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Upcoming Cruises


Alkor - late summer 2024

This is our annual student cruise, which is part of the Bachelor and Master education and is meant to train on ield work in marine geophysics.

Irish Sea - summer 2024

We have a preliminiary agreement with Irish colleagues to carry out a seismic survey in Irish waters, related to subsurface geology and wind farm development.

Atair - late spring 2024

This cruise is part of our annual suuport work for wind farm development in the German EEZ, funded through the project SEBAMO-II by the Bundesamt für Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie (BSH)

SO304 - 21.2.-8.4.2024 Bengal Shelf - Colombo - Colombo

This cruise had already planned for 2020, but was cancelled due to Corona, because foreighn ports could not be visisted.

We now hope for the second attempt, which will be a strong international cooperation with scientists from France, USA, Bangladesh.


Lake Schwerin - November 2023

This cruise results from a cooperation with tie University of Greifswald, Department of Geography. Marine geophysical work was carried out to investigate subsurface structures as well as seafloor morphology.

AL602 - 17.-30.9.2023 Baltic Sea - Kiel - Kiel

This is our annual student cruise, which is part of the Bachelor and Master education and is meant to train on ield work in marine geophysics.

ATAIR - 6.-15.6.2023 Bremerhaven - Bremerhaven

This cruise is part of our annual suuport work for wind farm development in the German EEZ, funded through the project SEBAMO-II by the Bundesamt für Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie (BSH)

Lake Schwerin - 21.-23.3.2023

This cruise results from a cooperation with tie University of Greifswald, Department of Geography. Marine geophysical work was carried out to investigate subsurface structures as well as seafloor morphology.


2023 03

In the last week of March, we conducted a first geophysical survey on Schweriner See in Mecklenburg-Vormpommern. It is one of the largest lakes in the North and up to 50 m deep.  Through a cooperation with Greifswald University, Prof. Torsten Haberzettl, and support from the local water police, we could use the boat WS-61 to test equipment for sediment echosounding, multibeam swath mapping, side scan sonar mapping and multichannel seismics. Not all of the methods worked concurrently due to mutual disturbance, but interesting echosounder and side scan data could be collected. More seismic work is planned for autumn 2023. See more

2023 03

Henriette Wilckens from the working group of Elda Miromaonts (Sedimentology, FB5) was publishing her thrid PhD paer just in time before delivering her thesis. Congratulations for a perfect work and an interesting overview about moats as current-controlled features on continental margins!

Wilckens, Henriette, Schwenk T., Lüdmann T., Betzler C., Zhang W., Chen J., Hernández-Molina J., Lefebvre A., Cattaneo A., Spiess V., Kasten S., Miramontes E.  (2023)  Factors controlling the morphology and internal sediment architecture of moats and their associated drifts. Sedimentology

2023 02

Fynn Warnke was successful in publishing his master thesis, while he is working on his PhD in New Zealand. Congratulations to a wonderful output and scientifically very valid contribution to contourite research!

Warnke, F., Schwenk, T., Miramontes, E., Spiess, V., Wenau, S., Bozzano, G., Baqués, M., Kasten, S. (2023) Evolution of complex giant seafloor depressions at the northern Argentine continental margin (SW Atlantic Ocean) under the influence of a dynamic bottom current regime. Frontiers in Earth Science, 11.

2022 10

Junhui Xing was a Phd student in our working group many years ago. This publication was part of his thesis work in the Black Sea, related to gas eepage and associated sedimentary systems.

Xing, Junhui, Spiess V. (2022) Late Miocene-Quaternary Sedimentary Environment Evolution of the Kerch Seep area, Black Sea. Marine Geology

2022 05

We are proud to announce that a publication was accepted about our new approach on Boulder Detection, which was partially an outcome of a master thesis.

Römer-Stange et al. (2022) Boulder Detection in the Shallow Sub-Seafloor by Diffraction Imaging with Beamforming on Ultra-High Resolution Seismic Data - A Feasibility Study

2022 03

Two papers had been just accepted for publication, both refer to the North Sea.

  • The first one resulted from a cooperation with the University of Aarhus and a research stay of Ktrine Juul Andresen at MARUM.

Andresen et al. (2022) Seismic morphologies of submerged late glacial to early Holocene landscapes at the eastern Dogger Bank, central North Sea Basin – implications for geo-archaeological potential

  • The second one is a late publication from a PhD work of Asli Özmaral, which had been funded by MARUM. Complimentary sedimentologic and geotechnical data from AG Mörz have been incorporated since then.

Özmaral et al. (2022) The Elbe Palaeovalley: evolution from an ice-marginal valley to a sedimentary trap (SE North Sea)  

2022 02

  • Successfully finished teaching for this winter term with many new lectures and content., namely 'Geophysical Survey Strategies and Planning' as well as 'Renewable Energy in the Earth System' (in cooperation with Fraunhofer IWES)
  • Harbour test of seismic sources with OBN recording and signature evaluation of sparker in Bremerhaven

2021 11

  • Part of the team was trained on the new seismic acquisition system for Ocean Bottom Nodes (OBNs) by the manufacturer inApril
  • Nikolas Römer-Stange submitted a manuscipt on Boulder Detection
  • Fynn Warnke submitted a manuscript on the contourite depositional system offshore Argentina
  • Publication: Natale et al. (2021) Integrated on‐land‐offshore stratigraphy of the Campi Flegrei caldera: New insights into the volcano‐tectonic evolution in the last 15 kyr, with contributions from Lena Steinmann and Volkhard Spiess

2021 10

  • ATAIR009 Cruise was finished successfully on Oct 20th

>>> check for more details

  • Alkor Cruise AL566 was successfully finished on Oct 15th at 8 in the morning. Everyone safely left the ship and equipment was unloaded.

>>> check for more details and our logbook

2021 09

  • Katrine Juul Andresen submitted a joint paper with MTU on North Sea research at Doggerbank
  • Upcoming Winter Courses with MTU  Contributions

2nd year: > Methoden der geophysikalischen Exploration
3rd year: > Seismische Exploration, > Gesteinsphysik und Bohrlochmessungen, > Seegeophysikalische Geländeübung

MSc Applied Geosciences:
> Renewable Energy, > Applied Geophysics - Methods

MSc Marine Geosciences:
> Sedimentary Structures Passive Margins, > Gas Hydrates, > Geophysical Survey Strategies and Planning, > Marine Geophysical Survey Project

Digital Competences:
> Seismic Data Processing, > Seismic Interpretation Project

2021 09 

For the first time after almost 1.5 years, we could teach again in our building!

The Course 'Renewable Energy' was taught in presence between 6-10.9. in the Geo Building. 6 students were present and 5 more were connected online, using the new smart system. 

Renewable Energy is a new topic in our curriculum out of a joint venture between MTU and Fraunhofer IWES, which will be now become part of our new M.Sc. program 'Applied Geosciences' to start officially in the upcoming winter term.

2021 09   


We are currently preparing a continuation of the R&D Research Project SEBAMO-I, which will support North Sea wind farm surveys of BSH for another 3 years to collect multichannel data, process and interpret them and support them with proposals for geotechnical investigations.

In addition, several scientific topics will be studied based on the data, which are going to be collected, support future improvement of interpretation concepts within windfarm areas.

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