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Dr. Noémi FEKETE - Publications

  • S. Wenau, V. Spiess, T. Pape, N. Fekete (2017): Controlling mechanisms of giant deep water pockmarks in the Lower Congo Basin. Marine and Petroleum Geology, doi:10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2017.02.030
  • Visnovitz F., F. Horváth, N. Fekete, V. Spiess (2015): Strike-slip tectonics in the Pannonian basin based on seismic surveys at Lake Balaton. International Journal of Earth Sciences 104, 8, pp. 2273-2285
  • Wenau, S., V. Spiess, T. Pape, N. Fekete (2015): Cold seeps at the salt front in the Lower Congo Basin II: The impact of spatial and temporal evolution of salt-tectonics on hydrocarbon seepage. Marine and Petroleum Geology, doi:10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2014.09.021
  • Wenau, S., V. Spiess, T. Pape, N. Fekete (2015): Cold seeps at the salt front in the Lower Congo Basin I: Current methane accumulation and active seepage. Marine and Petroleum Geology, doi:10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2014.07.032
  • Balázs, A., F. Visnovitz, V. Spiess, N. Fekete, Zs. Tóth, Z. Hámori, I. Kudó, F. Horváth (2013): Report on new seismic surveys at the Lake Balaton (2011–2012). Magyar Geofizika 08/2013; 54(2): 67-76.
  • Fischer D., J. M. Mogollón, M. Strasser, T. Pape, G. Bohrmann, N. Fekete, V. Spiess, S. Kasten (2013): Subduction zone earthquake as potential trigger of submarine hydrocarbon seepage. Nature Geoscience 6, 647–651, doi:10.1038/ngeo1886
  • Pierre C., M.-M. Blanc-Valleron, J. Demange, O. Boudouma, J.-P. Foucher, T. Pape, T. Himmler, N. Fekete and V. Spiess (2012): Authigenic carbonates from active methane seeps offshore southwest Africa. Geo-Marine Letters, doi: 10.1007/s00367-012-0295-x
  • Sacchi, M., V. Di Fiore, E. Esposito, N. Fekete, J. Metzen, F. Molisso, S. Porfido, V. Spiess, C. Violante (2011): New High-Resolution Seismic Data off the Campi Flegrei: Insights into the Evolution of the Neapolitan Yellow Tuff (NYT) Caldera, Eastern Tyrrhenian Margin. In: E. Brugnoli, G. Cavarretta, S. Mazzola, F. Trincardi, M. Ravaioli, R. Santoleri (Eds.), Marine Research at CNR - Marine Geology - DTA/06-2011, CNR, Rome, pp. 691–703
  • Ding F., V. Spiess, N. Fekete, B. Murton, M. Brüning, and G. Bohrmann (2010): Interaction between accretionary thrust faulting and slope sedimentation at the frontal Makran accretionary prism and its implications for hydrocarbon fluid seepage. J. Geophys. Res. 115, B081006, doi:10.1029/2008JB006246
  • Ding F., V. Spiess, I. MacDonald, M. Brüning, N. Fekete, G. Bohrmann (2010): Shallow sediment deformation styles in north-western Campeche Knolls, Gulf of Mexico and their controls on the occurrence of hydrocarbon seepage. Marine and Petroleum Geology 27: 959-972, doi:10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2010.01.014
  • Tóth Zs., T. Tóth, P. Szafián, A. Horváth, Z. Hámori, E. Dombrádi, N. Fekete, V. Spieß, F. Horváth (2010): Szeizmikus kutatások a Balatonon (Seismic Investigations of Lake Balaton). Földtani Közlöny, 140, pp. 355-366
  • Ding F., V. Spiess, M. Brüning, N. Fekete, H. Keil, G. Bohrmann (2008): A conceptual model for hydrocarbon accumulation and seepage processes around Chapopote asphalt site, southern Gulf of Mexico: From high resolution seismic point of view. JGR, V113, B08404
  • Moerz T., A. Kopf, W. Brueckmann, N. Fekete, V. Huenerbach, D. Masson, D. A. Hepp, E. Suess, W. Weinrebe (2005): Styles and productivity of mud diapirism along the Middle American Margin / Part 1: Margin Evolution, Segmentation, Dewatering and Mud Diapirism. In: Martinelli, G., Panahi, B. (Eds.), Mud volcanoes, geodynamics and seismicity, NATO Sci. Ser. IV. Springer, Dordrecht
  • Moerz T., N. Fekete, A. Kopf, W. Brueckmann, S. Kreiter, V. Huehnerbach, D. Masson, D. A. Hepp, M. Schmidt, S. Kutterolf, H. Sahling, F. Abegg, V. Spiess, E. Suess, C. R. Ranero (2005): Styles and productivity of mud diapirism along the Middle American Margin / Part 2: Mound Culebra and Mounds 11 and 12. In: Martinelli, G., Panahi, B. (Eds.), Mud volcanoes, geodynamics and seismicity, NATO Sci. Ser. IV. Springer, Dordrecht, pp. 49–76
  • Sallarès V., P. Charvis, E.R. Flueh, J. Bialas, W. Agudelo, A. Anglade, A. Berhorst, N. Bethoux, A. Broser, Y. Calahorrano, J.Y. Collot, N. Fekete, A. Gailler, M.A. Gutscher, Y. Hello, P. Liersch, F. Michaud, M. Müller, J.A. Osorio, C. Ravaut, K.P. Steffen, P. Thierer, C. Walther, B. Yates (2005): Seismic structure of the Carnegie ridge and the nature of the Galápagos hotspot. Geophysical Journal International 161, 3, pp. 763-788
  • Grevemeyer I., A. J. Kopf, N. Fekete, N. Kaul, H. Villinger, M. Heesemann, K. Wallmann, V. Spiess, H.-H. Gennerich, M. Mueller, W. Weinrebe (2004): Fluid flow trough active mud dome Mound Culebra offshore Nicoya Penisula, Costa Rica: evidence from heat flow surveying. Marine Geology 207: 145-157



