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2016 01 - MINERVA UNO - CAFE-II - Campi Flegrei

25.01.-10.02.2016 : Naples (Italy) - Naples (Italy) 

Working Area: Gulf of Naples, Pozzuoli Bay

Chief Scientist: Dr. Sacchi

Chief Seismic: Dr. Spiess

MTU Participants: Dr. Keil, Dr. Steinmann, Frielinghaus, Marinkovic

Cruise Report, 

Groups in­vol­ved

  • IAMC-CNR Napoli
  • Working Group Marine Technology/Environmental Research, Department of Geoscience, Bremen University (GeoB AG Spiess (MTU))


  • GI Gun 2 x 0.4 L  (Generator-Injector; Sodera/Sercel)
  • GI Gun 2 x 4.1 L ( Generator-Injector; Sodera/Sercel)
  • Teledyne Streamer 220 m, 96 channels, single hydrophones, 32 x 1 / 32 x 2 / 32 x 4 m spacing
  • Compressor Bauer 128 (IAMC)
  • MaMuCS Recording System 96 channels (GeoB)
  • Multibeam System RESON 7160 (onboard)
  • Echosounder Atlas DESO 25 (onboard)
  • Chirp Profiler CAP 662 Datasonics (IAMC)


The Campi Flegrei Volcanic District belongs to the most active volcanic systems in the world. It became subject to a joint amphibic approach for scientific drilling in the ICDP and IODP programs, as it is assumed to represent a significant geohazard risk, which urgently needs a better understanding of the volcanic processes, the development of nested calderas and the volcanoclastic events and deposits.

For preparation of the marine portion of this drilling campaign, a pre-site survey shall be carried out in January 2008 to collect multichannel seismic data in the vicinity of the proposed ICDP and IODP drill sites in Pozzuoli and Naples Bay. 

Here we propose a participation in this survey on request of Italian project partners, who will provide ship time and major infrastructure. The main contribution will be the collection of unique shallow water multichannel seismic data, which will provide a very high resolution, a sufficient penetration of data in nearshore and coastal environments. Onboard processing of the collected data will be used to optimize the survey plan and to locate suitable drilling locations. Regional stratigraphies and correlation with nearshore and terrestrial section will result from the subsequent scientific analysis of the collected data. The focus within this project will be on a preliminary interpretation and a preparation of a data package to complete a full IODP drilling proposal.


Data from this cruise were used in following publications:

Sacchi, Marco, De Natale G., Spiess V., Steinmann L., Acocella V., Corradino M., de Silva S., Fedele A., Geshi N., Kilburn  C., Insinga D., Jurado MJ., Molisso F., Petrosino P., Passaro S., Pepe  F., Porfido S., Scarpati C., Schmincke HU., Somma R., Sumita M.,  Tamburrino S., Troise C., Vallefuoco M., Ventura G. (2019) A roadmap for amphibious drilling at the Campi Flegrei caldera: Insights from a MagellanPlus workshop. Scientific Drilling 26, 29-46,

Steinmann, Lena, Spiess V., Sacchi M. (2018) Post-collapse evolution of a coastal caldera system: Insights from a 3D multichannel  seismic survey from the Campi Flegrei caldera (Italy). Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 349, 83-98, (PDF)

Violante, Crescenzo, Sacchi, M.  Spiess, V.  Steinmann, L. (2017) Seafloor Response to Large Volcanic Activity and Geohazard  Implications in Naples Bay, Southern Italy. Offshore Site Investigation  Geotechnics 8th International Conference Proceeding, 11, 265-275,

Master Theses

Bessong, Manga (2017) Investigation of the Interplay between Tectonism, Volcanism and Mass  Wasting on the Tyrrhenian Margin using a Multichannel Seismic Dataset

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