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1993 04 - R/V Sonne Cruise SO86

22.04.-31.05.1993 - Buenos Aires (ARG) - Capetown (RSA)

Working Area: Southwast Africa - Angola, Congo, Namibia

Chief Scientist: Dr. Bleil

Chief Seismic: Dr. Volkhard Spiess

Seismic Participants: Dr. Breitzke, Keil, Schwenk, Heesemann, Rosiak

AWI Participants: Dr. Uenzelmann-Neben, Dr. Gohl

Cruise Report: PDF in eLib

Detail MapsMCS Lines

Groups in­vol­ved

  • Working Group Marine Geophysics, Department of Geoscience, Bremen University (GeoB, AG Bleil)
  • Alfred-Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research, Bremerhaven (AWI)


  • GI Gun 2 x 0.4 L (Generator-Injector; Sodera)
  • AWI Streamer, 600 m, 24 channels, 25 m groups
  • AWI Recording System  500 Hz
  • Multibeam System Hydrosweep DS 15.5 kHz - Atlas Elektronik
  • Parasound Sediment Echosounder 18/4 kHz - Atlas Elektronik
  • ParaDigMA Digital Acquisition for Parasound

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