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former MSc+Diploma Students and Theses (total 83+12 since 1993)

Names, Supervisors and Thesis Titles and Year of Master Thesis in our working group with seismic or seismoacoustic data. Since 2006 with the start of the new Bachelor/Master Education 83 master theses were supervised, submitted and graded, which is appx. 5 theses per year.

Last NameFirst NameSupervisorYearTitle

MeyerMaximilianKeil2024Automated seismic horizon prediction - A neural network approach
HerbersAnnikaKeil, Wenau2023
KluthMarinaKeil, Wenau2024
ValeevaIndiraSpieß, Schwarz2024
2023 (3)

UnlandEllenSchwenk2023Architecture and Stratigraphy of the Southern Ewing Terrace with respect to paleoceanographic dynamics
AjibolaDamilolaSchwenk, Fekete2023Neogene Evolution of the southern North SeaNeogene Evolution of the southern North Sea

AlbersAike EliasSpieß2023
Seismic Exploration and Characterization of the basaltic CCS Reservoir on the Eastern Juan de Fuca Ridge Flank

2022 (7)

AbdulkarimSaheedSchwenk2022Multichannel Seismic Imaging of Glaciotectonic Structures around Ruegen Island, southern Baltic Sea
AhmadovRashidSpiess2022Inventory of Mass Wasting and Sediment Transport Features on the Ligurian Margin
IboloEvelynSpiess2022Seismic Stratigraphy of the Neogene Sediments of the Rio Grande Cone, offshore Southern Brazil

Glacial deposits and geological processes in the southern Baltic Sea - A high-resolution seismic data interpretation in an offshore wind farm area 

MoralesNatashaSpiess2022Local Distribution and Physical Properties of Upper Cretaceous to Holocene Deposits in the Southwester Baltic Sea: Insights from the Integration of 2D Multichannel Seismic, Borehole and Downhole Logging Data
GeilsJonahSpiess2022Tectonic Deformation within Lake Issyk-Kul - Kyrgyztan - Insights from New High-Resolution Seismic Data -
CammarataDanielSpiess2022Systematic Comparison of Multiple Suppression techniques on High-Resolution Data

2021 (4)


Interpretation of an Observed Valley Structure, Based on the Processing of High-Resolution 3D Data Acquired from the North Sea

PavlakJohannaKeil/Spiess2021Sediment echosounder study of the sedimentary setting in the Bornholm Basin to reconstruct its Holocene hydrodynamic setting
FaragMohamedWenau2021Facies Mapping of a Quaternary Tunnel Valley Infill - North Sea
RamadanAbdelrahman MosaadKeil2021Seismo-acoustic facies Source Dependency, a comparative study of different seismic source and interpretation implications, North Sea
2020 (3)

DoddsSamuelSpiess2020Facies classification and distribution of Quaternary sediments in the German North Sea
SierraGabriellaSpiess2020Impact of Salt Tectonics and Glaciations on Sedimentation in the North Sea
BihlerViolaSpiess2020Feasibility Study of AVO Analysis of High Frequency Seismic Data in the Marine Shallow Subsurface
2019 (5) 

WarnkeFynnSchwenk2019Multi-scale seismo-acoustic analysis of geomorphological features on the Ewing Terrace, Argentine continental slope
BruneRouvenSchwenk2019Remote characterization of surface sediments and study of the oceanographic imprint on the Uruguayan continental slope between 36.0°S-37.6°S
SinghRashpalWenau2019Processing and Interpretation of 3D high-resolution multichannel seismic data from offshore Nice, Southern France
PrietoDianaSpiess2019Sediment-Current interaction since the Middle Miocene on the Namibian Continental Margin
AdeboyeAdeniyi DemiladeSchwenk2019Understanding the architectural style of the channel levee systems in Bengal Fan using high resolution multichannel seismic data
2018 (5)

LanzoniAlessandraSchwenk/Bologna2018Processing and Interpretation of a two-dimensional high-resolution dataset from the Amazon Fan (western equatorial Atlantic Ocean)
DascevicTimSchwenk2018Analysis of the architecture of Namibian upper slope margin with respect to sea level changes and bottom currents using multichannel seismics
JungeVerenaSchwenk2018Seismic stratigraphy of the upper Bengal Fan - Integration of Seismic Data & IODP Drilling Results from Expedition 353 Site U1444
OgunleyeOpeyemiSpiess2018Quaternary glaciotectonic deformation of bedrock in the Arkona Basin to the Tromper Wiek, southern Baltic Sea – insights from processing and interpretation of 2D multichannel seismic reflection data
StangeNikolasSpiess/Wenau2018Imaging point diffractions with beamforming methods – Evaluation of acquisition geometries, development of an algorithm, application to synthetic and real marine seismic data sets
2017 (6)

