Lake Balaton, Hungary
Volkhard Spieß, Noemi Fekete
Two cruises to Lake Balaton have been carried out in the course of the cooperation with Eötvös University, Budapest and MTU.
The first cruise was embedded in a student training program, which is regularly part of a land geophysical training at Eötvös University around Lake Balaton. A complementary lake survey was offered by MTU and all students could particpate during one of the course days, learning to acquire multichannel seismic and seismic data.
The eastern part of the lake could be well covered with 42 profiles, which could be subsequently used to carry out some research on the data processing and sedimentary and tectonic setting and was published in Hungarian journals.
Cruise Facts
Duration: 06.09.05 - 13.09.05
Vessel: Visvedelen
Participants: Spiess, Keil,
Funding: Eötvös Univ., MTU
Data sets:
- Side Scan Sonar, Klein, digital
- MCS, Hires 50 m 48ch, mini GI Gun
In 2012, a more dedicted cruise was planned to serve a PhD project and to cover at least partially the western Lake Balaton for an improved understanding of the tectonic setting. Also the distribution of shallow gas was a topic, which is so dominant in the western Balaton, that even low frequency airgun signal can be completely attenuated.
Cruise Facts
Duration: 04.05.12 - 11.05.12
Vessel: Aqua Pannonia
Participants: Spiess, Fekete, Tóth, Meier (IWES), Wenau
Funding: Eötvös Univ., MTU
Data sets:
- MCS, Hires 50 m 48ch, mini GI Gun
- MCS, Hires digital 50 m 48ch, mini GI
Visnovitz Feri, Horvath F., Fekete N., Spiess V. (2015) Strike-slip tectonics in the Pannonian basin based on seismic surveys at Lake Balaton. International Journal of Earth Sciences. 104(8), 2273-2285,
Visnovitz, Feri, Bodnar T., Tóth Z., Spiess V., Kudo I., Timar G., Horvath F. (2015) Seismic expressions of shallow gas in the lacustrine deposits of Lake Balaton, Hungary. Near Surface Geophysics 13 (5), 433-447,
Balázs A., Visnovitz F., Spiess V., Fekete N., Tóth Z., Hámori Z., Kudó I., ... (2013) Új szeizmikus mérések a Balatonon: beszámoló a 2011–2012. évi szelvényezésekr? Magyar Geofizika 54 (2), 67-76.
Tóth, Zsuzsanna, Tóth T., Szafián P., Horváth A., Hámori Z., Dombrádi E., Fekete N., Spiess V., Horváth F. (2010) Szeizmikus kutatások a Balatonon Földtani Közlöny 140 (4), 355-366.
Bada G., Szafián P., Vincze O., Tóth T., Fodor L., Spiess V., Horváth F. (2010) Neotektonikai viszonyok a Balaton keleti medencéjében és tágabb környezetében nagyfelbontású szeizmikus mérések alapján. Földtani Közlöny 140 (4), 367-390
Master Theses
Tóth, Zsuzsanna (2009) Balatone Többcsatornás Vízi Szeismikus Adatok Feldolgozása és Értelmezése. MSc Thesis. Eötvös University, Budapest.
Deck setup in 2005 with air bottles, 4 compressors and power supply.
Airgun deployment in 2005
Processed example profile from 2005.