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Geoscientific Projects @MTU (38)

Here is an overview of geoscientific projects which had been supervised by MTU. They are part of the 3rd semester education and covers 15 CPs, which is worth half of a semester, complimentary to the research seminar. They can be carried out on almost any topic inside or close to geosciences, including stays at other research institutions, media projects, movies, data management etc. Just be creative and invent your own little research projects, lasting maximum 2 months.


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  • Processing of airgun data from Arkona Basin, Baltic Sea
  • Könnten geotechnische Verfahren durch marine Seismik ersetzt werden?


  • Evidence of a “homogenite” type deposit in the deep basin of Lake Issyk-Kul (Kyrgyzstan)
  • Rio Grande Rise Deep Water Echo Facies and Mining Implications 
  • Seismic Processing and Interpretation of Data from Southern Argentine Margin


  • Mahndorfer Marsch – Früher, Heute, Zukunft 


  • Application of Diffraction Imaging on a dataset from the Batumi Seep Area, eastern Black Sea
  • Detection of microplastics in water by using the high accuracy ISA500 sensor 
  • Archäologische Prospektion mit dem Georadar in Bremen Blumenthal
  • Processing of multichannel seismic reflection data: Stratigraphical and structural description of sediments on southern Argentine Margin


  • Seismic Processing: Multichannel Seismic Data from Namibian Continental Slope


  • Consistency analysis of seismo-acoustic data with regard to surface boulder detection at an Offshore Wind Park in the Baltic Sea
  • Multichannel Seismic Processing and Interpretation: Cascadia Margin
  • Multibeam sonar data processing – its application for bathymetry and fluid emission in the hydrothermally active offshore area of Campi Flegrei caldera


  • Multibeam und Sedimentecholot Datenanalyse Arkona Becken auf Datengrundlage der studentischen Ausfahrt AL446
  • Prozessing von bathymetrischen Daten mittels MB-System: Nootka-Störungszone vor Vancouver Island (Kanada)
  • Prozessing und Interpretation von Fächerlotdaten in der Campi Flegri caldera (Italien)
  • Entwicklung und Bau eines Positionierungssystems für eine Seismikkanone mit Hilfe von Stereoskopie
  • Multichannel Seismic Processing and Interpretation: Bengal Slope 


  • Glacial Valley Investigation based on Seismic Profiles Windfarm Arkona Becken Südost – Baltic Sea


  • Seismic Reflection and Refraction Data Processing and Interpretation of Selected Profiles from the Baltic Sea - Aarhus Bay and Arkona Basin
  • Tectonic and sedimentary structures of Issyk Kul, Kyrgyzstan - A view on seismic reflection data


  • Aquisition, Processing and Tomography Test on 2D Multichannel Seismic data, Aarhus Bay, Baltic Sea
  • Development of a processing workflow for a very shallow multichannel riverine seismic dataset from the Jamuna River, Bangladesh
  • Identification of gas related features as imaged by two different seismic acquisition systems at the accretionary margin of Makran


  • Using existing globally available CTD data for deriving sound velocity profiles
  • 3D-Visualisierung der geologischen und tektonischen Bedingungen der Izmit Bay - Integration mariner akustischer Datensätze
  • Hydroacoustic analysis of the water column and surface sediment structures off South-West Africa using an ATLAS Parasound echosounder


  • Marine Bioacoustics: Detection of marine mammals offshore Sylt employing a hydrophone chain typically used for high-resolution multichannel seismic
  • Geologische Auswertung von Flachwasserseismik - Ein Beitrag zur Baugrunderkundung eines Offshore Windparks in der Nordsee
  • Seismostratigraphic Analysis of the Zapiola Drift


  • Geophysical evidences of gas saturated sediments and gas seepage offshore Sassnitz


  • Detecting gas flares with Parasound, work documentation and ROV images of flare sites
  • Seismic stratigraphy of the Northwest African continental margin controlled by long term glacial – interglacial climate development: Combined analysis of ODP sediment core data and high resolution seismic reflection data from offshore Cap Blanc


  • Untersuchung von Sedimentstrukturen des Makran – Akkretionskeils mit seismischen Methoden
  • Frequency dependant amplitude analysis above blanking zones at Gudauta High, Black Sea
  • Processing and analyzing two different seismic profiles from the Meteor M74/2 cruise of the Makran accretionary complex
  • Backscatter Kartierung von EM120 Multibeam Daten am Chapopote, südlicher Golf von Mexiko


Accretion and Subsidence at the Makran Continental Margin

Seismic Stratigraphy at the Northwest African Margin

Bioacoustics of Seals near the Island of Sylt

Water Column Imaging at the SW African Margin


Comparison of shallow gas occurrences in high and low-resolution seismic data offshore Makran

System Design for a Stereocamera to locate seismic source


Multibeam Processing Pozzuoli Bay

Boulder Detection from Seismoacoustic Data


Diffraction Imaging at a Seep Site

Analysis of a homogenite unit in Lake Issyk-Kul

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