MarinkovicHenningFekete2017Processing and interpretation of a three-dimensional highresolution multichannel seismic dataset from the Batumi Seep Area, Eastern Black Sea
EzeadeborChikeSchwenk2017Reconstruction of subsidence rates from the seismic sequence stratigraphy of the Bengal Shelf
SarkarArchismanSpiess2017Detecting underwater cables and pipelines in the south Baltic Sea using a Sub-Bottom Profiler
BessongMangaSteinmann2017Investigation of the Interplay between Tectonism, Volcanism and Mass Wasting on the Tyrrhenian Margin using a Multichannel Seismic Dataset
YangLinfengKeil2017Current-controlled Sedimentation on the Namibian Margin
FrielinghausGinoSpiess2017Seismic Oceanography in the Bornholm Basin (Baltic Sea) - A Feasibility Study
2016 (9)

HöhneMareikeSchwenk2016Formation history of sediment depocentres on the Western Gulf of Cádiz continental shelf
AyokunnumiOjoWenau2016Statistical estimation of crustal roughness of the Endeavour segment of the Juan de Fuca Plate from multichannel seismic data
WuTing-WeiWenau/Brest2016Seismic Processing and Interpretation of the Nice Airport Slide, Ligurian Margin
SchalkwijkSvenWenau2016Sedimentary Evolution of the Northern Cascadia Accretionary Margin, offshore Vancouver Island, Canada - Reprocessing of Multichannel Seismic Data from 2000, Sonne Cruise SO 149
GernhardtFabianSpiess2016Reconnaissance Multichannel Seismic Investigations at Lake Nam Co, Tibet – Climate and Tectonic Controls on Lake Sedimentation
EhmenTobiasSpiess2016Seismic investigation of thin dolomitic layers off the coast of SW-Africa and the assessment of Watergun data
SchwartzMichaelFekete2016Seismo-acoustic investigation of mass wasting at the Makran accretionary prism
KoletzekArnoldSpiess2016Die dreidimensionale Abbildung einer Überdruckzone im Bullseye Vent am Cascadia Kontinentalrand
WittauerChristianSchwenk2016Processing and interpretation of multi-channel seismic data to understand the tectonic and sedimentary development in the Davao Gulf Philippines
2015 (4)

BergmannFennaSchwenk2015Analysis of sedimentary structures off E-Canada using hydroacoustic data from cruise MSM 39
RamosCarlosSpiess2015Acoustic velocity determination of shallow gas-bearing sediments from Aarhus Bay using travel-time tomographic inversion of 2D multichannel seismic data
NgwanaBlaiseWenau2015Seismic and acoustic investigations of large seafloor depressions and their evolution on the continental slope off Namibia
SchulzeNoraSpiess2015Prospectivity analysis of the Masirah Trough, SE Oman

2014 (4)

MöhlenbrockBorisKeil2014Seismostrigraphic Analysis of the Zapiola Drift, Argentine Basin
NachtweideChristophSpiess/Greifswald20143D model of Pleistocene sediments at the south-eastern margin of the Arkona Basin, Baltic Sea
IlievMilenWenau2014Description, Localization and Dating of Depositional, Fluid-transport and Tectonic processes in the Northern Congo Basin using Multichannel Seismics
CaparachinCesarSpiess2014Subsidencia de Mini Cuencas Poligonales
2013 (5)

HaberkernJuliaSchwenk2013Sedimentation history of the Amazon submarine delta – Results of a multichannel seismic survey Bathmetry
SteinmannLenaSpiess2013Analysis and Interpretation of Contourite Drifts off the Coast of Chile
ArraizDanielSpiess2013Geologic Evolution of the Nice Slope, France. Ligurian Margin – Western Mediterranean Sea
QuilenKeylaSpiess2013Identification, Mapping and Characterization of Dolomitic Layers in Upwelling Sediments offshore Namibia
SchmagerMartenSpiess2013Texture Based Pattern Recognition Techniques In Multichannel Seismic Data

2012 (7)

BrekellerAlexSpiess2012Seismo-akustische Analyse von strömungsgesteuerten Sedimentablagerungen am Kontinentalrand vor dem Sambesi
LenhartAntjeSchwenk2012The link between slope architecture and sediment transport processes offshore Galicia, NW-Spain-Revealed from high-resolution seismo-acoustics
SchwabArneSchwenk2012Morphology of tidal flats a new detection approach with hydroacoustic and optical remote sensing techniques
PetrovicAlexanderSchwenk2012Late Pleistocene sediment dynamics in the southern Galician margin gully system
SchillingStephenSpiess2012Sedimentary structures of the northwestern Madagascar margin
HellmannDirkSchwenk2012Hydroakustische Analyse der Brasil-Malvinas Konfluenzzone mit Hilfe des Parasound PHF Signals
VialAntoineKeil/TUHH20123D-Visualization of sub-bottom profiler data acquired in non-linear profiling

