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Prof. Dr. Volkhard SPIESS - Projects

Research Projects on Seismic Data Acquisition, Processing and Interpretation (see below)

Projects related to Wind Farm Development/Renewable Energy


Research Project: SynCore 

Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy, 2020-2023

As partner of Fraunhofer IWES, Bremen University contributes to several sub-projects on seismic acquisition optimization, inversion methods and application to real data, seismic interpretation as constraints for inversion, and development of 3D soil models using geostatistical methods. 

Role:              Project Leader University


Offshore Wind Farms Polish Baltic Sea 2020

E.On/RWE Renewables

Consultant work for seismoacoustic survey specification and review of technical and tender documents.

Role:              Project Leader for UBC MariSARS



Research Project: Boulder Detection 

Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy, 2017-2020

As partner of Fraunhofer IWES, Bremen University carries out a sub-project on boulder detection methods with a focus on beamforming in theory, application and field tests.

Role:              Scientific Advisor and Partner in data acquisition/interpretation




Research Project: Seismik NordOst 


Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy, 2016-2019


Cooperative project with Fraunhofer IWES on efficiency and quality improvement for the subsoil investigation for offshore wind farms on the basis of optimized seismic measurement methods. The University of Bremen runs a sub-project on the technical details of the impact of seismic sources and processing techniques on the quality of imaging and interpretation. 




Project Leader, Scientific Advisor and Partner in data acquisition/interpretation



Offshore Wind Farms North Sea 2019

Fraunhofer IWES and BSH

Contractual work to process and interpret vintage airgun seismic data from a wind farm area in the North Sea fulfilling the advanced BSH standards for data quality for processing and interpretation

Role:              Project Leader for UBC MariSARS



Offshore Wind Farm "Arkona Becken Südost", Baltic Sea

E.ON Climate and Renewable GmbH, 2014-2018


In the ABSE wind farm, E.On Renewables had been supported by technical and strategic advice on optimized survey strategies, quality assurance and uncertainty evaluation to determine and minimize the risk on shifting OWT locations away from ground truthing CPT and borehole data. The approach was development to use multichannel seismic data for establishment of a 3D subsoil model. The project led to BSH approval without additional drilling/CPT work. Several Alkor cruises were carried out and led to support the windfarm development. 



Scientific Advisor and Partner in data acquisition/interpretation



Offshore Wind Farm Evaluation Kriegers Flak, Baltic Sea

E.ON Climate and Renewable GmbH, 2013/14

Evaluation of a complete data package on the geology of the Krieger’s Flak area and comparison with new seismic measurements

Role: Project Co-Leader, Scientific Advisor and Partner in data acquisition/interpretation


Offshore Wind Farm planning area Arcadis Ost1, Baltic Sea


Arcadis , 2013/14


A pseudo-3D survey was designed and carried out to evaluate the foundation-wide variability of geological and geotechnical conditions due to complex glacial subsoil variations and deformation.



Scientific Advisor and Partner in data acquisition/Interpretation





Research Project: Baltic Gas

EU / BMBF, 2009 - 2011


Characterization and quantification of shallow gas occurrences in the Baltic Sea using multichannel seismic and sediment echosounder data



BMBF Project leader


Research Projects on Seismic Data Acquisition, Processing and Interpretation

to come soon

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