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3D North Sea Kaskasi

In 2018/19, the wind farm area 'Kaskasi-II' was surveyed with M/V Lev Twister jointly by Fraunhofer IWES and MTU with the first 3D shallow water seismic survey in the German North Sea as part of the BMWi funded Project Seismik NordOst.

Subsequently, processing of these data was developed with a particlur focus on improving geometry and localization of source and receiver. Also, vertical corrections were necessary due to waves and tides to avoid static offsets within bins.

An imaging target has been a tunnel valley at its fill, which has shown anomalous values in geotechnical properties.

Master Thesis

Omiyale, Eniola (2021) Interpretation of an Observed Valley Structure, Based on the Processing of High-Resolution 3D Data Acquired from the North Sea. MSc Thesis.

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