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Dr. Stefan WENAU

in the MTU working group 2010-2019.

Now at Fraunhofer IWES as Senior Scientist





Research Gate

Scientific interests             

My re­se­arch in­te­rests lie main­ly with marine geo­sci­en­ti­fic ap­p­li­ca­ti­ons of mul­tichan­nel seis­mic me­thods as well as other acoustic me­thods.

Fluid flow systems                                                                                      Flu­id mi­gra­ti­on, fault sys­tems, pock­mark for­ma­ti­on, salt tec­to­nics, seaf­loor see­page, gas hy­dra­tes                                                      Lower Congo Basin, North Sea                                                     

Sedimentary systems                                                      The im­pact of slo­pe failu­res on se­di­ment-oce­an cur­rent in­ter­ac­tion and re­sul­ting slo­pe se­di­men­ta­ti­on                              Namibia                             
                                                                                                   Dis­tri­bu­ti­on of flu­vi­al se­di­ment in­put along a con­ti­nen­tal mar­gin by oce­an cur­rents                              Mozambique                             

Water column acoustics                                                      Acoustic gas bubble imaging, automatic detection                                                                                    

Geophysical site surveys                                                      Shallow seismic and acoustic imaging, Boulderdetection                              North Sea, Baltic Sea                             


 Boulderdetection                                                      Boul­ders in the sub-sur­face re­pre­sent im­portant obst­a­cles to off­shore foun­da­ti­ons for e.g. wind farms. The Boul­der­de­tec­tion pro­ject aims at de­ve­lo­ping new me­thods for the lo­ca­liza­t­i­on of such boul­ders in sub-seaf­loor depths of se­veral tens of me­ters. The pro­ject is fun­ded by the BMWi and lo­ca­ted at the Fa­cul­ty of Geo­sci­en­ces in co­ope­ra­ti­on with Fraun­ho­fer IWES and in­dus­try part­ners. I am in­vol­ved in de­ve­lo­ping new beam­for­ming me­thods using stan­dard seis­mic sour­ces and avail­able ac­qui­si­ti­on equip­ment sui­ta­ble for sub-seaf­loor ima­ging.                                                     

IMGAM - Intelligentes Monitoring von klimaschädlichen CO2 / CH4 Gasaustritten im Meer                              This BMWi pro­ject de­ve­l­o­ped a new Au­to­no­mous Un­der­wa­ter Ve­hi­cle (AUV) that uses a mul­ti­beam echo­soun­der to au­to­ma­ti­cal­ly image and lo­ca­li­ze gas bub­b­le streams in the wa­ter co­lumn and also au­to­ma­ti­cal­ly sam­ples the gas using an au­to­cla­ve sys­tem. I main­ly de­ve­l­o­ped al­go­rithms for the de­tec­tion and lo­ca­liza­t­i­on of wa­ter co­lumn ano­ma­li­es in mul­ti­beam echo­soun­der data in or­der to lo­ca­li­ze the seep sites.                             

Fluid flow in the Lower Congo Basin                              Dis­ser­ta­ti­on wi­t­hin the GB pro­ject of MARUM: ‘Seismic and acoustic signatures of fluid seepage sites in different tectonic and sedimentary environments'                             



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