwenk T., Chiessi, CM. (2013) A submarine canyon as a climate archive - Interaction of the Antarctic Intermediate Water with the Mar del Plata Canyon (Southwest Atlantic). Marine Geology, v. 341, p. 46-57,

Henkel, Susann, Schwenk T., Hanebuth TJJ., Strasser M., Riedinger N., Formolo M., Tomasini J., Krastel S., Kasten S. (2012) Pore Water Geochemistry as a Tool for Identifying and Dating Recent Mass-Transport Deposits: Submarine Mass Movements and Their Consequences, v. 31, p. 87-+,

Krastel, Sebastian, Wynn, RB., Georgiopoulou A., Geersen J., Henrich R., Meyer M., Schwenk T. (2012) Large-Scale Mass Wasting on the Northwest African Continental Margin: Some General Implications for Mass Wasting on Passive Continental Margins. Submarine Mass Movements and Their Consequences, 31, 189-199,

Hepp, Daniel A.,  Hebbeln D., Kreiter S., Keil H., Bathmann C., Ehlers J., Mörz T. (2012) An east–west-trending Quaternary tunnel valley in the south-eastern North Sea and its seismic–sedimentological interpretation. J. Quaternary Science, 27, 844-853,

Preu, Benedict (2012) High-resolution seismo-acoustic studies of alongslope and downslope sediment transport processes shaping depositional patterns at continental margins. Dissertation, xx pp..

Palamenghi, Luisa (2012) Tectonic and sea level control on the transport and depositional processes in a siliciclastic sedimentary basin. Insights from the Ganges-Brahmaputra Delta, Bengal Basin, Bangladesh. Dissertation, xx pp..

Palamenghi, Luisa, Schwenk T., Spiess V.,  Kudrass HR. (2011) Seismostratigraphic Analysis with Centennial to Decadal Time Resolution of the Sediment Sink in the Ganges-Brahmaputra Subaqueous Delta,. Continental Shelf Research, 712-730,

Preu, Benedict, Spiess V., Schwenk T., Schneider RR. (2011). Evidence for current-controlled sedimentation along the southern Mozambique continental margin since Early Miocene times. Geo-Marine Letters 31 (5-6), 427-435,

Krastel, Sebastian, Wefer G., Hanebuth,TJJ., Antobreh, AA., Freudenthal T., Preu B., Schwenk T., Strasser M., Violante R., Winkelmann D., and Party, M. S. S. (2011) Sediment dynamics and geohazards off Uruguay and the de la Plata River region (northern Argentina and Uruguay). Geo-Marine Letters, 31, 4, 271-283,

Nizou, J., Hanebuth, TJJ., Heslop D., Schwenk T., Palamenghi L., Stuut JB., Henrich R. (2010) The Senegal River mud belt: A high-resolution archive of paleoclimatic change and coastal evolution. Marine Geology, 278, 1-4, 150-164,

Lantzsch, Hendrik, Hanebuth, TJ.., Bender V., Krastel S. (2009) Sedimentary architecture of a low-accumulation shelf since the Late Pleistocene (NW Iberia). Marine Geology, 259, 47-58,

Hübscher, Christian, Spiess V. (2005) Forced regression system tracts on the Bengal Shelf. Mar. Geol., 219, 207-218,

Kottke, Bernd, Schwenk T., Breitzke M., Wiedicke M., Kudrass HR., Spiess V. (2003) Acoustic Facies and Depositional Processes in the Upper Submarine Canyon Swatch of No Ground (Bay of Bengal). Deep-Sea Research II, 50, 979-1001,

Michels Klaus H., Suckow A., Breitzke M., Kudrass HR., Kottke B. (2003) Sediment transport in the shelf canyon ‘‘Swatch of No Ground’’ (Bay of Bengal), Deep-Sea Research II 50 (2003) 1003–1022,

Hübscher, Christian, Figueredo AG., Kruse L., Spiess V. (2002) High-resolution analysis of the deposition pattern on the Amazon sub-aquatic delta and outer continental shelf . Mar. Geophys. Res., 23, 209-222,

Wiedicke Michael, Kudrass HR., Hübscher C. (2005) Oolitic beach barriers of the last Glacial sea-level lowstand at the outer Bengal shelf. MARINE GEOLOGY, 157, 7-18,

Hübscher, Christian, Breitzke M., Michels K., Kudrass HR., Spiess V., Wiedicke M. (1998) Late Quaternary seismic stratigraphy of the eastern Bengal Shelf. Mar. Geophys. Res., 20, 57-81,

Michels Klaus H, Kudrass HR., Hübscher C., Suckow A., Wiedicke M. (1998) The submarine delta of the Ganges-Brahmaputra: cyclone-dominated sedimentation patterns. Marine Geology, 149, 133-154,



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