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Black Sea

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Publications Black Sea

Xing Junhui, Spiess V. (2015) Shallow gas transport and reservoirs in the vicinity of deeply rooted mud volcanoes in the central Black Sea. Marine Geology. 369, 67-78,

Xing, Junhui (2013) Seismoacoustic study of the shallow gas transport and reservoirs in the vicinity of seabed fluid seepage of the Black Sea. Dissertation xx. pp..

Wagner-Friedrichs, Michelle, Krastel S., Spiess V., Ivanov M., Bohrmann G., Meisner L. (2008) Threedimensional seismic investigations of the Sevastopol mud volcano in correlation to gas/fluid migration pathways and gas hydrate occurrences in the Sorokin Trough (Black Sea). Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 9, Q05012, .

Wagner-Friedrichs, Michelle (2007) Seafloor seepage in the Black Sea: Mud volcanoes, seeps and diapiric structures imaged by acoustic methods. Dissertation, 154 pp..

Bohrmann, Gerhard, Ivanov M., Foucher JP., Spiess V., Bialas J., Greinert J., Weinrebe W., Abegg F., Aloisi G., Artemov Y., Blinova V., Brosler A., Drews M., Heidersdorf F., Klaucke I., Krastel S., Leder T., Polikarpov I., Saburova M., Seifert R., Volkonskaja A., Zillmer M. (2003) Mud volcanoes and gas hydrates in the Black Sea – new data from Dvurechenskii and Odessa mud volcanoes. Geo Mar. Lett., 23, 239-249,

Krastel, Sebastian, Spiess V., Ivanov M., Weinrebe W., Bohrmann G., Shashkin P., Heidersdorf F. (2003) Acoustic images of mud volcanoes in the Sorokin Trough, Black Sea. Geo Mar. Lett., 23, 230-238,

Master Theses

Marinkovic, Henning (2017) Processing and interpretation of a three-dimensional highresolution multichannel seismic dataset from the Batumi Seep Area, Eastern Black Sea

Bulgay, Elvan (2006) Sedimentary processes of a complex Canyon-Ridge System offshore Poti/Batumi Area, Georgia, Black Sea inferred from acoustic data

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