  • Fischer, D., J. M. Mogollón, M. Strasser, T. Pape, G. Bohrmann, N. Fekete, V. Spiess, S. Kasten: Subduction zone earthquake probably triggered submarine hydrocarbon seepage offshore Pakistan (Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 16, EGU2014-13800, EGU General Assembly)


  • Wenau, S., V. Spiess, N. Fekete: 3D Multichannel Seismic Investigation of Active Pockmarks in the Lower Congo Basin (3rd Young Scientists Conference: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Global Change, Kiel, Germany, Oct 1-2, 2012)


  • Pierre, C., M. Blanc Valleron, J. Demange, O. Boudouma, T. Pape, T. Himmler, N. Fekete, V. Spiess: Authigenic minerals related to carbon and sulfur biogeochemical cycling from deep-sea active methane seeps offshore South-West Africa (Abstract B22A-07 presented at Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 5-9 Dec.)
  • Fekete, N., V. Spiess: The Influence of Tectonic and Sedimentary Processes on BSR Depth and Gas Hydrate Stability at the Makran Accretionary System, Offshore Pakistan (7th International Conference on Gas Hydrates, Edinburgh, UK, 17.-21. July 2011)
  • Spiess, V., N. Fekete: Deep Sea Gas Flares and Associated Gas Hydrate Traps in the Shallow Subseafloor (7th International Conference on Gas Hydrates, Edinburgh, UK, 17.-21. July 2011)
  • Wenau, S., N. Fekete, V. Spiess: Structure of Fluid Seepage Sites and Associated BSR Distribution on the Salt-Controlled Angola Continental Margin (7th International Conference on Gas Hydrates, Edinburgh, UK, 17.-21. July 2011)


