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Active Staff


Last NameFirst NameRoomTelephoneFunction / Status

Spiess, Prof. Dr.VolkhardGEO2-4560+49 421 218 65370Professor (Head)
FriedebergAngelaGEO2-4560+49 421 218 65371Secretary
Schwenk, Dr.TilmannGEO2-4570+49 421 218 65375Senior Scientist
Keil, Dr.HannoGEO2-4460+49 421 218 65372Senior Technician
Fekete, Dr.NoémiGEO2-4520+49 421 218 65377PostDoc
Römer-StangeNikolasGEO2-4590+49 421 218 65378PostDoc
AlbersAike EliasGEO2-4540+49 421 218 65380Research Scientist
MerlMaximilianGEO2-4580+49 421 218 65373PhD Student
BaltzAnnaGEO2-4520+49 421 218-65377PhD Student

active PhD students

OguroAisgonow atFraunhofer IWESPhD Student

see below for former staff members

Guests / Stipends / Internships


How to find us ...

We are working in the GEO-II building on the 4th floor at Klagenfurter Str. 2-4. You can access the building from the Boulevard level only.

Active Staff

Active Master Students


  • Nicolas Pena Munoz - Habitat mapping in the Arkona Basin around Jasmund Peninsula, Baltic Sea, using Sidescan Sonar and Sediment Echosounder data


  • EmiliaAthanassiades - Swatch of No Ground Shelf Canyon
  • Greta Feddersen - Active Lobe of the Bengal Fan


  • Yukari Asakura - Deghosting
  • Providence Enow - Diffraction Imaging in shallow North Sea sediments

@Fraunhofer IWES

  • Indira Valeeva - Application of AI for seismic interpretation


  • Yashwardan Pande - Geological-Geotechnical-Geophysical Model Building
  • Ali Ghanavati - Wind Modeling

former PhD Students (23)


OgunleyeOpeyemi2020-2024Quan­ti­fi­ca­ti­on of geo­tech­ni­cal pro­per­ties from geo­lo­gic re­con­struc­tion of  de­po­si­tio­nal his­to­ry and sub­soil li­tho­lo­gy – A know­ledge-ba­sed in­ter­pre­ta­ti­on and sta­tis­ti­cal mo­de­ling ap­proach for wind farms in North and Bal­tic Seas
Römer-StangeNikolas2020-2024Near Surface Seismic Inversion: Quantitative Interpretation of the Physical Properties of Unconsolidated Sediments
SchulzeNora2017-2021The Sedimentary and Tectonic Evolution of the Nam Co Basin, Tibetan Plateau, since the Middle Pleistocene – A Seismoacoustic Study on Lake Sediments
BergmannFenna2015-2018The Bengal Fan on different temporal and spatial scales. Integrating seismoacoustic and IODP Expedition 354 data to examine internal and external controls on depositional processes
HaberkernJulia2014-2017Contouritic depositional systems influenced by complex seafloor topography. Late Cenozoic seismoacoustic reconstructions from the Galicia and Angola Continental Margins
ÖzmaralAsli2014-2017Climatically controlled sedimentary processes on continental shelves
SteinmannLena2013-2016Reconstruction of volcano-tectonic processes in interplay with sedimentary deposition in the Gulf of Naples (Italy) using a seismoacoustic dataset 
WenauStefan2010-2013Seismic and acoustic imaging of fluid seepage structures in different sedimentological and tectonic settings in the Lower Congo Basin
TothZsuzsanna2010-2013Seismo-acoustic investigations of shallow free gas in the sediments of the Baltic Sea
XingJunhui2010-2013Seismoacoustic study of the shallow gas transport and reservoirs in the vicinity of seabed fluid seepage of the Black Sea
PreuBenedict2009-2012High-resolution seismo-acoustic studies of alongslope and downslope sediment transport processes shaping depositional patterns at continental margins
PalamenghiLuisa2009-2012Tectonic and sea level control on the transport and depositional processes in a siliciclastic sedimentary basin. Insights from the Ganges-Brahmaputra Delta, Bengal Basin, Bangladesh
DingFeng2006-2009Near-surface Sediment Structures at Cold Seeps and their Physical Control on Seepage: A Geophysical and Geological Study in the Southern Gulf of Mexico and at the frontal Makran Accretionary Prism/Pakistan
BartelsThomas2005-2008Imaging of Cenozoic climatic events and bottom water activities at the northeastern flank of Walvis Ridge: A correlation of seismic data with borehole data measurements
Wagner-FriederichsMichelle2004-2007Seafloor seepage in the Black Sea: Mud volcanoes, seeps and diapiric structures imaged by acoustic methods
AntobrehAndrew2002-2005Channelised and open-slope processes of mass sediment transport, their morphological and seismic characterization from selected Atlantic high-productivity regions.
FeketeNoemi2002-2005Dewatering through mud mounds on the continental fore-arc of Costa Rica (Kiel University)
SchwenkTilmann2001-2004The Bengal fan: architecture, morphology and depositional processes at different scales revealed from high-resolution seismic and hydroacoustic data
SalemMohamed2000-2003Geophysical investigations of submarine prolongations of alluvial fans on the western side of the Gulf of Aqaba-Red Sea 
KeilHanno1998-2001Sedimentary Waves on the Namibian Continental Margin and in the Argentine Basin - Bottom Flow Reconstructions based on High-Resolution Echosounder Data
ZühlsdorffLars1996-1999High Resolution Multi-Frequency Seismic Surveys at the Eastern Juan de Fuca Ridge Flank and the Cascadia Margin - Evidence for Thermally and Tectonically Driven Fluid Upflow in Marine Sediments
VölkerDavid1994-1998Untersuchungen an strömungsbeeinlußten Sedimentationsmuster im Südozean. Interpretation sedimentechographischer Daten und numerische Modellierung
RostekFrauke1988-1991Physikalische Strukturen von Tieseesedimenten des Südatlantiks und ihre Erfassung in Echolotregistrierungen

You find information about former Master and Diploma Theses in our working group  >>> here

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