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Indian Ocean: Makran

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  • 2007 - R/V Meteor Cruise M74/2 -Makran

Publications Makran

Smith Gemma L., McNeill LC., Henstock TJ., Arraiz D., Spiess V. (2014) Fluid generation and distribution in the highest sediment input accretionary margin, the Makran. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 403, 131-143,

Römer, Miriam, Sahling H., Pape T., Bohrmann G., Spiess V. (2012) Quantification of gas bubble emissions from submarine hydrocarbon seeps at the Makran continental margin (offshore Pakistan). Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 117, 1-19,

Brüning, Markus (2012) Acoustic and Visual Imaging of Active Seafloor Seepage in Various Deep-Sea Enviuronments. Dissertation xx pp..

Ding, Feng, Spiess V., Fekete N., Murton B., Brüning M., Bohrmann G. (2010) Interaction between Accretionary Thrust Faulting and Slope Sedimentation at the Frontal Makran Accretionary Prism, their Resultant Shallow Sediment Structures and Some Implications for Hydrocarbon Fluid Seepage. Journal of Geophysical Research, 115, B08106,

Ding, Feng (2009) Near-surface Sediment Structures at Cold Seeps and their Physical Control on Seepage: A Geophysical and Geological Study in the Southern Gulf of Mexico and at the frontal Makran Accretionary Prism/Pakistan. Dissertation,  xx pp..

Wiedicke, Michael, Neben S., Spiess V. (2001) Mud volcanoes at the front of the Makran accretionary complex, Pakistan, Marine Geology, 172, 57-73,

Master Theses

Schwartz, Michael (2016) Seismo-acoustic investigation of mass wasting at the Makran accretionary prism

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