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Dr. Stefan WENAU - Publications

2021Wenau, Stefan, Spiess V., Zabel M. (2021) Giant Seafloor Depressions caused by Slope Failures and Bottom Currents on the Namibia Continental Margin. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, 22,

2020Wenau, Stefan, Keil H., Spiess V., Preu B. (2020) Sub-Seafloor Object Detection through Dedicated Diffraction Imaging. NSG2020 4th Applied Shallow Marine Geophysics Conference 2020, 1-4,

Steinmann, Lena, Baques M., Wenau S., Schwenk T., Spiess V., Piola AR., Bozzano G., Violante R., Kasten S. (2020) Discovery of a giant cold-water coral mound province along the northern Argentine margin and its link to the regional Contourite Depositional System and oceanographic setting. Marine Geology, 427,

Wenau, Stefan, Preu, B., Spiess, V. (2020) Geological development of the Limpopo Shelf (southern Mozambique) during the last sealevel cycle. Geo-Mar Lett 40, 363–377,

Tóth, Zsuzsanna, McCarron S., Wheeler AJ., Wenau S., Davis S., Lim A., Spiess V. (2020) Geomorphological and seismostratigraphic evidence for multidirectional polyphase glaciation of the northern Celtic Sea. Journal of Quaternary Science 35, 465-478,

2018   Roesner, A., Wiemer, G., Kreiter, S., Wenau, S., Wu, T.-W., Courboulex, F., Spiess, V., Kopf, A., 2018. Impact of seismicity on Nice slope stability—Ligurian Basin, SE France: a geotechnical revisit. Landslides. DOI: 10.1007/s10346-018-1060-7

Wenau, S., Spiess, V., Keil, H., Fei, T., 2018. Lo­ca­liza­t­i­on and cha­rac­te­riza­t­i­on of a gas bub­b­le stream at a Con­go deep wa­ter seep site using a 3D gridding ap­proach on sin­gle-beam echo­soun­der data. Marine and Petroleum Geology 97, 612-623. DOI: 10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2018.07.016                             

Wenau, S., Spiess, V., 2018. Ac­tive Seaf­loor See­page Along Hy­drau­lic Frac­tu­res Con­nec­ted to La­te­ral Stress From Salt-Re­la­ted Raf­ting: Re­gab Pock­mark, Con­go Fan. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 123, 3301-3319. DOI: 10.1002/2017JB015006

Wenau, Stefan, Stange N., Keil H., Ramos C., Spiess V. (2018) A Seismic Beamforming Approach for the Detection Of Boulders in the Shallow Sub-Seafloor. 3rd Applied Shallow Marine Geophysics Conference 2018 (1), 1-5,

2017 Rö­mer, M., Wenau, S., Mau, S., Ve­lo­so, M., Grei­nert, J., Schlü­ter, M., Bohr­mann, G., 2017. As­ses­sing ma­ri­ne gas emis­si­on ac­tivi­ty and cont­ri­bu­ti­on to the at­mo­s­phe­ric me­tha­ne in­ven­to­ry: A mul­ti­di­sci­pli­na­ry ap­proach from the Dutch Dog­ger Bank seep area (North Sea). Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 18, 2617-2633. DOI: 10.1002/2017GC006995                             

Wenau, S., Spieß, V., Pape, T., Fe­ke­te, N., 2017. Con­trol­ling me­cha­nisms of gi­ant deep wa­ter pock­marks in the Lo­wer Con­go Ba­sin. Marine and Petroleum Geology 83, 140-157. DOI: 10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2017.02.030                             

2015 Wenau, S., Spiess, V., Pape, T., Fekete, N., 2015. Cold seeps at the salt front in the Lower Congo Basin I: Current methane accumulation and active seepage. Marine and Petroleum Geology 67, 894-908. DOI: 10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2014.09.021       

  Wenau, S., Spiess, V., Pape, T., Fekete, N., 2015. Cold seeps at the salt front in the Lower Congo Basin II: The impact of spatial and temporal evolution of salt-tectonics on hydrocarbon seepage. Marine and Petroleum Geology 67, 880-893. DOI: 10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2014.07.032                             

 2011 Wolff-Boenisch, D., S. Wenau, S. R. Gislason, and E. H. Oelkers (2011), Dissolution of basalts and peridotite in seawater, in the presence of ligands, and CO2: Implications for mineral sequestration of carbon dioxide, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 75(19), 5510-5525. DOI: 10.1016/j.gca.2011.07.004
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