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Interest in ...?

... a thesis topic?

We are happy to take further Bachelor or Master students for a thesis work, if our capacity allows.

Here you can check the topics of past master theses to find out, whether similar projects might suit you. Of course, a minimum background knowledge in geophysics and seismics is required to be successful, but this knowledge can also be acquired during our master courses (e.g. in Digital Competences).

We are offering both practical topics in processing of multibeam, sidescan, echosounder or seismic data, but also in interpretation. We are currently putting a focus on applied topics which are related to the development of wind farms. Also theoretical thesis work is possible if it matches our expertise.

Contact Volkhard Spiess, Tilmann Schwenk, Hanno Keil or Noemi Fekete for further information.

... a master project?

The geoscientific project is a way to qualify e.g. in seismics or to learn about special aspects, which are not mainstream. Contact us, if you are interested, we find something for You!

... participation in a ship's cruise?

Ever been on a research vessel? It is a very special experience, none of us would ever miss this! A good start is our training course on R/V Alkor, which we offer as part of the Bachelor and Master education. The leg for Bacherlor students lasts 3 days and we can take 14 students in total, the cruise for master students lasts 6 days for 7 students, and You can learn a lot about instrumentation, operation, watchkeeping, realtime QC, preliminary processing and interpretation on a wide variety of geophysical intruments, such as multibeam, sidescan, parametric sediment echosounder, fish finding sonar, multichannel seismic, magnetic as well as CTD water column data.

Research cruises will be announced on our NEWS page, and You are welcome to contact us.

Job Opportunities

We are only offering jobs, if we have successfully applied for a funding proposals, which does not happen very often. 

However, we are happy to take PhD students who want to or have successfully applied for a stipend. Condition is, that their proposed research fits to our research profile and that we are capable to enlarge the group.

We are also happy to take scientists for internships if they bring their funding.


We are always happy to cooperate scientifically!

We had a lot of projects with colleagues from geology, who do not have access to seismic equipment but need subsurface information for a better understanding of the environment, for coring or drilling. We have both deep sea experience and expertise, but also carried out 13 expeditions on lakes or rivers. And we have a lot of experience in supporting drilling proposals for (I)ODP and ICDP.

In recent years, we were also engaged in applied projects, mainly for wind farm development, as well as in commercial projects, cooperating with Fraunhofer IWES, E.On Renewables or RWE/Innogy. 

Since we have founded also the profit center UBC MariSARS through the UBC, the University Bremen Campus GmbH, we are also able to run low-risk commercial contracts on short notice.

Have a look at a selection from our reference list on scientific cooperations during the last 3 decades on seismoacoustics:

Andy Fisher (UCSC), Earl E Davis (PGC), Wolfgang Berger (SIO), Jim Zachos (UCSC), Rainer Zahn (Barcelona),  Ian Hall (Cardiff), Javier Hernandez-Molina (Roayal Holloway University, UK), Christian France-Lanord (Nancy), Valier Galy (WHOI), Marco Sacchi (Neapel), Pino de Natale (Neapel), Ferenc Horvath (Budapest), Steve Clemens (), Torsten Haberzettl (Greifswald), Gerhard Daut (Jena), Till Hanebuth (NC), Bo Barker Jörgensen (MPI Mikrobiologie), Erwin Suess (Geomar), Jochen Erbacher (BGR), Jan Harff (IOW), Torsten Bickert (MARUM), Achim Kopf (MARUM), Gerold Wefer (MARUM), ...

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