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UBC - MariSARS - Marine SeismoAcoustic Research & Services

Prof. Dr. Volkhard Spieß (spiess (at) - Dr. Hanno Keil (keil (at)

part of Centers of the Uni Bremen Campus GmbH

The MTU working group exists since 1993 in the Department of Geosciences (Fachbereich 5). The main focus has been the full range of marine geophysics utilizing acoustic and seismic methods - from acquisition through data processing to geologic interpretation. The targets of our work were all the possible marine features, structures and processes in both the deep sea and shallow water.

Since 2003, we developed dedicated technology to optimize seismoacoustic imaging in shallow water, and focused in the last decade on the support of windfarm development though a number of BMWi/BMWK funded applied projects to establish techniques and methodologies in the market at the earliest stage. Among those were single-hydrophone streamers, a patented boulder detection approach, optimized processing schemes for shallow water and the buildup of a knowledge base on Baltic Sea and North Sea geology, on requirements for ultra-high resolution seismic survey campaigns and technical specifications of various instrumentation in the market.

Since 2019 we decided to offer various services out of the MTU working group through the Uni Bremen
Campus GmbH MariSARS to commercial customers:

>>> Services


  • Processing and Interpretation of multichannel seismic data, 
  • Processing and Interpretation of sediment echosounder data
  • Processing and Interpretation of multibeam bathymetry 
  • Processing and Interpretation or sidescan sonar data

Soil Characterization

  • Synthetic CPTs and Synthetic Coring
  • Seismic Inversion
  • Geological and Geotechnical Model Building

Survey Campaigns

  • Ultra-High Multichannel Seismic Acquisition
  • Acoustic Cable Surveys
  • Subsurface Boulder Detection
  • Marine Habitat Mapping


  • Consultancy for Windfarm Geophysical Surveying

Training Courses on Marine Geophysical Methods

  • Seismic Data Processing
  • Seismic Interpretation
  • Ultra-High Resolution Seismic Surveying - Instrumentation and Strategies
  • Acoustic Surveying Methods (Echosounder, Bathymetry, Sidescan Sonar) - Instrumentation and Strategies

>>> Projects & References

>>> Associated Scientists

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