  • Fekete N., V. Spiess, H. Sahling: Subsurface seismic structure of the Nascent Ridge vent site, Makran deformation front, offshore Pakistan (10th International Conference on Gas In Marine Sediments, Listvyanka, Russia, 6.-12. Sept. 2010)
  • Fekete N., V. Spiess, C. Caparachin, J.-P. Foucher: Cold seeps at the Congo continental margin identified from seismo-acoustic data (10th International Conference on Gas In Marine Sediments, Listvyanka, Russia, 6.-12. Sept. 2010)
  • Spiess V., N. Fekete: Fine scale sediment and water column structure at deep sea seepage sites derived from spatial seismoacoustic surveys. (10th International Conference on Gas In Marine Sediments, Listvyanka, Russia, 6.-12. Sept. 2010)
  • Fekete N., V. Spiess, H. Sahling: Subsurface Seismic Structure of the Nascent Ridge Vent Site, Makran Deformation Front, Offshore Pakistan. (Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 12, EGU2010-14249, 2010; EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria)
  • Sacchi M., F. Molisso, C. Violante, V. Di Fiore, D. Insinga, V. Spiess, N. Fekete, S. de Vita, M. Di Vito: Very high-resolution reflection seismics as a tool for the study of mixed siliciclastic-volcaniclastic environments. (Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 12, EGU2010-15289, 2010; EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria)


  • Schwenk, T., B. Preu, S. Krastel, N. Fekete, M. Meyer, K. Lindhorst, A. Anasetti, Y. Domnina: Interaction of along-slope and down-slope sedimentation processes on the Argentina/Uruguayan slope - First seismo-acoustic results from the Meteor cruise M78/3 (AGU, Fall Meeting 2009, Abstract OS21A-1151)
  • Fekete, N., V. Spiess, C. Caparachin, F. Ding, R. Gehrmann, H. Riepshoff, A. Trampe, J.-P. Foucher, and the M76/3a Shipboard Scientists Team: New Seep Sites along the West-African Passive Margin Identified from Seismo-Acoustic Data(Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 11, EGU2009-11024, 2009; EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria)
  • Fekete, N., V. Spiess, F. Ding, M. Brüning, B. Murton, and H. Sahling: Seismic Structure of Shallow Sediments at the Nascent Ridge Vent Site, Makran Deformation Front, Offshore Pakistan (Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 11, EGU2009-10904, 2009; EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria)
  • Sacchi, M., V. Spiess, V. Di Fiore, E. Esposito, N. Fekete, J. Metzen, F. Molisso, S. Porfido, and C. Violante: The offshore perspective in evaluating volcano-tectonic hazard within the Campi Flegrei district, Eastern Tyrrhenian coastal zone (Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 11, EGU2009-10213-1, 2009; EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria)
  • Spiess, V., J. Metzen, N. Fekete, L. Palamenghi, and M. Sacchi: Experience with a Shallow Water Seismic Pre-Site Survey for combined IODP and ICDP Drilling Campaigns in the Gulf of Naples and Pozzuoli Bay, Tyrrhenian Sea (Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 11, EGU2009-12947-1, 2009; EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria)


  • Spiess, V., N. Fekete, F. Ding, C. Caparachin, J.-P. Foucher: Gas and Fluid Expulsion at the Congo continental margin identfied from seismoacoustic data (Eos Trans. AGU, 89(53), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract OS32A-04)
  • Fekete, N., V. Spiess, H. Keil, G. Bohrmann, H. Güney: 3D Marine Seismic Investigations of the Batumi Seep Site, Eastern Black Sea (Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 10, EGU2008-A-02317, 2008; EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria)
  • Fekete, N., V. Spiess, B. Murton, M. Brüning, F. Ding, T. Le Bas, H. Sahling, T. Schwenk: High-resolution multi-channel seismic and acoustic investigations at the Makran accretionary margin, offshore Pakistan (Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 10, EGU2008-A-02372, 2008; EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria)


  • Ding, F., V. Spiess, N. Fekete, H. Keil, G. Bohrmann: A conceptual model for hydrocarbon accumulation and seepage processes inside Chapopote asphalt volcanism site, Southern Gulf of Mexico: from high resolution seismic point of view (Eos Trans. AGU, 88(23), Jt. Assem. Suppl., Abstract OS51B-02)
  • Spiess, V., F. Ding, M. Bruening, N. Fekete, H. Keil, G. Bohrmann: Geophysical Surveys in the Southern Gulf of Mexico - Preliminary Results from R/V Meteor Cruise M67/2 (Eos Trans. AGU, 88(23), Jt. Assem. Suppl., Abstract OS53B-07)
  • Kázmér, M., T. Mikes, Zs. Benkö, I. Kovács, T. Pocsai, A. Prohászka, N. Fekete, E. Krolopp, G. Timár, B. Székely: Small-scale Quaternary flexural basins in the Carpathian-Pannonian system: the Transdanubian Sarret Basin as an example (Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 7, 09450)
  • Fekete, N., V. Spiess, H. Keil, G. Bohrmann, H. Güney: 3D Marine Seismic Investigations of the Batumi Seep Site, Eastern Black Sea (97ste Jahrestagung der GV, Bremen)


