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Bachelor Courses (new - English)

  • BSc-3 Fundamentals of Applied Geophysics (from 2022) (Schwenk et al.)

This course imparts theoretical and practical basics of the most important geophysical methods for subsurface exploration, e.g. seismic, gravity, magnetic, electrical, and radar surveying. Departing from the physical principles and geological premises for each method, we will deal with measurement instrumentation, data processing and interpretation and present typical application scenarios. Students will understand the physical principles and geological applicability of the most important wavefront, potential and induction methods in geophysical exploration and are able to follow and evaluate the results and basic intentions of geophysical surveys in science and industry.

  • BSc-3 Geophysical Field Exercise (from 2022) (Schwenk et al.)

During a several day field course in the Bremen "Blockland", all participants will practically conduct seismic, magnetic, geoelectric and gravity measurements themselves under guidance of the teachers. Following a data processing scheme that is previously trained in class they analyze and interpret their field data and return their results as a written report.

  • BSc-4 Marine Geophysics (from 2022) (Schwenk et al.)

In this course, a wide spectrum of marine geophysical measurement approaches and techniques are presented. Basics on navigation and positioning, bathymetry, side scan sonar, marine multichannel seismic (reflection and refraction), marine magnetics and marine gravity are covered.

Examples of own marin-geophysical research and selected publications are presented and discussed. In the frame of exercises, theoretical knowledge should be applied. At the end of semester, students choose an individual data example from the spectrum presented and prepare a poster presentation.

  • BSc-5 Material Properties and Downhole Measurements (from 2023) (Spiess)

To determine material properties is a central task in geophysics. Laboratory methods are carried out on single samples of larger pieces such as sediment cores, characterize rocks so that in turn those properties and lithologies can be determined/reconstructed from remote measurements.

Similar measurements are carried out in boreholes, but with a much higher technical effort, to allow rock characterization also without sampling. Passive sensor measuring fields, temperature, radiation are use concurrently with active sensor, using acoustic signals, electromagnetic waves, electrical currents and radioactive sources, and data are recorded.

The course introduces into the physical principles of measurements, types and design of instruments and give examples of data and interpretation.

  • BSc-5 Structural Imaging (from 2023) (Keil, Fekete, Schwenk, Spiess)

ismic waves are used to determine properties and structures in the subsurface. Different sound sources are used and sound waves are recorded at different locations (=chennels), e.g. along a line or with a seismic streamer. With this multichannel principle, a detailed image of the subsurface can be achieved, if the acquired data are properly and extensively processed.

With the multichannel approach, both horizontal and vertical resolution can be improved, noise can be suppressed and signal penetration and signal-to-noise ratio can be enhanced.such that a precise spatial image is created.

In a socalled processing low, several steps are organized in a chain, parameterizing each step after careful testing. Main elements of such flow, which are presented in the crouse, are:

  • Geometry Setup
  • Gun Delay Correction
  • Debias, Filtering
  • Velocity Analysis
  • Normal Moveout Correction
  • Static Correction
  • Multiple Suppression
  • Stacking
  • Migration
  • THOR, 4DDec Noise Suppression
  • Signal Enhancement, Deconvolution

​Each student will work on a marine seismic data set, which had been acquired during the student expedition with R/V Alkor in late summer before this course.

  • BSc-4 Marine Geophysical Survey Cruise with R/V  Alkor (Schwenk, Spiess et al.)

As part of the Bachelor education, we organize a expedition with a research vessel to the Baltic Sea in late summer. For those who are interested and who have chosen exploration geophysics or general geophysics, it is the opportunity to get practical insight into field data acquisition for different geophysical methods, as they had been introcued for example during the Marine Geophysics module.

Wir veranstalten als Projektkurs zusammen mit der AG Dobeneck eine mehrtägige Schiffsfahrt mit dem Forschungsschiff ALKOR, bei dem die Gelegenheit besteht, marine geophysikalische Messgeräte im Betrieb kennenzulernen und die Arbeit auf einem Schiff im 24-Stunden Betrieb zu erleben.

Die Ausfahrt in die Ostsee dauert 2-3 Messtage, und es werden akustische, seismische und magnetische Messungen durchgeführt, oft in Kombination mit Stationsarbeiten (früher Wärmestrom; jetzt Wassersäule/CTD). Der Projektkurs baut auf den Inhalten auf, die im Kurs Marine Geophysik vermittelt werden.

Bislang bieten wir bis zu 14 B.Sc. Studenten die Möglichkeit der Teilnahme.

Bacherlor Kurse (German)

  • BSc-3 Methoden der geophysikalischen Exploration (Schwenk et al.)

Die geophysikalische Exploration hat zum Ziel, durch Messungen an der Erdoberfläche möglichst genaue Information über den strukturellen und stofflichen Aufbau des Untergrunds zu gewinnen. Dabei macht man sich charakteristische Unterschiede der physikalischen Gesteinseigenschaften zunutze. Neben den vier klassischen und auch wirtschaftlich bedeutenden Methoden der geophysikalischen Exploration - Seismik, Geoelektrik, Magnetik und Gravimetrie -, werden in diesem Einführungskurs auch die Bohrlochgeophysik und das Georadar vorgestellt. In einer mehrtägigen Stationsgeländeübung finden anschließend praktische seismische, magnetische, gravimetrische und geoelektrische Messungen statt. Die darüber abzugebenden Berichte werden bewertet.

Unsere AG trägt mit Vorlesungen zum Thema Seismik und Bohrlochgeophysik bei, außerdem betreuen wir in der Stationsgeländeübung die seismischen Messungen.

see previous course on next page

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