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Shallow Gas

Baltic Sea

Lake Balaton


Özmaral, Asli, Abegunrina A., Keil H., Hepp D.A., Schwenk T., Lantzsch H., Mörz T., Spiess V. (2022) The Elbe Palaeovalley: evolution from an ice-marginal valley to a sedimentary trap (SE North Sea) . Quaternary Science Reviews, 282.

Özmaral, Asli (2017) Climatically controlled sedimentary processes on continental shelves. Dissertation, xx. pp..

Flury, Sabine, Roy H., Dale AW., Fossing H., Toth Z., Spiess V., Jensen J.B., Jörgensen B.B (2016)  Controls on subsurface methane fluxes and shallow gas formation in Baltic Sea sediment (Aarhus Bay, Denmark). Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 188, 297-309,

Toth, Zsuzsanna, Spiess V., Keil H. (2015) Frequency dependence in seismoacoustic imaging of shallow free gas due to gas bubble resonance. Journal of Geophysical Research B: Solid Earth. 120(12), 8056-8072,

Visnovitz, Feri, Bodnar T., Tóth Z., Spiess V., Kudo I., Timar G., Horvath F. (2015) Seismic expressions of shallow gas in the lacustrine deposits of Lake Balaton, Hungary. Near Surface Geophysics 13 (5), 433-447,

Toth Zsuzsanna, Spiess V., Mogollon JM., Jensen JB. (2014) Estimating the free gas content in Baltic Sea sediments using compressional wave velocity from marine seismic data. Journal of Geophysical Research B: Solid Earth. 119(12), 8577-8593,

Toth Zsuzsanna, Spiess V., Jensen JB. (2014) Seismo-acoustic signatures of shallow free gas in the Bornholm Basin, Baltic Sea. Continental Shelf Research. 88, 228-239,

Fischer, David, Mogollon JM., Strasser M., Pape T., Bohrmann G., Fekete N., Spiess V., Kasten S. (2013) Subduction zone earthquake as potential trigger of submarine hydrocarbon seepage. Nature Geoscience; 6, 647–651,

Schneider von Deimling, Jens, Weinrebe W., Toth Z., Fossing H., Endler HR., Rehder G., Spiess V. (2013) A low frequency multibeam assessment: Spatial mapping of shallow gas by enhanced penetration and angular response anomaly. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 44, 217–222,

Balázs A., Visnovitz F., Spiess V., Fekete N., Tóth Z., Hámori Z., Kudó I., Horvath F. (2013) Új szeizmikus mérések a Balatonon: beszámoló a 2011–2012. évi szelvényezésekr? Magyar Geofizika 54 (2), 67-76. (PDF)

lzow Wanda, Rehder G., Schneider v. Deimling J., Seifert T., Toth Zs. (2013) One year of continuous measurements constraining methane emissions from the Baltic Sea to the atmosphere using a ship of opportunity. Biogeosciences, 10, 81-99.

Toth, Zuszsanna (2013) Seismo-acoustic investigations of shallow free gas in the sediments of the Baltic Sea. Dissertation, xx. pp..

Tóth, Zsuzsanna, Tóth T., Szafián P., Horváth A., Hámori Z., Dombrádi E., Fekete N., Spiess V.Horváth  F. (2010) Szeizmikus kutatások a Balatonon Földtani Közlöny 140 (4), 355-366, (PDF).

Hempel Peter, Spiess V., Schreiber R. (1994) Expulsion of Shallow Gas in the Skagerrak – Evidence from Subbottom Profiling, Seismic, Hydroacoustical and Geochemical Data. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science, 38, 583-601,

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