  • Fekete N., I. Grevemeyer, T. Reston, V. Spiess: Seismo-acoustic Investigations of Mud Diapirs Offshore Northern Costa Rica (Eos Trans. AGU, 87(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract V41B-1720)
  • Schwenk T., V. Spiess, H. Kudrass, L. Palamenghi, L. Reinhard, C. Ruehlemann, N. Fekete, F. Ding, C. France-Lanord: Sedimentary Structures on the Bengal Shelf and the Upper Continental Slope of Bangladesh - First Results of the RV Sonne Cruise SO 188-2 (Eos Trans. AGU, 87(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract OS23A-1634)
  • Spiess V., H. Keil, T. Schwenk, S. Krastel, N. Fekete: Very High Resolution Multichannel Seismics in Shallow Marine Environments – Technical Challenges and Case Studies from Terrestrial Lakes and Shelf Studies (Eos Trans. AGU, 87(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract OS31D-1662)
  • Fekete N., V. Spiess, I. Grevemeyer, T. Reston: Dewatering Through Mud Mounds on the Continental Fore-arc of Costa Rica (66. Jahrestagung der DGG, Bremen)
  • Fekete N., V. Spiess, I. Grevemeyer, T. Reston: Gas Hydrates and Fluid Flow in the Costa Rican Continental Fore-Arc Offshore Central Nicoya Peninsula (66. Jahrestagung der DGG, Bremen)


  • Fekete N., I. Grevemeyer, T. J. Reston, V. Spiess: Dewatering Through Mud Mounds on the Continental Fore-arc of Costa Rica (Eos Trans. AGU, 86(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract T13B-0454)
  • Bialas J., D. Buerk, N. Fekete, E.R. Flueh, D. Klaeschen, I. Klaucke, C. Papenberg, C. Ranero, SO173-1 Working Group: A High-Resolution Deep-Towed Seismic Survey in the Mound Region Along the Continental Slope off Nicaragua (Workshop on the development of a regional Tsunami Warning System, Managua, Nicaragua)
  • Fekete N., I. Grevemeyer, T. J. Reston, V. Spiess: Gas Hydrates and Fluid Flow in the Continental Fore-arc through the Seismic Eye - A Case Study (19th Lateinamerika-Kolloquium, Potsdam)
  • Fekete N., I. Grevemeyer, T. J. Reston, V. Spiess: Gas Hydrates and Fluid Flow in the Continental Fore-arc through the Seismic Eye - A Case Study (EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria)
  • Mörz T., S. Kreiter, M. Schmidt, C. Hensen, N. Fekete, S. Kutterolf, W. Brückmann, E. Suess, SFB 574: Systematische Änderungen im Schlammdiapirismus entlang des mittelamerikanischen Kontinentalrandes (SONNE Statusseminar, Rostock-Warnemünde)


  • Bialas J., M. Breitzke, N. Fekete, E.R. Flueh, D. Klaeschen, I. Klaucke, D. Buerk, C. Papenberg, and the SO173-1 Working Group: Mound Culebra, Costa Rica: A High Resolution Deep Towed Seismic Survey (EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly, Nice, France)
  • Breitzke M., J. Bialas, D. Buerk, N. Fekete, E.R. Flueh, D. Klaeschen, I. Klaucke, C. Papenberg, C. Ranero, and the SO173-1 Working Group: A High-Resolution Deep-Tow Seismic Reconnaissance Survey Across Mounds and Slope Failures off Nicaragua (EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly, Nice, France)
  • Fekete N., V. Spiess, T. Reston: Seismo-acoustic Investigation of Mud Mounds and Gas Hydrates on the Costa Rican / Nicaraguan Margin (64. Jahrestagung der DGG, Berlin)


