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2011 05 - R/V Celtic Explorer Cruise CE11

25.05.–14.06.2011 : Bremerhaven - Bremerhaven

Chief Scientist: Dr. Lutz Reinhardt (BGR)

Chief Seismic: Dr. Hanno Keil

MTU Participants: Dr. Fekete, Fan

Groups involved

  • Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe, Hannover (BGR)
  • Working Group Marine Technology/Environmental Research, Department of Geoscience, Bremen University (GeoB AG Spiess (MTU))


  • Arstech single hydrophone streamer (48 channels, 50 m)
  • HTI digital streamer (48 channels, 50 m)
  • micro GI Gun

The fifth joint research cruise of BGR, LBEG and BSH within the framework of the project “Geo-scientific potential of the German North Sea” (GPDN) took place from the 25th May 2011 to the 14th June 2011. Similar to the during preceding cruises, the main objective of the expedition was the acquisition of supplementary basic datasets for modules B („Deposits, building ground and raw materials of the shallow subsurface“) and C („Geological framework and sea-level change“) of the GPDN project, respectively.

Shallow seismic profiles were recorded with a sidewise towed boomer-system that was operated simultaneously with the high-resolution multi-channel seismic system of the University of Bremen. Seismic lines were continued along existing shallow drill-hole transects, which were sampled in the Seventies/Eighties (compiled in Streif et al. 1983) and which have only partly seismic control. Also, it was sought to document as many projected offshore-windpark areas as possible with seismic profiles and try to identify the northernmost occurrences of peat in the “Duck’s Beak” area.

Multichannel seismic examples with peat and shallow gas

Complete Track of Cruise CE11

Seismic Tracks of Cruise CE11

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