Accretionary Margins
Cascadia Margin
Publications Cascadia Margin
Underwood, M., Hoke KD, Fisher AT, Giambalvo EG, Davis EE, Zühlsdorff L. (2005) Provenance, stratigraphic architecture, and hydrogeologic effects of turbidites in northwestern Cascadia Basin, Pacific Ocean. J. Sediment. Res., 75(1), 149–164, (PDF)
Zühlsdorff Lars, Spiess V. (2004) Three-dimensional seismic characterization of a venting sites reveals compelling indications of natural hydraulic fracturing, Geology, 32: 101-104,
Zühlsdorff, Lars, Spiess V., Hübscher C., Villinger H., Rosenberger A. (2000) Implications for focused fluid transport at the northern Cascadia accretionary prism from a correlation between BSR occurrence and near-sea-floor reflectivity anomalies imaged in a multi-frequency seismic data set, Int. J. Earth Sci., 88, 655-667,
Publications Makran
Smith Gemma L., McNeill LC., Henstock TJ., Arraiz D., Spiess V. (2014) Fluid generation and distribution in the highest sediment input accretionary margin, the Makran. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 403, 131-143,
Römer, Miriam, Sahling H., Pape T., Bohrmann G., Spiess V. (2012) Quantification of gas bubble emissions from submarine hydrocarbon seeps at the Makran continental margin (offshore Pakistan). Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 117, 1-19,
Ding, Feng, Spiess V., Fekete N., Murton B., Brüning M., Bohrmann G. (2010) Interaction between Accretionary Thrust Faulting and Slope Sedimentation at the Frontal Makran Accretionary Prism, their Resultant Shallow Sediment Structures and Some Implications for Hydrocarbon Fluid Seepage. Journal of Geophysical Research, 115, B08106,
Ding, Feng (2009) Near-surface Sediment Structures at Cold Seeps and their Physical Control on Seepage: A Geophysical and Geological Study in the Southern Gulf of Mexico and at the frontal Makran Accretionary Prism/Pakistan. Dissertation, xx pp..
Wiedicke, Michael, Neben S., Spiess V. (2001) Mud volcanoes at the front of the Makran accretionary complex, Pakistan, Marine Geology, 172, 57-73,
Master Theses
Schwartz, Michael (2016) Seismo-acoustic investigation of mass wasting at the Makran accretionary prism
Schalkwijk, Sven (2016) Sedimentary Evolution of the Northern Cascadia Accretionary Margin, offshore Vancouver Island, Canada - Reprocessing of Multichannel Seismic Data from 2000, Sonne Cruise SO 149
Koletzek, Arnold (2016) Die dreidimensionale Abbildung einer Überdruckzone im Bullseye Vent am Cascadia Kontinentalrand