  • Bialas J., M. Breitzke, N. Fekete, E. R. Flueh, I. Klaucke, D. Buerk, C. Papenberg, D. Klaeschen and the SO173-1 Working Group: A High Resolution DeepTowed Seismic Survey Across Mound Culebra, Costa Rica (Eos Trans. AGU, 84(46), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract OS51C-0865)
  • Breitzke M., J. Bialas, D. Buerk, N. Fekete, E. R. Flueh, D. Klaeschen, I. Klaucke, C. Papenberg, C. Ranero and the SO173-1 Working Group: A High-Resolution Deep-Towed Seismic Survey in the Mound Region Along the Continental Slope off Nicaragua (Eos Trans. AGU, 84(46), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract OS51C-0866)
  • Fekete N., V. Spiess, L. Zuehlsdorff, T. Reston: Seismoacoustic study of sedimentary deformations in the Costa Rican Subduction Zone (Eos Trans. AGU, 84(46), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract S41D-0118)
  • Fekete N., V. Spiess, T. Reston,: Seismo-acoustic investigations of mud diapirs offshore Costa Rica (Tagung der DGM, Bochum)
  • Fekete N., V. Spiess, F. Heidersdorf, H. v. Lom, L. Zühlsdorff, D. De Nil, C. Huguen, M. Schnabel and the M54/1 Shipboard Scientific Party: High Resolution Seismic Survey Off The Pacific Shore Of Costa Rica – Detailed Imaging Of Deformational Patterns, Fluid Venting And Carbonate Mounds (EGS-AGU-EUG Joint Assembly, Nice, France)
  • Fekete N., T. Reston, V. Spiess: Seismic imaging of mud diapirs offshore Costa Rica-Nicaragua (63. Jahrestagung der DGG, Jena)


  • Flueh E. R., J. Bialas, C. H. E. Walther, N. Fekete, P. O. Thierer, P. Charvis, J.-Y. Collot, V. Sallarés: SO159 - SALIERI: Crustal Structure of the Carnegie Ridge and Ecuadorian Margin (62. Jahrestagung der DGG, Hannover)


  • Dövényi P., N. Fekete, P. Szafián, T. Tóth, R. Vida, G. Windhoffer: Ultra-high Resolution Off-shore Seismics In Detailed Surveying of Freshwater Resources (conference with title "The Role of Geophysics in Effective Environmental Protection", Budapest, Hungary)
  • Tóth, T., R. Vida, P. Szafián, N. Fekete, F. Horváth: The Subsurface Revealed: The "Seismic Microscope" (63th Meeting of EAGE, Amsterdam, Netherlands)
  • Tóth T., R. Vida, N. Fekete: The Rocks of Danube Bottom and their Ultra-high Resolution Seismic Image (Meeting of Young Scientists, Györ, Hungary)
  • Vida, R., T. Tóth, P. Szafián, N. Fekete, P. Dövényi, F. Horváth: Ultra-high Resolution Seismic Mapping of a Strike-slip Fault System (The Stephan Mueller Topical Conference of EGS “Quantitative Neotectonics And Seismic Hazard Assessment: New Integrated Approaches For Environmental Management”, Balatonfüred, Hungary)


  • Fekete N.: Young Tectonics of the Várpalota Basin (Meeting of Young Scientists, Debrecen, Hungary - special prize of the Hungarian Geological Survey)
  • Kázmér, Mikes, Szücs, Krolopp, Fekete, Sümegi: Quarternary Fracture and Sediment Flow at the Rim of Sárrét Basin (Quarternary Meeting, Budapest, Hungary)
  • Kázmér, Szücs, Reinics, Monostori, Fekete, Sümegi: Carbonate Secreting Organisms in the Holocene Lake Sárrét (Quarternary Meeting, Budapest, Hungary)
  • Tóth T., R. Vida, N. Fekete: Ultra-high Resolution Seismics and the Rocks Compared (6th Meeting of EEGS, Bochum)


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