2011 (3)

AllroggenNiklasSpiess2011Application of Pre-Stack Migration on Shallow Marine Seismic Data
SchaperTimoSchwenk2011Mapping of surface channel-levee systems and their succession with hydroacoustic methods to decipher the sediment distribution in time and space on the Bengal Fan
SchulzeInaSchwenk2011Geotechnische Untersuchungen an drei Sedimentkernen vom argentinischen Kontinentalhang zur Beurteilung der Sedimentstabilität
2010 (6)

WenauStefanSpiess2010Submerged coastal dune ridges and their effect on Limpopo River sediment dispersal on the southern Mozambique shelf
KuehlBastianSchwenk2010Identification of systems tracts on the Bengal Shelf by means of different high-resolution seismic data sets
DomninaYanaSpiess2010Seismoacoustic imaging of the mound-structures on northern Kwanza Basin, Angola marging, (seismic and bathymetry data sets, Meteor M76-3a cruise)
FrickeSaschaSchwenk2010Seismo-stratigraphische Analyse der Sedimentationsprozesse am Kontinentalhang vor Kap Blanc (NW-Afrika) zur Unterstützung eines IODP-Bohrvorschlags
DingFengSpiess2010A study on seismic signatures and the sediment faulting history in a hydrothermally active area, Middle Valley, Juan de Fuca Ridge
GolbeckIngaKrastel2010The Sahara Slide Complex

2009 (4)

SzockoLukasSpiess2009Seismic Interpretation North Sea Wind Farms
GeersenJacobSpiess2009Neogene Evolution of Ocean Circulation and Climate - An Interdisciplinary Approach Using Reflection Seismic and Sedimentologic Data From the Southeast Atlantic
FürleDavidSpiess2009Erstellung einer Baugrundkarte auf Basis von Sedimentkernanalysen kombiniert mit seismischen Profilen
YuandaTeuku ReizaSchwenk2009Acoustic Facies and Depositional Processes of the Mentawai Forearc Basin, Indonesia
2008 (3)

MetzenJanSpiess2008Volcanic Features & Sedimentary Interplay in Pozzuoli Bay and offshore Herculaneum, Italy, investigated with high-resolution marine seismics
MeyerMatthiasKrastel2008Akustische Klassifizierung sedimentärer Strukturen am Kontinentalhang vor Süd-Tansania
PreuBenedictSpiess2008Seismic interpretation of contourite drifts and their controlling dynamic processes in the transition from Mozambique Current to Agulhas Current in front of Limpopo River
2007 (1)

TrampeAnnaSpiess2007Seismic Imaging Anholt Loch

2006 (1)

BulgayElvanKrastel2006Sedimentary processes of a complex Canyon-Ridge System offshore Poti/Batumi Area, Georgia, Black Sea inferred from acoustic data

former Diploma Students and Theses (total 12)


Last Name
First Name

2005 (2)

BartelsThomasSpiess2005Vorwärtsmodellierung reflexionsseismischer Daten zur Untersuchung statistischer und systematischer Fehler 
BrüningMarkusSpiess2005Sedimentdeformation von subduzierten Seamounts – Seismoakustische Untersuchungen am Parrita und Jaco Scar

2004 (1)

HirschKatjaZühlsdorff/ Freiberg2004Charakterisierung und Kartierung von Fluidaufstiegszonen und Pockmarks in hemipelagischen Sedimenten vor Westafrika (Congo)

2002 (1)

MeierFlorianSpiess2002Sedimentechographische Dokumentation des Eltanin Impakts in den Sedimenten des Bellinghausen Meeres (Südostpazifik)

2001 (2)

GutowskiMartinBreitzke2001Optimierte Bearbeitung hochfrequenter Watergun Daten aus dem Bengal Fächer (FS Sonne Expedition 125)
KückNielsHübscher2001Seismische Stratigraphie des östlichen Bengal Schelfes

2000 (1)

WenzChristianHübscher2000Integrierte Interpretation reflexionsseismische Daten und synthetische Seismogramme von ODP Lokationen des Amazonas Fächer

1999 (1)

KruseLüderHübscher1999Interpretation von sedimentechnographischen Profilen auf dem Amazonasschelf im Kontext mit sedimentologischen Befunden

1998 (1)

SchwenkTilmannSpiess1998Charakterisierung von Oberflächensedimenten mit verschiedenen Echolotsystemen am Beispiel von HYDROSWEEP und PARASOUND Daten der Expedition ANT XIV/4

1995 (1)

KeilHannoSpiess1995Migration von PARASOUND-Daten

1993 (2)

GerullisLydiaSpiess1993Sedimentechnographische und sedimenphysikalische Untersuchungen am Kongo-Fächer
VölkerDavidSpiess1993Sedimentechnographische Kartierung des Kapbeckens

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